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Muscle Growth

Tue Aug 20 2019
Muscle GrowthHypertrophyContractile ProteinsSatellite CellsSarcoplasmic HypertrophyPsychology of Muscle GrowthPractical Tips for Muscle GrowthMuscle Growth ApplicationsFuture Research


The episode explores the topic of muscle growth and hypertrophy. It covers the mechanisms behind muscle growth, including hypertrophy and hyperplasia. The role of contractile proteins and satellite cells in muscle growth is discussed. The episode also delves into the different types of muscle hypertrophy and measurement techniques. It explores the relationship between protein synthesis and hypertrophy. The psychology of muscle growth and practical tips for maximizing muscle growth are explored. The episode concludes with a discussion on the applications of muscle growth research and future areas of study.


Muscle growth occurs through hypertrophy and hyperplasia.

Muscle growth is primarily attributed to an increase in the size of individual muscle fibers, known as hypertrophy. Another option for muscle growth is hyperplasia, which involves adding more muscle fibers.

Contractile proteins and satellite cells play a role in muscle growth.

Contractile proteins, myosin and actin, cause muscle contraction when they grab onto each other. Satellite cells differentiate and become new nuclei, allowing the cell diameter to increase.

Different types of muscle hypertrophy exist.

There are two types of muscle hypertrophy: contractile protein hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy involves the enlargement of the cell wall.

Psychological factors impact muscle growth.

The psychology of the work required to achieve physical fitness can be a barrier. Training for roles in movies can be physically and psychologically demanding.

Practical tips for maximizing muscle growth.

Fueling and stimulating muscles through challenging workouts and proper nutrition is key to muscle growth. Changing workout schemes every few months can help overcome plateaus in progress.

Muscle growth research has applications in various fields.

Understanding muscle growth at a cellular level can help with recovery from surgery, spinal cord injuries, and strokes. Different factors like gender, species, ethnicity, eating styles, and circadian rhythms affect muscle growth.


  1. Muscle Growth and Hypertrophy
  2. Psychology and Practical Tips for Muscle Growth
  3. Muscle Growth Applications and Future Research

