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Recruiting Trailblazers

Marcus Edwardes: Overcoming Problems as a Recruiter, the Stoic Way!

Fri Jun 30 2023
recruitingmindsetStoic philosophychallenges


The episode discusses the tough market for recruiters and the importance of having a great mindset. It explores how employing a Stoic mindset can help overcome challenges and provides strategies for conquering challenges in recruiting using resilience and courage.


Recruiters face a tough market

The market is tough for recruiters, whether agency or internal.

Mindset is crucial for survival

Having a great mindset is crucial to survive in the business.

Stoic mindset for overcoming challenges

Employing a Stoic mindset can help overcome challenges.

Evaluate and embrace the situation

Evaluate the situation and determine if you have control over it. Embrace the situation and see it as an opportunity for growth.

Perception causes stress

Your perception of the problem causes stress, not the problem itself.

Turn obstacles into opportunities

Turn the obstacle into an opportunity and take action with determination.

Purpose and clarity in recruiting

Solving tough problems gives purpose and clarity in recruiting.

Conquering challenges in recruiting

Solving the hardest problems and relishing the discomfort of the situation in order to resolve it will give you the purpose and clarity to conquer some of your toughest challenges in this business. Get out of your comfort zone as they say, ask some difficult questions and dig deep to find the best solution for a sourcing, reaching out, interviewing, evangelizing, rejecting and experiencing rejection, offering and closing all come with a plethora of challenges that need to be met square on and dealt with utilizing a spectrum of skills that you may have including diplomacy, tact, integrity, resilience, empathy, guile, fortitude and the list goes on and on.

Three-pronged Stoic strategy

Focus on what's in your control. Accept and embrace the situation for what it is and try and see the good in it. Check your perception of the problem. It's probably not as serious as you think it is. Take the path less traveled, the path of courage and resilience to not only face up to but wrestle with an emerge victorious over every challenge that you deem worthy.


  1. The Market for Recruiters
  2. Employing a Stoic Mindset
  3. Conquering Challenges in Recruiting
  4. A Three-Pronged Stoic Strategy

The Market for Recruiters

00:05 - 07:53

  • The market is tough for recruiters, whether agency or internal.
  • Having a great mindset is crucial to survive in the business.

Employing a Stoic Mindset

00:05 - 07:53

  • Employing a Stoic mindset can help overcome challenges.
  • Evaluate the situation and determine if you have control over it.
  • Embrace the situation and see it as an opportunity for growth.
  • Your perception of the problem causes stress, not the problem itself.
  • Turn the obstacle into an opportunity and take action with determination.
  • Solving tough problems gives purpose and clarity in recruiting.

Conquering Challenges in Recruiting

07:34 - 09:08

  • Solving the hardest problems and relishing the discomfort of the situation in order to resolve it will give you the purpose and clarity to conquer some of your toughest challenges in this business.
  • Get out of your comfort zone as they say, ask some difficult questions and dig deep to find the best solution for a sourcing, reaching out, interviewing, evangelizing, rejecting and experiencing rejection, offering and closing all come with a plethora of challenges that need to be met square on and dealt with utilizing a spectrum of skills that you may have including diplomacy, tact, integrity, resilience, empathy, guile, fortitude and the list goes on and on.

A Three-Pronged Stoic Strategy

07:34 - 09:08

  • Focus on what's in your control.
  • Accept and embrace the situation for what it is and try and see the good in it.
  • Check your perception of the problem. It's probably not as serious as you think it is.
  • Take the path less traveled, the path of courage and resilience to not only face up to but wrestle with an emerge victorious over every challenge that you deem worthy.