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Business Analysis Live!

How to Hire a Business Analyst

Tue May 02 2023
business analysishiring processcertificationsresume reviewinterviewingtransitioningnetworkingproject managementinternships


This episode covers the process of hiring a business analyst, including job descriptions, screening resumes, and conducting interviews. It provides insights on the importance of certifications, resume review techniques, and practical assessments. The episode also discusses preparing for interviews, transitioning from software development to business analysis, and resume tips. Additionally, it offers insights on networking, project management skills for BAs, and internship opportunities for students.


Certifications as Screening Mechanisms

Certifications like ECBA or CBAP can be used as screening mechanisms in job descriptions. The level of experience and motivation of candidates should be considered when including certifications.

Resume Review Techniques

When reviewing resumes, hiring managers should evaluate the design and organization of resumes, as well as the clarity and conciseness of bullet points. Resumes that are cluttered, unclear, or filled with generic phrases should be discarded. Specific descriptions of projects and functionality can indicate a candidate's understanding of business analysis needs.

Efficient Interviewing Process

Having a defined process for interviewing can help streamline the hiring process. It is important to be cautious of the interviewers' and candidates' time. Focus on business analysis related questions and consider embedding an assessment roleplay in the first interview. Efficiently plan your time in an interview and expedite the hiring process to secure great candidates.

Preparing for Interviews

Candidates can benefit from a video course that helps them prepare for interviews by recording themselves and evaluating their performance as a hiring manager. Filming oneself being interviewed can identify areas for improvement. Resilience and adaptability are important qualities for business analysts. Software developers can transition to business analysis by leveraging their existing experience and skills.

Resume Tips and Networking

A good resume should be clean, logical, structured, and easy to follow. Including bolded keywords at the top of the resume can make it easier to identify relevant skills. Attending conferences and participating in local IIB chapters and events can be valuable for networking and professional development.

Additional Insights

It is suggested to decline interviews if there are more than three. Different competencies exist for business analysts and project managers, although some organizations blend the roles. Students studying or working on a certification can apply for BA jobs and may consider internship opportunities. Capacity and resources are necessary to nurture interns.


  1. Hiring a Business Analyst
  2. Screening and Resume Review
  3. Interviewing Process
  4. Preparing for Interviews
  5. Resume Tips and Networking
  6. Additional Insights

Hiring a Business Analyst

00:01 - 07:25

  • Hiring a business analyst requires specific skills and understanding
  • Job descriptions should be specific about the role and projects involved
  • Include information about the team and types of projects the candidate will work on
  • Certifications like ECBA or CBAP can be used as screening mechanisms
  • Consider including certifications in the job description

Screening and Resume Review

07:11 - 15:02

  • When including certifications in job descriptions, hiring managers should consider the level of experience and motivation of candidates.
  • For junior positions, ECBA certification may be more realistic than CBAC certification.
  • Include only the certifications that are truly needed for the role.
  • For senior positions, industry certifications may be more important to demonstrate domain knowledge.
  • Ensure that HR departments understand the distinction between different types of business analysts when screening resumes.
  • Screening techniques for hiring managers include evaluating the design and organization of resumes, as well as the clarity and conciseness of bullet points.
  • Resumes that are cluttered, unclear, or filled with generic phrases should be discarded.
  • Look for specific descriptions of projects and functionality in resumes to assess a candidate's understanding of business analysis needs.
  • Focus on achievements rather than responsibilities when reviewing resumes.
  • Hiring managers should get involved in resume reviews before HR screening calls to ensure a more confident shortlist.
  • Having a defined process for interviewing can help streamline the hiring process.

Interviewing Process

14:32 - 21:52

  • Have a defined process for interviewing
  • Be cautious of the interviewers' and candidates' time
  • Focus on business analysis related questions
  • Consider embedding an assessment roleplay in the first interview
  • Efficiently plan your time in an interview
  • If you find a standout candidate, don't waste time interviewing others
  • Expedite your hiring process to secure great candidates
  • Efficiency in responses can indicate a company's culture
  • Hiring assessments should focus on practical tasks and scenarios
  • Assess candidates' ability to create diagrams, listen, and extract useful information
  • Comparing multiple candidates' performance on the same task can reveal drastic differences
  • Practical assessments can uncover excellent analysts who may not be strong communicators
  • Yulia has a video course offering coaching for interviews and resume preparation

Preparing for Interviews

21:29 - 29:04

  • The speaker has created a video course to help candidates prepare for interviews.
  • The course involves recording yourself and evaluating your performance as a hiring manager.
  • A discount code will be provided for the course, which will be available on YouTube and in the podcast description.
  • It is important to film yourself being interviewed to identify areas for improvement.
  • Candidates should be informed about interview logistics, such as enabling chat and potential business scenarios.
  • Giving homework may not be necessary after the virtual phase of the interview process.
  • Resilience and adaptability are important qualities for business analysts.
  • Software developers can transition to business analysis by leveraging their existing experience and skills.
  • Hiring managers can alter the interview process for software developers transitioning to business analysis by assessing their communication skills and ability to judge requirements quality.
  • Transitioning within the same company or having senior business analysts mentor the candidate can facilitate the move from software development to business analysis.

Resume Tips and Networking

28:36 - 36:11

  • Consider role modeling as a developer when working with a business analyst
  • A good resume should be clean, logical, structured, and easy to follow
  • Include bolded keywords at the top of the resume for easy identification
  • Prepare an elevator speech-like resume that is clear and precise
  • Attending conferences is not essential but can show motivation
  • Participating in local IIB chapters and events is valuable for networking and professional development
  • Certification indicates a certain level of knowledge and experience but does not guarantee a job
  • Soft skills, curiosity, and problem-solving mindset are also important for hiring managers

Additional Insights

35:45 - 40:46

  • Kim suggests declining interviews if there are more than three
  • Paul Kesh asks if a BA needs good project management skills
  • Different competencies exist for business analysts and project managers
  • Being organized and having planning skills are important for BAs
  • Some organizations blend the roles of BA and project manager
  • Archer asks if it's possible to apply for BA jobs while studying or working on a certification
  • Hiring managers may consider internship opportunities for students
  • Capacity and resources are necessary to nurture interns
  • Students should apply for internships and disclose their study status
  • Thanking Yulia for her participation in the session