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High-Performance Digital Marketing Podcast

How To Do Pride Marketing RIGHT...and More Marketing News

Wed Jun 21 2023
AI industry newsPride campaignsBacklash handlingCampaign measurementRepresentation in marketingTikTok AIAI algorithms in searchGenerative textSEO techniquesTikTok rankingiOS 17 impactApple's privacy measuresAd network landscape


The episode covers various topics including AI industry news, pride campaigns, handling backlash, measuring campaign benefits, representation in marketing, TikTok AI, AI algorithms in search, generative text, SEO, TikTok ranking, iOS 17 impact, Apple's privacy measures, and the ad network landscape.


Brands should show year-round support for LGBTQ+ community

Effective pride campaigns are built from the ground up and demonstrate genuine support for the queer community.

Handling backlash is crucial for brands

Brands need to handle bad reactions to their campaigns in the best way possible to avoid alienating everyone.

Championing diversity and inclusion all year round is important

Consistently championing LGBTQ+ rights can eliminate the need for a Pride campaign and make a lasting impact.

Creating unique and engaging content is key on TikTok

The TikTok ad script generator may be useful for new advertisers, but serious advertisers prioritize high-quality creative.

Generative AI search can drive more traffic to websites

Generative AI search, like Microsoft's conversational AI, aims to make ads more relevant and targeted based on user queries, potentially increasing click-through rates.

Balancing SEO techniques and quality content is crucial for visibility in search results

SEOs need to optimize for search engines while considering user experience to achieve success in search results.

Apple's privacy measures impact businesses reliant on tracking IDs

The removal of link tracking in iOS 17 could be devastating for businesses that rely on referral revenue, such as affiliate marketers.

Apple's decision raises questions about the ad network landscape

Apple's move towards enhanced privacy and the potential collapse of the ad network ecosystem may have significant implications for advertisers and platforms like Google.


  1. AI Industry News and Pride Campaigns
  2. Handling Backlash and Measuring Campaign Benefits
  3. Representation in Marketing and TikTok AI
  4. AI Algorithms in Search and Generative Text
  5. SEO, TikTok Ranking, and iOS 17 Impact
  6. Apple's Privacy Measures and Ad Network Landscape

AI Industry News and Pride Campaigns

00:00 - 07:08

  • The AI industry news has calmed down, but there are still interesting developments.
  • Microsoft's AI in search results may impact click-through rates and website traffic.
  • June is Pride Month, and there have been controversies around pride marketing campaigns.
  • Inauthentic pride campaigns receive backlash due to lack of authenticity and genuine support.
  • Effective pride campaigns are built from the ground up and show year-round support for LGBTQ+ community.
  • Target has historically supported the queer community but faced threats to employees this year.
  • Bud Light faced criticism for being divisive with their transgender influencer collaboration.
  • Brands that mishandle pride campaigns risk losing trust from both conservative and queer audiences.

Handling Backlash and Measuring Campaign Benefits

06:43 - 13:31

  • Brands often go wrong by not handling bad reactions to their campaigns in the best way.
  • Bud Light doubled down in the wrong direction and alienated everyone.
  • Companies need to consider the risk of backlash when launching an authentic Pride campaign.
  • Other ways to measure and consider the benefits of a campaign should be explored.
  • Brands that consistently champion LGBTQ+ rights are remembered and preferred by the community.
  • Championing diversity and inclusion all year round may eliminate the need for a Pride campaign.
  • Showing support internally is more important than forcing it in marketing efforts.
  • Consulting with and paying members of the LGBTQ+ community is crucial for relevant campaigns.
  • Staying firm on your stance is important, even in the face of backlash or shareholder pressure.

Representation in Marketing and TikTok AI

13:23 - 20:01

  • Representation of diversity in marketing is important and can influence consumer buying decisions.
  • Businesses should aim to represent different groups in their advertising, not just during Pride Month.
  • TikTok has launched an AI ad script generator that writes scripts for TikTok ads based on user input.
  • The TikTok ad script generator may be useful for new advertisers on the platform, but the generated scripts are generic and lack visual hooks.
  • Serious advertisers who prioritize high-quality creative are unlikely to use the TikTok ad script generator.
  • Creating unique and engaging content is crucial for success on social media platforms like TikTok.
  • Influencer ads on TikTok can have a significant impact on consumer behavior, even if initially ignored.

AI Algorithms in Search and Generative Text

19:37 - 26:55

  • The AI algorithm on TikTok showed the user a million ads for a bodysuit, leading to a purchase.
  • Google Perspectives is expected to show more user-generated content rather than generic ads.
  • Microsoft's conversational AI aims to make ads more relevant and targeted based on user queries.
  • Search queries in chat GPT or Bing chat are three times as long as regular search queries, providing more context for better results.
  • Click-through rates for both ads and search results are higher in generative AI search, potentially driving more traffic to websites.
  • Citations and references in generative text AI answers may become paid ad placements, indicating potential click-throughs from users.
  • Bing Chat and Google's version may have different approaches to referencing and links in generative search results.

SEO, TikTok Ranking, and iOS 17 Impact

26:25 - 33:18

  • Google Search advises creating content for people, not robots, for success with search results
  • SEOs manipulate Google to show their results by optimizing for search engines while considering user experience
  • Balancing SEO techniques and quality content is crucial for visibility in search results
  • TikTok is a platform that prioritizes user engagement over algorithms in ranking posts
  • Following Google's guidelines does not guarantee high rankings or traffic
  • iOS 17 automatically removes link trackers in Safari app on iPhone, potentially impacting businesses reliant on tracking IDs
  • Preparing for a cookie-less future becomes important as iOS 17 puts pressure on tracking methods

Apple's Privacy Measures and Ad Network Landscape

32:48 - 37:54

  • Reddit users have mixed opinions on advertising, with some believing all advertising is evil and any tool that enables advertisers to make money is also evil.
  • Apple's profitability relies on the ability for advertisers to monetize users, which allows them to charge high prices for their devices and build out their operating system.
  • Apple has a history of enhancing privacy while still benefiting from user data, such as with iOS 14's impact on Facebook.
  • Apple's new solution called private click measurement provides a way to track clicks even with link tracking being removed.
  • The removal of link tracking could be devastating for businesses that rely on referral revenue, such as affiliate marketers.
  • Apple's decision highlights the trade-offs we make regarding privacy and the power companies like Apple have over tracking.
  • There may be workarounds and suggestions for dealing with the removal of link tracking, but it remains a bold move by Apple.
  • Google is already exploring workarounds and suggestions in response to Apple's changes.
  • The situation resembles the fragmentation of TV subscriptions, where different platforms require separate subscriptions. It raises questions about whether Google will create its own private click measurement service.
  • The analogy can also be made to cable TV where access to all channels required a high monthly fee until Netflix offered a lower monthly fee. The ecosystem may collapse if people end up subscribing to multiple services without profitability for each company.
  • There may be potential carnage down the road as the bubble bursts in this ad network landscape.