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HBR IdeaCast

How Generative AI Changes Creativity

Thu May 11 2023

Generative AI Tools

00:02 - 06:28

  • Generative AI tools can fundamentally change the value of an artist's work by shrinking the time to iterate and think of ideas.
  • The use of generative AI has allowed artists to experiment with riskier, more out-there ideas in creativity.
  • Tools like Wonder Dynamics streamline the process of creating characters embedded in live-action video, allowing for larger scale projects.
  • Collaboration is still necessary for some projects that require actors or camera operators.

AI in the Creative Industry

06:04 - 12:09

  • Collaboration is not eliminated by AI tools, but rather encouraged.
  • The creative industry is moving towards being impressed by video and 3D animation generated by AI.
  • Generative AI has just scratched the surface of what it can do and will continue to improve.
  • AI models will move from text output to image, video, 3D model, and environment output.
  • People with less experience in technology can create good enough versions of art using these tools.
  • Artists may need to transition away from identifying solely as artists to make a living due to generative AI.
  • Creatives who are generalists are safe from being replaced by AI while specialists are at risk.

Experimentation and Quality Control

11:47 - 18:44

  • Specialists don't have to work as hard to generalize, but generalists have to work very hard to clone and copy what they do.
  • Creatives should actively experiment with AI tools to avoid being left behind.
  • Showing the human effort put into the output is crucial in a world where the value of output is not enough.
  • There will be a parallel industry about trust and verification due to generative AI.
  • Generative AI can diversify ideas and make them more innovative, but there are implications for how we pick and select them.
  • Human agency is needed for quality control when using chat GPT for generating ideas.
  • Chat GPT can help filter out low-quality ideas, and models can be trained to come up with better quality ones.
  • Generative AI has a role in design thinking approach, rapid experimentation, brainstorming, rapid prototyping.

Innovation and Market Potential

18:27 - 24:51

  • Generative AI can help companies innovate by providing recombinations from different industries and domains.
  • Generative AI is capable of creating new designs, conjuring up candidates for therapies to study, and creating imaginary customers for product development.
  • AI is not yet capable of creating new markets as it lacks sensitivity to human needs.
  • AI can generate novel ideas but humans are still in charge of verifying their usefulness.
  • Ethical considerations must be taken into account when using generative AI in the creative process, such as intellectual property rights and the potential replacement of doctors with AI.
  • Generative AI can be used as an assistant in group brainstorming to encourage serendipity and come up with more wacky ideas.
  • Uptake of generative AI varies by location and age.

Adoption and Implementation

24:25 - 30:54

  • Uptake of chat GPT is not universal and there are differences by where you live and your age.
  • Training on how to use Chachypiti with prompt engineering is needed for democratizing the workplace.
  • Prompt engineering course and templates can help in mastering generative AI.
  • The economic model will determine if everyone will be an innovator or a restricted one.
  • Authenticity still lies with the human being, but collaboration between machines and humans is important for innovation.
  • Collaboration between machines and humans will dictate how we build our jobs in the future.
  • Generative AI may help big companies that haven't felt very innovative suddenly become innovative.

Leadership and Organizational Change

30:35 - 36:48

  • Generative AI can potentially help established firms innovate, but leadership is crucial for organizational and cultural change.
  • Incorporating generative AI into workflows and routines requires changes in mindset and technology.
  • Senior leaders should embrace generative AI as an opportunity to come up with new ideas within the workplace.
  • The challenge is how to evaluate the many ideas generated by generative AI, selecting those that are novel, useful, and feasible.
  • Business experts are valuable in selecting worthwhile ideas to pursue based on the purpose of the business and questions it wants to address.
  • Purpose-driven leaders who keep asking questions are needed for effective implementation and adoption of generative AI.
  • Generative AI has great potential for revolutionizing businesses, but ethical considerations must be taken into account.