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Sales Coach

Getting the Tribal Buy-In w/ Tas Hirani

Thu Jul 13 2023
Sales EnablementPeer CoachingCommunication StrategiesChange ManagementCoaching Culture


The episode explores the power of peer coaching in sales enablement. It highlights the importance of creating a culture that encourages peer coaching and the benefits it brings to salespeople. The episode also discusses effective communication strategies, embracing change, and fostering a coaching culture within teams.


Peer coaching is more effective than top-down instruction

Salespeople prefer learning from their peers and hearing different approaches to challenges.

Creating a culture of peer coaching requires proactive and consistent efforts

Encouraging an environment that supports high-quality peer coaching is crucial.

Bite-sized training and distilling information enhances engagement

Focusing on essential information and presenting it in multiple formats improves memorability.

Repetition of key messages in different formats increases impact

Reinforcing important messages through various mediums strengthens their effectiveness.

AI technology can aid in summarizing content and improving communication

Using AI tools to create visuals and summaries can enhance understanding and engagement.

Context and 'why' explanations are important for embracing change

Providing context and explaining the reasons behind changes helps people be more receptive to them.

'What's in it for me' matters when delivering enablement content

Tailoring content to specific audiences and highlighting the benefits for individuals improves engagement.

Open discussions and trust are key for creating a coaching culture

Fostering an environment where team members openly discuss challenges and trust each other leads to a successful coaching culture.

Collaboration and diversity strengthen team spirit

Team members from different backgrounds collaborating and helping each other demonstrate a strong team spirit.

Hunters can benefit from embracing a collaborative approach

Independent salespeople can achieve better results by embracing a more collaborative approach.


  1. The Power of Peer Coaching
  2. Creating a Culture of Peer Coaching
  3. Enhancing Communication and Embracing Change
  4. Fostering a Coaching Culture

The Power of Peer Coaching

00:03 - 07:46

  • Taz Hirani leads the product marketing efforts at a SAS series three startup called a, which focuses on empowering service people with AI tools.
  • AI is transforming business and coaching in sales.
  • The challenge for AI companies is to justify why businesses should partner with them instead of using readily available AI tech themselves.
  • Salespeople like to learn from each other because they want to hear multiple voices and different approaches to tackling challenges.
  • Peer coaching is more effective than being told what to do by enablement leaders.
  • Enablement platforms are encouraging videos of multiple salespeople talking about subjects to facilitate peer learning.
  • Peer learning is often underestimated in enablement but can be a game changer in terms of achieving better results and boosting salespeople's confidence.
  • Getting people to coach each other at the peer level requires creating an environment that encourages proactive, consistent, and high-quality coaching.

Creating a Culture of Peer Coaching

07:26 - 14:35

  • Creating a culture where peer coaching is accepted and encouraged is key to getting people to coach each other proactively and consistently.
  • Peer learning exercises, such as storytelling competitions, can be effective in promoting peer coaching.
  • Tribal knowledge, or valuable knowledge within a team, often resides with those who are willing to share and can communicate effectively.
  • The best sources of tribal knowledge may not always be the most seasoned members of the team; it can come from individuals with specific expertise or those who actively contribute in team meetings.
  • Bite-sized training, focusing on the essential 20% of information, is more effective than lengthy programs that may lead to multitasking and reduced attention.
  • Distilling training content down to its core message and presenting it in multiple formats can enhance memorability and engagement.

Enhancing Communication and Embracing Change

14:12 - 21:39

  • Distilling information to its bare minimum makes it more memorable and impactful.
  • Repetition of key messages in different formats increases their power.
  • AI technology can summarize content and create visuals for better communication.
  • Context is important in enabling people to understand and embrace change.
  • Explaining the 'why' behind information helps people be more receptive to it.
  • 'What's in it for me' matters when delivering enablement content to specific audiences.
  • Understanding the audience and getting stakeholder buy-in are crucial for successful enablement programs.
  • Creating a coaching culture involves open discussions and trust within the team.

Fostering a Coaching Culture

21:12 - 23:32

  • Coaching culture is fostered when team members openly discuss deal blockers without fear of embarrassment or incompetence.
  • Creating a coaching culture takes time and trust in transparency.
  • Scheduling meetings specifically to address deal blockers indicates a successful coaching culture.
  • Team members from different backgrounds collaborating and helping each other demonstrates a strong team spirit.
  • Hunters, who are typically independent, can benefit from embracing a more collaborative approach.
  • Listeners can find more information on LinkedIn by searching for taslim1.