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The Art of Online Business

How To Build a Simple TikTok Sales Funnel Without a Large Following | w/ Shannon McKinstrie

Wed Jun 07 2023
TikTokSocial MediaContent CreationSales FunnelEngagement RateOptimizing VideosPersonalizationTarget Audience


This episode features Shanna McInstery, a successful social media mentor and strategist who shares her journey and strategies for success on TikTok. She emphasizes the importance of enjoying the content creation process and not overcomplicating it. Shanna discusses her simple yet effective sales funnel on TikTok and how she attracts followers through the algorithm. She also provides insights on repurposing content, optimizing TikTok videos for Instagram, building a sales funnel, and finding success on TikTok. Additionally, she highlights the opportunities TikTok offers for businesses in various industries. The episode concludes with additional resources and information about Shanna's website and podcast.


TikTok offers opportunities for businesses in various industries

Shanna highlights that businesses from different sectors can find success on TikTok, including photographers, breweries, and real estate agents. The platform can influence online shopping behavior and drive sales, especially for visually experienced products. Amazon storefronts on TikTok have proven to be successful in generating revenue by showcasing recommended products.

Content creation should be easy and natural

Shanna emphasizes the importance of keeping content creation easy and natural. She suggests repurposing TikTok videos on other platforms like LinkedIn and Reels without the watermark. Overthinking content creation can hinder performance, so it's better to keep it simple and authentic.

Engagement rate is a key metric for social media managers

Engagement rate is an important key performance indicator (KPI) for social media managers. Shanna advises aiming for an engagement rate of 3-5%. It's also crucial to respond to direct messages within 48 hours and track website clicks to adjust call-to-action accordingly.

TikTok can be used as a source of content for social media managers

Shanna suggests treating TikTok as a source of content for social media managers. Market research is not always necessary, and content can be repurposed across platforms. Repetition is key in overwhelming times, so repeating yourself is important. TikTok videos can be longer than Instagram videos, more like YouTube content.

Optimizing TikTok videos for Instagram

To optimize TikTok videos for Instagram, Shanna recommends using Instagram native text fonts. This can be achieved by downloading the video from apps like Save Tik or Save Talk to remove the TikTok watermark. The video can then be put on Instagram and overlayed with desired text using Instagram native fonts.

Building a sales funnel on TikTok

Shanna shares her successful sales funnel on TikTok, which includes a free lesson, emails, and a coupon code for $200 off her course. She also offers a tripwire welcome packet template that sells well for $27. Over the past six months, she has had over 400 opt-ins, 30 purchases, and made about $20k in revenue.

TikTok offers opportunities for personalization and behind-the-scenes content

TikTok allows for short-form videos that can be personalized and provide behind-the-scenes looks. Sharing the journey and daily activities can attract interest and clients. People are interested in learning from others' routines and processes.

Knowing your audience is crucial for success on TikTok

Shanna emphasizes the importance of knowing your target audience for success on TikTok. The platform is not just for young people; older individuals are also active on it. Understanding your audience's preferences and creating content specifically for them is key.

Treating yourself as an influencer can lead to increased sales through TikTok

Shanna suggests treating yourself as an influencer on TikTok and providing product recommendations. This can lead to increased sales through the platform. TikTok can influence online shopping behavior, and businesses can leverage this by showcasing recommended products.

Engagement rate and response time are important metrics for social media managers

Engagement rate and response time to direct messages are important metrics for social media managers. Aim for an engagement rate of 3-5% and respond to DMs within 48 hours. Tracking website clicks is also crucial to adjust call-to-action accordingly.


  1. Introduction
  2. Content Creation Strategy
  3. Repurposing Content and Storytelling
  4. Optimizing TikTok Videos for Instagram
  5. Building a Sales Funnel on TikTok
  6. Success and Opportunities on TikTok
  7. Engagement and Metrics for Social Media Managers
  8. Key Performance Indicators for Social Media Managers
  9. Additional Resources and Conclusion


00:02 - 07:07

  • Shanna McInstery is a social media mentor and strategist who has found success on TikTok by generating leads and sales.
  • She started using TikTok in September 2022 and has seen significant growth in her following.
  • Shanna has created a simple yet effective sales funnel on TikTok, selling a $9.97 program for social media managers.
  • She emphasizes the importance of enjoying the content creation process and not overcomplicating it.
  • Shanna believes that personality, knowing your audience, and delivering what they need are key to success on TikTok.
  • She initially attracted followers through the algorithm rather than inviting them from Instagram.
  • While Shanna teaches Instagram on Instagram, she wanted to do something different on TikTok and focus on a new audience.
  • Her content about Instagram still resonates with her audience because it helps them improve their skills for their clients.

