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The Art of Online Business

Google Analytics 4: What You Need to Know/Do About It | w/ Kwadwo Sampany-Kessie

Wed May 31 2023
Google AnalyticsFacebook AdsiOS 14.5 Privacy Update


The episode covers the importance of Google Analytics 4 for understanding website behavior, optimizing Facebook ads campaigns, and tracking conversions. It also discusses the impact of the iOS 14.5 privacy update on online marketers and Facebook ads managers. The chapter on upgrading to Google Analytics 4 provides step-by-step instructions and resources for setting up the new version.


Google Analytics 4 is essential for tracking and optimizing Facebook ads campaigns

Facebook Ads Manager recommends installing Google Analytics 4 on your website to accurately measure traffic sources and conversions. It helps optimize email campaigns and provides insights into sales page performance.

Universal Google Analytics is being replaced by Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is the new version that replaces Universal Google Analytics. Upgrading to GA4 is necessary as the current version will stop working.

iOS 14.5 privacy update impacts online marketers and Facebook ads managers

The privacy update allows iPhone users to opt out of tracking, affecting the ability to track and optimize Facebook ads campaigns. Google Analytics provides accurate data for overcoming these tracking issues.

Upgrade to Google Analytics 4 by July 1st, 2023

To ensure continued functionality, it is important to upgrade to Google Analytics 4 by the specified date. Check if you have a universal analytics account or Google Analytics account before setting up GA4.

Setting up Google Analytics 4

Install Google Analytics 4 on your website and integrate it with other software used by your business. Visit for a step-by-step video guide on the setup process. For assistance, fill out the form on


  1. Introduction
  2. Impact of iOS 14.5 Privacy Update
  3. Upgrading to Google Analytics 4


00:00 - 07:44

  • Facebook Ads Manager recommends installing Google Analytics 4 on your website
  • Google Analytics is important for understanding website behavior and making data-driven decisions
  • Universal Google Analytics is being replaced by Google Analytics 4
  • Google Analytics helps measure traffic sources and conversions
  • It provides insights into sales page performance, including button clicks, scroll depth, and video engagement
  • Email campaigns can be optimized using Google Analytics to track conversions
  • Accurate lead tracking is crucial for evaluating Facebook ads campaigns
  • Google Analytics solves the tracking issues caused by iOS privacy updates

Impact of iOS 14.5 Privacy Update

07:17 - 12:21

  • iOS 14.5 privacy update allowed iPhone users to opt out of tracking, impacting online marketers and Facebook ads managers.
  • Google Analytics provides accurate data for tracking and optimizing Facebook ads campaigns.

Upgrading to Google Analytics 4

07:17 - 12:21

  • Upgrade to Google Analytics 4 by July 1st, 2023, as the current version will stop working.
  • To set up Google Analytics 4, check if you have a universal analytics account or Google Analytics account.
  • Install Google Analytics 4 on your website and integrate it with other software used by your business.
  • Visit for a step-by-step video guide on setting up Google Analytics 4.
  • For assistance with GA4 setup or managing Facebook ads, visit and fill out the form.