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HBR IdeaCast

NBA Star Chris Paul on Mentorship and Taking a Stand

Tue Jun 20 2023
Chris PaulBasketballNBALeadershipActivism


The episode covers Chris Paul's journey from building a business to becoming a basketball star, his transition to the NBA, leadership development, his role as the president of the Players Association, activism and social justice efforts, and his AAU program and work ethic.


Building a Business and Personal Growth

Chris Paul's journey from building a business to becoming a basketball star showcases the importance of hard work, mentorship, and making difficult decisions.

Transition to the NBA and Leadership

Leaving college for the NBA was a life-changing decision for Chris Paul. He learned from veteran players, developed leadership skills, and emphasized resilience and rehabilitation.

Players Association and Social Justice

Chris Paul's role as the president of the Players Association allowed him to contribute to CBA negotiations and address social justice issues. He navigated challenges like the Donald Sterling controversy and worked closely with NBA management.

Activism and Legacy

NBA players used their platform for activism, creating a platform for open discussions and setting an example for employer-employee relationships. Chris Paul values partnerships that align with his values and has a lasting legacy through his foundation and basketball programs.

AAU Program and Work Ethic

Chris Paul's AAU program has produced NBA players, emphasizing the importance of hard work, discipline, and passion in achieving success.


  1. Building a Business and Personal Growth
  2. Transition to the NBA and Leadership
  3. Players Association and Social Justice
  4. Activism and Legacy
  5. AAU Program and Work Ethic

Building a Business and Personal Growth

00:01 - 07:47

  • Building a business is hard. Top third parties can help you create value with more speed and certainty, but it's difficult to know who's best.
  • Chris Paul, a basketball star, has been shaped by key people in his life and now serves as a role model himself.
  • His grandfather taught him the importance of hard work and never giving handouts.
  • Chris Paul's high school and AAU coaches challenged him to grow as both a player and a person.
  • His older brother was a driving force that pushed him to be better.
  • Coach Skip Prosser's realness and honesty persuaded Chris Paul to choose Wake Forest over other college programs.
  • When considering going to the NBA, Chris Paul sought advice from his family and made the difficult decision to leave college.

Transition to the NBA and Leadership

07:17 - 14:40

  • Leaving college for the NBA was a difficult decision, but it changed my life and my family's life forever.
  • I had the opportunity to learn from veteran players like PJ Brown, Speedy Claxon, J.R. Smith, and Chauncey Billups.
  • Bobby Jackson showed me what it takes to be a professional athlete and the importance of preparation.
  • I fell in love with the work and enjoyed seeing the results of my efforts.
  • From my rookie year, I was encouraged to be a team leader by coaches and experienced success early on.
  • My approach to leadership has evolved over time as I learned to communicate with different teammates.
  • Working together with other stars requires trust and sometimes sharing leadership responsibilities.
  • Resilience is about getting back up after being knocked down, even when others may forget or move on.
  • Rehabilitation can be lonely, but taking small victories and staying focused on the work is crucial.

Players Association and Social Justice

14:13 - 21:31

  • Being the president of the Players Association is a job of service that requires time and effort.
  • Chris Paul initially didn't want to take on the role but was persuaded by his colleagues.
  • His experience in the league helped him contribute to CBA negotiations and learn about business.
  • Handling the Donald Sterling controversy involved focusing on one voice for the Clippers team.
  • In 2020, Chris Paul worked with other players, teams, and NBA management to navigate COVID-19 and address social justice issues.
  • The season restart required extensive communication and planning between the league and union.

Activism and Legacy

21:05 - 28:29

  • NBA players had the opportunity to spend time together in the bubble and work on improving themselves as a team.
  • The incident with Jacob Blake sparked differences of opinion among players, but they created a platform for everyone to be heard and voice their opinions through zoom meetings.
  • The NBA Players Association and league management set a positive example for employer-employee relationships, receiving calls from other union presidents for guidance.
  • Basketball players have been successful in using their platform for activism because they understand the importance of standing up for something and have good communication with the league.
  • Chris Paul values partnerships that align with his values and personality, such as State Farm and Brand Jordan.
  • His legacy extends beyond himself through his family foundation and CP3 basketball programs, which have produced NBA players.

AAU Program and Work Ethic

28:05 - 31:38

  • 12 or 13 kids who played in the NBA this past year came through our AAU program
  • We take care of just about everything for the kids
  • The most important lesson I want them to take away is understanding that you only get out of it what you put into it
  • Kids now have so many distractions, but I always tell them to do the work and fall in love with something
  • Passion will translate if you put in the discipline and hard work