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The Art of Online Business

How She's Getting $5 Leads for Her LIVE Launches | w/ Neill Williams

Wed Jul 12 2023
coaching businessautomating leadshigh-converting campaignsworkshop formatSlack supportengaging giveawaysad campaign strategieslanding page optimization100k funnel courseNeil Williams


This episode features Neil Williams, an expert in automating leads and new customers for coaching businesses. Neil shares her strategies for high-converting campaigns, emphasizing the importance of testing and analyzing data. The workshop format evolves from five days to three days and then transitions to weekly webinars. Participants have access to a private Slack channel for support. Engaging giveaways and multiple touchpoints contribute to high engagement. Successful ad campaign strategies are discussed, along with optimizing landing pages. Neil offers a 100k funnel course focused on building profitable ads and automated marketing funnels. Listeners are encouraged to check out Neil's website and podcast for valuable content.


Automating leads and new customers

Neil Williams specializes in helping coaches automate leads and new customers. She shares her success in using winning combinations of creative elements for high-converting campaigns. Testing and analyzing data from previous campaigns is emphasized to inform future ones.

Evolution of the workshop format

The workshop format evolves from five days to three days and then transitions to weekly webinars. Simplifying the message has been crucial in improving conversion rates.

Utilizing Slack for support

Participants have access to a private Slack channel for support during the workshop. The use of Slack was preferred over Facebook groups due to its simplicity and focused nature.

Engaging giveaways and touchpoints

Engaging giveaways and multiple touchpoints contribute to high engagement. Prizes include a $50 Amazon gift card, a Samsung PXD one headset, ads graphics, and subscriptions to AI tools.

Successful ad campaign strategies

Successful ad campaign strategies involve setting up lead generation campaigns, testing different ads, and utilizing Facebook's AI algorithm. Confidence in high conversion rates is achieved through knowledge of effective creative components.

Optimizing ad campaigns and landing pages

Optimizing ad campaigns involves regular testing and understanding what works. Improving landing page conversion rates is crucial for better results. Neil's current landing page converts between 30-35% for cold traffic.

The 100k funnel course

The 100k funnel course teaches how to build and launch profitable ads and automated marketing funnels in 30 days. It focuses on niche selection, program offer creation, building funnel assets, and troubleshooting.

Neil Williams' Offerings

Neil offers a 100k funnel course on her website and has a podcast called the six figure coach for free help. Listeners can check out her program and podcast for valuable content.


  1. Automating Leads and New Customers
  2. Evolution of the Workshop Format
  3. Condensing Content and Utilizing Slack
  4. Engagement and Timeline for Launch
  5. Successful Ad Campaign Strategies
  6. Optimizing Ad Campaigns and Landing Pages
  7. The 100k Funnel Course
  8. Neil Williams' Offerings

Automating Leads and New Customers

00:00 - 07:38

  • Neil Williams specializes in helping coaches automate leads and new customers coming into their coaching business.
  • She shares her success in using winning combinations of creative elements for high-converting campaigns.
  • Testing and analyzing data from previous campaigns is emphasized to inform future ones.
  • Neil discusses her strategies for live launches, including using a Slack channel instead of a Facebook group and incorporating giveaways.
  • She also explains how she maps out the timeline for her launches.

Evolution of the Workshop Format

07:11 - 14:42

  • The speaker started with a five-day workshop called 100k final planning week, which was successful but felt like a lot of work.
  • Due to fatigue and a health diagnosis, the workshop format is changing to three days and then transitioning to one live webinar or workshop every week for the next six months.
  • The workshop is interactive and focuses on helping busy coaches create a marketing plan to grow their business to six figures in 10 hours per week.
  • Simplifying the message has been crucial in evolving the workshop's promise and improving conversion rates.
  • Transitioning from five days to three days forced the speaker to further simplify and clarify their message.

Condensing Content and Utilizing Slack

14:19 - 21:18

  • The speaker had to structure the content in a way that could be delivered in smaller time frames.
  • They simplified and condensed the content from five days to three days, and eventually to a one-hour webinar.
  • During the three-day workshop, participants have access to a private Slack channel where they can ask questions and get support from the speaker and their marketing team.
  • The use of Slack was preferred over Facebook groups due to its simplicity and focused nature.
  • The speaker wanted participants to experience high-touch support during the workshop, similar to what they would receive when joining their course.

Engagement and Timeline for Launch

20:49 - 28:07

  • Participants in the workshop can enter a raffle by completing various tasks and earn points for each task.
  • Daily drawings are held during the workshop to give away prizes.
  • Prizes include a $50 Amazon gift card, a Samsung PXD one headset, ads graphics, and subscriptions to AI tools.
  • There was high engagement with over 800 entries for one of the giveaways.
  • Multiple touchpoints such as emails, Slack messages, live reminders, and SMS texts contribute to high engagement.
  • The timeline for the launch includes pre-launch content on the podcast six weeks in advance, ads starting two weeks before the workshop, and email promotions starting ten days prior to the first day of live content.
  • Setting up all the elements initially requires a lot of work but subsequent launches become easier as assets can be reused.

Successful Ad Campaign Strategies

27:46 - 35:01

  • Setting up a lead generation campaign at the campaign level
  • Starting with one ad set and five to six different ads
  • Running the ads for a few days and turning off underperforming ones
  • After four or five days, duplicating the successful ad set and adding it wide open
  • Using Facebook's AI algorithm to find the right audience through creative testing
  • Learning from the successful ad set to improve performance in the wide open audience
  • Finding target audiences that work well didn't take long due to previous testing
  • Confidence in high conversion rates due to knowledge of effective creative components

Optimizing Ad Campaigns and Landing Pages

34:35 - 41:39

  • Neil has been able to start his ads two weeks out because he runs ads regularly and does testing.
  • Knowing what words, headlines, and strategies work is key for successful ad campaigns.
  • Neil spent last year testing different things to improve his results.
  • The landing page conversion rate was the sticking point in Neil's previous launch.
  • Improving the landing page conversion rate would have doubled the overall results of the launch.
  • Neil's current landing page is converting between 30-35% for cold traffic.
  • Neil's lead cost for a live workshop is under $5, which is considered great by many people.
  • Running five to six ads with a daily budget of $250 works well for Neil due to his confidence in his ads.
  • Having too many ads with a low daily budget can limit data gathering and hinder results.
  • Understanding your niche and creating an offer that people want are fundamental to successful ad campaigns.
  • Testing and figuring out what creative types work best for your audience is crucial.

The 100k Funnel Course

41:11 - 47:52

  • Fundamentals of marketing are more important than pressing specific buttons in ads manager.
  • Testing and understanding what creative types work best for your ad campaign is crucial.
  • The 100k funnel course teaches how to build and launch profitable ads and automated marketing funnels in 30 days for coaching businesses.
  • The course focuses on niche selection, program offer creation, building funnel assets, and troubleshooting.
  • It is recommended for coaches who want to establish a steady stream of leads and clients.
  • The goal is to get traffic into the funnel and guide potential customers through the journey of knowing, liking, trusting, and buying from you.

Neil Williams' Offerings

47:27 - 48:36

  • Neil Williams offers a 100k funnel course on her website at
  • She also has a podcast called the six figure coach for free help.
  • Listeners can check out her program and podcast for valuable content.
  • Neil is a student of mastering different things, including ads.
  • She teaches all that stuff for coaches inside the 100k funnel course.