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HBR IdeaCast

How Generative AI Changes Organizational Culture

Thu May 18 2023

Generative AI and Job Losses

00:02 - 07:30

  • Generative AI can lead to job losses, but reskilling employees for different jobs can help overcome this.

Building the Right Culture for Innovation

00:02 - 07:30

  • Building the right culture is necessary for successful innovation and competition with generative AI.
  • Culture plays a crucial role in ensuring accountability and responsibility when using generative AI.

Organizational Readiness for AI

00:02 - 22:27

  • Organizations ready to move into AI have a center of excellence or a group focused on AI experimentation.
  • Organizations are not currently set up for generative AI, but adoption and curiosity around it has been extraordinary.
  • Cultural and organizational changes are needed to ensure people understand these technologies fully.

Leadership and Culture

00:02 - 29:58

  • Leadership and human side are important factors in shaping an organization's culture to embrace AI.
  • Leaders need to guide the way these tools are implemented to avoid consequential mistakes.
  • Leaders must make room for foundational questions about the impact of generative AI on workers and society.
  • Leadership requires both learning and compassion.

Responsible Usage of Generative AI

00:02 - 36:21

  • Guard rails are needed to ensure responsible usage of generative AI within organizations.
  • A culture of responsible AI use needs to be embedded from the start with ethical considerations in every decision.
  • To prevent harmful bias, diversity is important in designing systems and strict rules around documentation and transparency must be set.
  • Individual users are responsible for what they put out in the world by using these tools.
  • Users need to be extra thoughtful, careful and verify oversight.
  • Generative AI is not a shortcut or cheating tool, but a tool that needs to be celebrated.
  • Organizations need to determine safeguards and guardrails for the best possible results without getting into trouble.

Impact and Disruption of AI

07:02 - 15:10

  • Management teams and boards have questions about the impact, disruption, and safety of generative AI.
  • Management has questions about the impact of AI on their business, how fast it will materialize, and how disruptive it could be.
  • Missed opportunities occur when organizations view AI as just another hype cycle or leave it up to IT or data science teams alone.

Cultural Fluency and Education

07:02 - 15:10

  • Cultural fluency education is critical for employees to apply AI responsibly and safely.

Questioning the Basis of Thriving

07:02 - 15:10

  • Organizations that view AI as a moment in time to question their basis of thriving are able to progress forward.

Pushing Cultural Boundaries

07:02 - 15:10

  • Companies need to push cultural boundaries when considering the rise of intelligent machines.

Continuous Learning and Skill Building

14:50 - 22:27

  • Piloting, iterating, and continuous learning is necessary with a communication plan in place.
  • Encouraging a culture of flexibility, innovation, and continuous learning is important while providing support for those who struggle.
  • Skill building requires a hearts and minds framework with buy-in and self-efficacy as dimensions.
  • Individual managers need to understand where their team members are in terms of buying and sense of efficacy while providing organized training guides.

Automation and Job Creation

21:57 - 29:58

  • Automation will change the nature of jobs, but every technological revolution has created more jobs than it destroyed.

Ethical Risks of Generative AI

21:57 - 29:58

  • Generative AI comes with ethical risks such as perpetuating harmful biases and violating privacy.

Trust and Leadership

29:30 - 36:21

  • Technical skills are important, but timeless leadership skills around integrity, accountability and fairness are equally important.
  • Trust is one of the most powerful organizational characteristics that companies need to upskill on.
  • Leadership fundamentals remain important with less flexibility on poor leadership.
  • Every leader has to work on becoming a digital leader with a digital mindset.