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High-Performance Digital Marketing Podcast

How “Normal” Businesses Can Grow Using YouTube

Thu Jun 29 2023
YouTubevideo marketingcontent creationaudience engagementbusiness growth


The episode covers the potential of YouTube as a business growth channel, the importance of content quality and audience engagement, strategies for getting started on YouTube, maximizing business impact with videos, driving traffic through browse and search, equipment and content quality considerations, and case studies of successful YouTube channels.


YouTube offers opportunities for businesses of all kinds

YouTube can be a relevant channel for any kind of business to grow. Success on YouTube depends on how you use it and what your audience is interested in. You don't need millions of followers to make YouTube profitable.

Passion and knowledge are key to engaging videos

Being good on camera helps, but the purpose and usefulness of your content matter more. You can make educational content entertaining and engaging. Your brand personality and audience preferences play a role in success on YouTube.

Getting started on YouTube is accessible to everyone

You don't have to be a specific personality or have a certain appearance to start a YouTube channel. Getting started can be as simple as using a webcam or phone. Even early videos may not be highly polished, but it's important to just get started and share something interesting.

Consistency and repurposing videos can have a business impact

Consistently producing videos can have a business impact and move leads along the purchase journey. Videos can be reused in various ways, such as in email sequences, blog posts, social media, and more. Providing video content gives people different options to learn and educate themselves about a solution.

Different strategies for driving traffic on YouTube

There are two ways to win on YouTube: search and browse. Search brings consistent traffic over time, while browse can give exponential growth but may not be consistent. Creating videos based on keyword research helps target specific problems that potential customers are trying to solve.

Equipment and content quality considerations

Starting with a simple setup is sufficient for creating videos. As you learn more about video and your audience's preferences, you can scale up your equipment and production. Having fancy equipment does not guarantee viewership, but having decent quality is important. The content of the video matters more than the camera quality.

Case studies of successful YouTube channels

Examples like Legal Eagle and Exposure Ninja showcase how seemingly dry or niche topics can attract viewers through engaging content. Finding an interesting angle and packaging expertise in an interesting way helps attract viewers.


  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started on YouTube
  3. Maximizing Business Impact with Videos
  4. Driving Traffic with Browse and Search
  5. Equipment and Content Quality
  6. Case Studies


00:02 - 07:16

  • YouTube can be a relevant channel for any kind of business to grow
  • The success on YouTube depends on how you use it and what your audience is interested in
  • You don't need millions of followers to make YouTube profitable
  • Being good on camera helps, but the purpose and usefulness of your content matter more
  • You can make educational content entertaining and engaging
  • Your brand personality and audience preferences play a role in success on YouTube
  • Legal Eagle is an example of a successful YouTube channel with a dry subject matter
  • There are different ways to win on YouTube, not just by being an engaging personality

Getting Started on YouTube

06:59 - 14:02

  • You don't have to be a specific personality or have a certain appearance to start a YouTube channel.
  • Getting started can be as simple as using a webcam or phone.
  • Even early videos may not be highly polished, but it's important to just get started and share something interesting.
  • Trial and error is key in finding what makes your videos engaging and entertaining.
  • People are drawn to passion, even if the execution of the video is not perfect.
  • Knowing when to stop talking is important, but being passionate about your subject makes it easier to promote.
  • It's crucial to have knowledge and expertise in the topics you cover on your channel for better engagement.
  • The number of views or subscribers doesn't determine the impact on your business; it's about nurturing viewers through the marketing funnel.
  • A series of informative and educational videos can lead to a call-to-action video that pitches your services or products.
  • Pitching throughout all videos and using one video specifically for pitching can be effective in gaining customers.

Maximizing Business Impact with Videos

13:32 - 20:32

  • Consistently producing videos can have a business impact and move leads along the purchase journey.
  • Videos can be reused in various ways, such as in email sequences, blog posts, social media, and more.
  • Providing video content gives people different options to learn and educate themselves about a solution.
  • Videos can become cornerstone pieces of content that generate traffic and leads over time.
  • There are two ways to win on YouTube: search and browse. Search brings consistent traffic over time, while browse can give exponential growth but may not be consistent.
  • Creating videos based on keyword research helps target specific problems that potential customers are trying to solve.

Driving Traffic with Browse and Search

20:17 - 26:35

  • Browse traffic on platforms like YouTube can attract viewers with catchy thumbnails and titles, even if they weren't actively searching for that content.
  • Browse traffic can lead to rapid growth and viral success, but it can also decline quickly if viewers don't engage with the video.
  • Search traffic, on the other hand, is more targeted and specific, where viewers search for a particular topic or channel.
  • Browse traffic is like out-of-home advertising that grabs attention while it's in front of people, whereas search traffic is more like a well-known brand that people actively seek out.
  • To start with YouTube, you don't need fancy equipment or a big team. It's achievable as a one-person operation, although it may take more time.
  • Smaller channels with genuine and relatable content can often resonate better with viewers than highly produced videos.
  • AI streamers have gained popularity by sharing their passion or expertise without elaborate setups.

Equipment and Content Quality

26:23 - 33:26

  • Starting with a simple setup, like one camera and basic lighting, is sufficient for creating videos
  • As you learn more about video and your audience's preferences, you can scale up your equipment and production
  • Editing videos is not necessary; live streams or webinars using free tools like StreamYard can be effective
  • Live podcasts are easy to do with minimal equipment requirements
  • Having fancy equipment does not guarantee viewership, but having decent quality is important
  • The content of the video matters more than the camera quality
  • People value entertaining and informative content on platforms like YouTube shorts and Instagram reels
  • Titles and thumbnails are crucial for attracting clicks and viewership on YouTube
  • Optimizing titles and thumbnails creates curiosity gaps that make people want to watch the video
  • Packaging expertise in an interesting way helps attract viewers

Case Studies

32:57 - 35:44

  • They sell equipment and fertilizer for your lawn, packaged as a golf course lawn.
  • Their YouTube channel showcases before and after videos of lawns, attracting viewers' attention.
  • The engaging content educates viewers about lawn care and convinces them to buy the products.
  • Finding an interesting angle can make even seemingly boring topics captivating.
  • For Exposure Ninja, they show potential clients the traffic, revenue, or e-commerce sales they could achieve.
  • They highlight problems like broken lead funnels or dropping rankings and offer solutions.
  • A marketing basket is not necessary; video channels can benefit from this approach too.
  • To request a free website and marketing review from Team Air Exposure Ninja, visit
  • The review includes a marketing plan to increase leads and sales over six or twelve months.