Content Creation Strategy

06:54 - 12:52

  • Started using TikTok to create content for social media managers
  • Shared stories and behind-the-scenes content about client success, making money, and scaling business
  • Didn't sell directly on TikTok, but mentioned course in comments which led to purchases
  • Didn't follow specific tactics or use major editing, focused on empathy and education
  • Used keywords in cover photo and caption, added hooks to grab attention
  • Shared some TikToks on Instagram to bring new audience
  • Algorithm on TikTok worked well for gaining views and engagement
  • Knows target audience well and creates content specifically for them

Repurposing Content and Storytelling

12:33 - 18:33

  • Market research is not always necessary for creating content that resonates.
  • Social media managers and business owners have different needs on Instagram.
  • TikTok can be treated as a source of content for social media managers.
  • Content creation should be easy and natural, with repurposing across platforms.
  • Repetition is key in overwhelming times, so repeating yourself is important.
  • TikTok videos can be longer than Instagram videos, more like YouTube content.
  • Storytelling is effective in keeping viewers engaged on TikTok.
  • Repurposing TikTok videos on other platforms like LinkedIn and Reels is possible but without the watermark.

Optimizing TikTok Videos for Instagram

18:26 - 24:20

  • Using Instagram native text fonts on TikTok videos may perform better on Instagram.
  • To achieve this, download the video from Save Tik or Save Talk to remove the TikTok watermark.
  • Put the video on Instagram and overlay the desired text using Instagram native fonts.
  • Save Tick and Save Talk are two similar apps that can remove the logo from TikTok videos.
  • When it comes to trends, it depends on your audience's preferences and testing different types of content is important.
  • The podcast host makes fun of social media managers and clients in her videos.
  • She aims to educate people about the value of social media management while also entertaining them.
  • Posting frequency varies, but she creates a lot of TikTok content by making fun of her own journey and experiences.

Building a Sales Funnel on TikTok

23:54 - 29:48

  • Creating TikTok content is easy for me because I make fun of my own journey
  • I post on Instagram 3-4 times a week, but on TikTok I post between 5-7 times
  • Using fewer hashtags on TikTok seems to work better for me
  • My funnel from TikTok includes a free lesson, emails, and a coupon code for $200 off my course
  • I also have a tripwire welcome packet template that sells well for $27
  • Over the past six months, I've had over 400 opt-ins, 30 purchases, and made about $20k in revenue

Success and Opportunities on TikTok

29:36 - 35:40

  • Posting silly videos on TikTok has resulted in gaining 20K followers without much effort.
  • Knowing your target audience is crucial for success on TikTok.
  • TikTok is not just for young people; older individuals are also active on the platform.
  • TikTok can influence online shopping behavior and drive sales, especially for products that can be visually experienced.
  • Businesses from various industries, such as photographers, breweries, and real estate agents, can find success on TikTok.
  • Overthinking content creation on TikTok can hinder performance; it's better to keep it simple and authentic.
  • Amazon storefronts on TikTok have proven to be successful in generating revenue by showcasing recommended products.
  • Treating yourself as an influencer and providing product recommendations can lead to increased sales through TikTok.

Engagement and Metrics for Social Media Managers

35:13 - 41:25

  • Podcasters can give suggestions of what to buy, creating a shopping funnel.
  • TikTok feels lighter and more entertaining than Instagram.
  • Behind-the-scenes content is popular on TikTok.
  • Short-form videos allow for personalization and behind-the-scenes looks.
  • Sharing the journey and daily activities can attract interest and clients.
  • People are interested in learning from others' routines and processes.
  • Engagement rate is an important KPI for social media managers.

Key Performance Indicators for Social Media Managers

41:05 - 47:09

  • Engagement rate is a key performance indicator (KPI) for social media managers
  • Aim for an engagement rate of 3-5%
  • Response time to DMs should be within 48 hours
  • Website clicks are important to track and adjust call-to-action accordingly
  • Keeping up with trends is crucial in social media management
  • Content planning should not be done too far in advance as trends change quickly
  • Number of leads per quarter can be a viable KPI
  • Consider rewarding social media managers for their success with bonuses or gifts
  • Link tree optimization can indicate a good social media manager
  • Connect with the speaker on Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn

Additional Resources and Conclusion

46:49 - 49:04

  • The guide provides a starting point for those frustrated with the algorithm and offers insights on what your bio should include.
  • Knowing your audience is important, and there is a $37 guide available that breaks down the algorithm and provides examples.
  • The guide is regularly updated, and purchasers receive new versions at no additional cost.
  • Social Squad Society is a membership for female business owners that offers caption templates, live Q&A sessions, masterclasses, and a Facebook group for support.
  • The membership caters to various types of entrepreneurs, including social media managers, realtors, boutique shop owners, dentists, and accountants.
  • Shana's website is where you can find freebies and connect with her on Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Leave a rating review for the podcast on Apple Podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.