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MicroConf On Air

MicroConf Tactics: Turn Your SaaS Side Hustle into a Full-Time Gig in 2023

Wed Jul 05 2023
SaaSSide HustleFull-Time WorkMarketingFinancial ConsiderationsHealthcare OptionsRelationshipsTransition


The episode covers turning a SaaS side hustle into a full-time gig, growing the side hustle, and transitioning to full-time work. It emphasizes the importance of discipline, sacrifice, and effective time management. The episode provides insights on marketing approaches, outsourcing tasks, and expanding product offerings. It also discusses financial considerations, healthcare options, and maintaining relationships with current employers. The transition to full-time work is recommended to be gradual and celebrated along the way.


Effective Time Management

Carve out dedicated time for focused work, avoid distractions, and prioritize tasks that contribute to full-time work on your product.

Disciplined Growth

Focus on what's working and explore new marketing channels without trying too many things at once. Consider expanding to multiple products if revenue plateaus.

Financial Considerations

Ensure enough income from your product revenue to cover expenses before quitting your day job. Save and stockpile income instead of spending it.

Healthcare Options

Explore alternative options for healthcare, such as a spouse's healthcare or, considering the potentially high costs in the United States.

Maintaining Relationships

Maintain good relationships with your day job or consultant clients to potentially collaborate or secure freelance work in the future.

Gradual Transition

Transition gradually from full-time work to part-time work on your own products to reduce stress and ensure a smoother transition of responsibilities.

Celebrating Milestones

Celebrate milestones and victories along the way to stay motivated and appreciate the progress made during the transition to full-time work.


  1. Turning Your SaaS Side Hustle into a Full-Time Gig
  2. Growing Your Side Hustle
  3. Transitioning to Full-Time Work

Turning Your SaaS Side Hustle into a Full-Time Gig

00:08 - 06:05

  • Carve out dedicated time for focused work and avoid distractions like social media and entertainment.
  • Be disciplined and work on tasks that move the needle towards full-time work on your product.
  • Sacrifice hobbies and going out with friends, but prioritize time with family.
  • Utilize the resources available for succeeding with side projects.
  • Focus on being effective rather than feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of time.

Growing Your Side Hustle

05:50 - 12:00

  • Consider outsourcing tasks to move the business forward while working on a day job.
  • Double down on what's working or explore new marketing channels to grow your side hustle.
  • Implement common marketing approaches such as SEO, pay-per-click, cold outreach, integrations, and content marketing for SaaS businesses.
  • Utilize social media, guest posting, SEO, podcasts, YouTube, and TikTok to grow info products and courses.
  • Focus on disciplined growth and avoid trying too many things at once.
  • Expand to multiple products if your current product reaches a revenue plateau.

Transitioning to Full-Time Work

11:37 - 15:20

  • Have enough income from your product revenue to cover your expenses before quitting your day job.
  • Save and stockpile the income from your side project instead of spending it.
  • Consider the amount of runway you have before your cash runs out and whether you can grow your product revenue to cover the deficit.
  • Explore alternative options for healthcare, such as a spouse's healthcare or
  • Maintain good relationships with your day job or consultant clients for future collaboration or freelance work.
  • Transition gradually from full-time work to part-time work on your own products to reduce stress and ensure a smoother transition of responsibilities.
  • Celebrate milestones and victories along the way to stay motivated and remember the good times.