Muscle Growth and Hypertrophy

00:00 - 51:56

  • Muscle growth is primarily attributed to an increase in the size of individual muscle fibers, known as hypertrophy.
  • Another option for muscle growth is hyperplasia, which involves adding more muscle fibers.
  • Recent developments have shed light on our understanding of muscle growth.
  • To make a muscle fiber grow, a stimulus must be provided and resources must be invested.
  • The process of adding to the system takes energy, typically in the form of protein.
  • Protein synthesis is necessary to make the cell larger.
  • Hypertrophy, the growth of muscle cells, requires the addition of protein and energy to the system.
  • Contractile proteins, myosin and actin, cause muscle contraction when they grab onto each other.
  • Increasing the amount of protein on contractile proteins leads to muscle thickening and increased force production.
  • As muscle cells grow larger, more nuclei are needed to regulate and control the cell.
  • Human muscle cells are unique in their large volume compared to other biology.
  • The large size of human muscle cells requires more control for regulation, repair, and adaptation.
  • Humans have more nuclei in their muscle cells than reptiles or other mammals, allowing for better response to environmental factors.
  • The presence of more nuclei in human muscle cells enables better adaptation to nutrient intake, sunlight exposure, and strength training.
  • Humans have a greater ability to adapt to their environment due to having more nuclei in their cells.
  • The evolutionary advantage of having more nuclei is the ability to handle increased capacity and be responsive to changes.
  • There may be a correlation between neurological complexity and muscle size.
  • Muscle growth occurs when satellite cells differentiate and become new nuclei, allowing the cell diameter to increase.
  • Stimulating the cell wall activates signaling proteins that tell the nucleus to express genes for building muscle protein.
  • The amount of satellite cells may regulate how much an individual can grow.
  • Satellite cells regulate muscle growth, and their amount decreases with age.
  • The concept of nuclei and how they regulate muscle hypertrophy is still unclear.
  • There are two types of muscle hypertrophy: contractile protein hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
  • Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which involves the enlargement of the cell wall, was previously considered bro science but has now been supported by research.
  • Different types of strength training may cause hypertrophy in specific areas of the muscle.
  • The scientific consensus used to be that all hypertrophy came from contractile proteins, but now it's clear that sarcoplasmic hypertrophy also occurs.
  • Technology limitations in the past prevented a deeper understanding of different types of muscle hypertrophy.
  • Measuring muscle hypertrophy has traditionally been done through MRI or biopsy techniques.
  • Ultrasound has emerged as a more cost-effective method for measuring cross-sectional area of muscles.
  • Ultrasound has made a cheaper alternative to certain medical procedures.
  • The absence of the Oxford comma can change the meaning of a sentence.
  • Using emojis and ampersands in scientific writing is inappropriate.
  • Different measurement techniques yield significantly different results in muscle research.
  • There is still uncertainty regarding optimal rep ranges, rest intervals, and protein timing for muscle growth.
  • Variability between measures makes it difficult to draw accurate conclusions about muscle growth.
  • Molecular research findings may not directly translate to actual hypertrophy in humans.
  • There is no clear relationship between protein synthesis and hypertrophy.
  • Muscle is made up of multiple types of fibers, including fast switch fibers and slow-twitch fibers.
  • Hypertrophy training specifically causes hypertrophy in the faster fibers, but there may be fiber type specific hypertrophy processes at different rep ranges.
  • Individual cells show that certain genes and proteins related to muscle growth are more abundant and responsive in fast switch fibers.
  • The fiber type you have when you start training can determine how well you respond to the training and how much muscle you grow.
  • Knowing your fiber type can help determine the appropriate rep range for optimal results.
  • Muscle fiber types can change over time, which can affect training adaptations and response to strength training.
  • Exogenous testosterone can increase satellite cells in muscle tissue, leading to greater muscle growth and strength gains.
  • Testosterone suspension times were increased in sports due to the long-lasting effects of satellite cells in the tissue.
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests that individuals with different body types may experience different rates of adaptation and ease of gaining strength and muscle mass.

Psychology and Practical Tips for Muscle Growth

51:28 - 1:03:13

  • "Honey, you don't have a work ethic or the time to look like that." - The psychology of the work required to achieve physical fitness is often an initial barrier.
  • People who are overweight and haven't exercised in years just need to start lifting heavy weights with good form.
  • Ben Bikolsky from Generation Iron believes that most people wouldn't be able to follow his program even if they had all the resources he has.
  • Training for roles in movies can be physically and psychologically demanding, even for celebrities with money and support.
  • The actors who trained for the movie 300 were broken psychologically when they returned for another project.
  • No amount of steroids can prevent psychological breakdowns during intense training.
  • Fueling and stimulating muscles through challenging workouts and proper nutrition is key to muscle growth.
  • Changing workout schemes every few months can help overcome plateaus in progress.
  • Balancing heavy lifts with moderate and lighter rep ranges can maximize hypertrophy and prevent overuse injuries.
  • Intentional variability in training, such as doing heavy triples or sets of high reps, can yield positive results for hard gainers.

Muscle Growth Applications and Future Research

45:26 - 1:03:13

  • Understanding muscle growth at a cellular level can help with recovery from surgery, spinal cord injuries, and strokes.
  • The field of physiology is continually advancing, leading to a better understanding of muscle growth.
  • Different individuals have different sets of muscle fibers, which affects how they respond to training.
  • Nature versus nurture is an ongoing debate in this context.
  • Building lean muscle mass requires hard work and effort, regardless of exercise methodology or gender.
  • More research is needed on how contractile protein interacts with the lymphatic system, gut, and fat tissue.
  • Different factors like gender, species, ethnicity, eating styles, and circadian rhythms affect muscle growth.
  • Advancements in supercomputers will help answer big questions in the field of science.