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Growth Colony: Australia's B2B Growth Podcast

How to Personalise Your Next Campaign

Wed Jun 21 2023
Data-driven MarketingAccount-Based MarketingPersonalizationData TargetingMarketing Strategies


This episode covers traditional and new wave data options for targeting criteria, modern capabilities for targeting personalization, personalized campaigns in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), leveraging data effectively, and key insights from the chapters.


Data-driven approaches help companies understand market size and potential in different regions.

Expanding into new geographies can benefit from data-driven approaches and leveraging tech adoption or cloud consumption data.

Alignment between marketing, sales, and customer success is crucial for account-based strategies.

For smaller organizations, being account-based is essential for planning go-to-market strategies and aligning teams.

B2B marketers should focus on their niche and what makes them uniquely valuable.

Target based on industry and persona, then progress to technographic targeting for more personalized campaigns.

The consumerization of B2B is exciting, challenging the formalities and finding new ways to connect with people through storytelling.

Taking risks and doing unique things in B2B is important.


  1. Traditional Data Points for Targeting Criteria
  2. New Wave Data Options
  3. Modern Capabilities for Targeting Personalization
  4. Personalized Campaigns in Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
  5. Leveraging Data Effectively
  6. Insights from the Chapters

Traditional Data Points for Targeting Criteria

00:02 - 08:01

  • Firmographic data includes company location and industry.
  • Contact data involves finding titles, roles, and personas.
  • Behavioral data tracks website activity and engagement in the sales funnel.

New Wave Data Options

00:02 - 08:01

  • Technographic data provides information on a company's technology usage.
  • Intent data helps identify companies showing interest in specific products or services.
  • Cloud consumption analyzes how digital products are being consumed by companies.

Modern Capabilities for Targeting Personalization

00:02 - 08:01

  • Technology intelligence allows personalized campaigns based on what companies are consuming technologically.
  • Cloud intelligence adds another layer of personalization by targeting companies based on their cloud usage.

Personalized Campaigns in Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

07:37 - 14:58

  • Technology intelligence or cloud intelligence allows for targeting businesses based on the products they consume, expanding the ideal customer profile.
  • Expanding into new geographies can benefit from data-driven approaches and leveraging tech adoption or cloud consumption data.
  • LinkedIn may not be as useful in certain regions like Japan, making alternative data sources crucial for market mapping.
  • Data-driven approaches help companies understand market size and potential in different regions, beyond traditional data sources like LinkedIn.
  • Marketers overwhelmed by large amounts of data should start by defining their goals and focusing on specific data points that align with those goals.

Leveraging Data Effectively

14:44 - 22:08

  • Focus on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and key personas to start leveraging data effectively.
  • Start with a small campaign to gather positive data and feedback.
  • Stay grounded and avoid getting overwhelmed or overexcited.
  • Consider systematically going through different layers of data, such as intent data, technology intelligence, and cloud consumption, depending on your company's needs.
  • Contact data is usually readily available, while tech intelligence can be bundled with affordable providers.
  • Target based on industry and persona, then progress to technographic targeting for more personalized campaigns.
  • Alignment between marketing, sales, and customer success is crucial for account-based strategies.
  • For smaller organizations, being account-based is essential for planning go-to-market strategies and aligning teams.
  • Divide your Total Addressable Market (TAM) into Sellable Addressable Market (SAM) segments for targeted ABM efforts.

Insights from the Chapters

21:53 - 29:08

  • Companies are being targeted for Account-Based Marketing (ABM) while others are being targeted for broad marketing.
  • A recent webinar on increasing share of wallet with ABM and customer marketing can be watched on the X-growth YouTube channel.
  • The book 'The Score Takes Care of Itself' by Bill Walsh has had a transformative impact on leadership careers.
  • B2B marketers should focus on their niche and what makes them uniquely valuable.
  • Dave Gerhart's content and the podcast 'Seeking Wisdom' are recommended influencers in the marketing space.
  • The consumerization of B2B is exciting, challenging the formalities and finding new ways to connect with people through storytelling.
  • Taking risks and doing unique things in B2B is important.