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The Revenue Marketing Report

Is ChatGPT the Future of B2B Marketing?

Thu Apr 13 2023

Depper - Growth Marketing Agency

00:01 - 05:40

  • Depper is a growth marketing agency that specializes in media marketing.
  • The company has grown fast and currently has a team of 20 people.

AI and Automation in Marketing

00:01 - 05:40

  • Marketers are being asked to do more with less, leading to the temptation to cut costs on content and leverage AI and automation.
  • Generative AI is continuously explored by Depper for its applications.
  • AI is not quite where it needs to be for replacing human thought leadership articles because it's just regurgitating what happened over the last 12 months.
  • Originality is required to grab and keep the attention of prospects, so Jet TV cannot be used for thought leadership articles.
  • Jet TV can come up with ideas of cutting long articles into short bites that can be shared on LinkedIn. This works well.
  • Jet TV can also help write an article for a client by giving very specific prompts, resulting in an article with a much better tone of voice.
  • Jet TV can be used to aggregate all search data that's really hard to access, which helps in identifying content topics for the next few weeks.
  • Jet TV can also help think of creative variations for ad copy.

Interesting Developments in Demand Capture

05:17 - 11:11

  • Interesting developments around capturing demand, such as JPT and AI in Google and Bing.
  • Prioritizing content strategy to show up in chat GPT when people are asking questions related to your product.
  • Understanding the algorithm behind chat GPT is crucial for being found on the algorithm.
  • Answering questions properly is key to being found on all AI search engines.
  • Machines are taking over tasks like autocorrect and text autofill.
  • Tools like Auto-Krit Grammarly are similar to chat GPT as an editor tool.

Exploring New Technologies in Marketing

10:49 - 16:35

  • Understanding the potential of groundbreaking technologies is important.
  • Keep exploring the applications of new technologies to generate new ideas.
  • B2C marketers can think about the complete funnel and learn from them.
  • Marketing should focus on revenue as KPI and create a machine that creates inbound leads.
  • Marketing should not just focus on getting contact details but also warm up an audience and keep them engaged.
  • Integration between campaigns and HubSpot is crucial for successful lead generation.

Challenges in B2B Marketing

16:06 - 21:26

  • Integration issues can cause B2B marketing campaigns to fail.
  • Social advertising is good for building awareness but not for generating immediate pipeline.
  • High-value meeting incentives are a better way to generate pipeline than aggressive advertising.
  • Databro's marketing strategy focuses on becoming famous within a specific niche and creating high-value videos that grab attention and keep prospects top of mind.
  • Sales-led organizations often undervalue marketing, making it difficult to educate leaders about the value of demand generation activities.
  • Demand generation requires investing time in creating high-quality content, spending advertising budget, and sowing before reaping.

Effective Demand Generation

21:07 - 24:39

  • Demand generation requires investing time in creating high-quality content, spending advertising budget to get the message to the right people, and sowing before reaping.
  • Marketers know that it takes six to nine months to see an increase in momentum in demand capture as a result of demand generation.
  • Marketing should focus on both short-term and long-term goals.
  • The promise of digital marketing or growth hacking isn't true for 99.9% of businesses out there.
  • To succeed, businesses need to go back to marketing basics by defining their audience well, finding a message that speaks to them, repeatedly reaching them with that message, and becoming a stop of kindness.
  • Relationship building is key in business and takes time.