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HBR IdeaCast

In Defense of Middle Management

Tue Jul 18 2023
middle managementmanagerial practicesorganizational strategyemployee developmentGen Z employees


The episode discusses the importance of middle management in organizations and the need to reimagine their role for the new world of work. It emphasizes the value of developing manager capabilities, empowering managers to create value, and addressing employee well-being. The episode also explores effective managerial practices, diverse career paths, and the qualities of great people leaders. Additionally, it highlights the alignment of middle management with organizational strategy, the role of managers in team collaboration and value creation, and their power to recruit and inspire employees. Lastly, it touches on connecting with Gen Z employees, the recruitment process, and employee development approaches.


Middle managers play a crucial role

Despite negative stereotypes, middle managers are important in organizations and should be empowered to create value.

Reimagining the role of middle management

The role of middle management needs to be reimagined for the new world of work, focusing on strategy and execution rather than administrative tasks.

Developing manager capabilities is crucial

In the face of technological changes and burnout, developing manager capabilities is crucial for success.

Empowering managers to address employee well-being

Managers have a role in sensing employee well-being and addressing attrition.

Diverse career paths for individual contributors

Organizations should offer diverse career paths for individual contributors who do not want to pursue a people leader path.

Defining great people leaders

Organizations need to define what makes a great people leader specifically for their organization and assess, develop, and evaluate those capabilities at scale.

Aligning middle management with organizational strategy

Middle managers should focus on empowering their teams, thinking strategically, and aligning organizational structure with business strategy.

Reimagining jobs in light of advances in AI and technology

Middle managers can reimagine jobs by identifying tasks that can be automated and finding new areas for value creation.

Tapping into the purpose of Gen Z employees

Managers play a critical role in connecting the work of Gen Z employees to what they care about.

Viewing recruitment as a two-way street

Hiring managers should consider the recruitment process as a two-way street, where candidates also assess companies based on alignment with their purpose.


  1. The Role of Middle Management
  2. Effective Managerial Practices
  3. Aligning Middle Management with Organizational Strategy
  4. Developing Managers and Connecting with Employees

The Role of Middle Management

00:01 - 07:51

  • Middle managers play an important role in organizations, despite negative stereotypes.
  • The role of middle management needs to be reimagined for the new world of work.
  • Managers need to be set up for success and empowered to create value.
  • Developing manager capabilities is crucial, especially in the face of technological changes and burnout.
  • Managers have a role in sensing employee well-being and addressing attrition.
  • Administrative tasks take up a significant amount of a manager's time, which may not be the best use of their skills.
  • Managers should focus on strategy and execution rather than individual contributor work and administrative tasks.
  • The player coach model is just one archetype of management; different roles require different time allocations.

Effective Managerial Practices

07:32 - 15:21

  • Managers should spend as little time as possible on administrative work and focus on strategy, execution, coaching, and development of their teams.
  • Many middle managers may not be suited for management or have thought about whether they actually enjoy the job.
  • Promoting top individual contributors to manager roles can result in losing their expertise and may not make them effective managers.
  • Organizations should offer diverse career paths for individual contributors who do not want to pursue a people leader path.
  • Different tracks should be available for different people, rather than assuming that advancement means moving up the managerial ladder.
  • Organizations need to define what makes a great people leader specifically for their organization and assess, develop, and evaluate those capabilities at scale.
  • Factors to consider when determining what makes a great people leader include strategy, archetype of leader needed, culture, values, collaboration skills, and studying exemplars within the organization.
  • Building a team of spiky leaders with complementary strengths is ideal for executive leadership positions.

Aligning Middle Management with Organizational Strategy

14:55 - 22:42

  • Creating value is important in organizational strategy.
  • Consider the business units that are expected to grow and decline.
  • Organizational structure should align with business strategy.
  • Middle managers should focus on empowering their teams and thinking strategically.
  • Managers have insights into employee sentiment and organizational operations.
  • Leaders should empower managers to develop perspectives and make decisions.
  • Managers play a key role in determining when teams should collaborate in person or remotely.
  • Middle managers can reimagine jobs in light of advances in AI and technology.
  • Managers can identify which tasks can be automated and find new areas for value creation.
  • Managers have the power to recruit, develop, and inspire employees.

Developing Managers and Connecting with Employees

22:36 - 29:27

  • Managers play a critical role in tapping into the purpose of Gen Z employees and connecting their work to what they care about.
  • Hiring managers should view the recruitment process as a two-way street, where candidates are also assessing companies based on alignment with their purpose.
  • Managers need to develop their people by harnessing strengths, coaching, and helping them deliver more.
  • A specific bank assesses managers on behaviors like recognition and development, with employees providing feedback on these behaviors.
  • Waffle House has a unique approach to employee development, allowing advancement without losing expertise in the Grillmaster role.
  • When considering cost-cutting measures, organizations should focus on creating value and ensuring the right people are in critical roles.