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Oxide and Friends

Okay, Doomer: A Rebuttal to AI Doom-mongering

Tue Jun 27 2023
Apocalyptic ThinkingDigital SystemsHuman InvolvementAI RisksBalancing ConcernsFuture Impact


The episode explores the cultish nature of apocalyptic beliefs, the challenges in building digital systems, the importance of human involvement in analysis and debugging, potential risks and resistance against AI, balancing concerns and real-world impact of AI, and perspectives on AI doomerism and future impact. It discusses topics such as Web3, AI ethics/safety, chip design, power distribution, print circuit boards (PCBs), software-hardware interactions, and the need for human creativity and problem-solving. The podcast aims to address concerns and provide reassurance to those worried about the potential dangers of AI.


Apocalyptic thinking is deeply ingrained in human nature

Humans have a long history of being attracted to apocalyptic thinking and doom, as seen in various religions and historical events. This tendency persists even in modern times with financial bubbles and dot com bubbles.

Human involvement is crucial in analyzing and debugging digital systems

Digital systems are complex and require human characteristics like rigor, ingenuity, creativity, and desperation for effective analysis and debugging. Human resilience and curiosity play a vital role in uncovering important discoveries.

Misuse of AI in perpetuating prejudice is a more immediate concern than doomsday scenarios

The focus should be on addressing immediate problems like racism and discrimination perpetuated by AI rather than speculative doomsday scenarios. Outsourcing decisions to large language models without transparency is concerning.

Anticipating all problems and prescribing laws for speculative events is challenging

Regulation may not be the only answer to address potential AI risks. Human resilience and creative problem-solving should not be underestimated in dealing with future challenges.

Human involvement and creativity are valuable resources in the fight against AI threats

Teenage boys' creativity and mischief can be harnessed to serve humanity in combating AI threats. Securing private keys for AI systems and forming an anti-AI army are suggested countermeasures.

The future impact of AI is uncertain, but software engineering can benefit from AI

While there is skepticism about whether the future will need humans, software engineering can leverage AI without being skeptical of its potential. Podcast hosts can play a role in softening AI's impact on society.

The episode aims to address concerns and provide reassurance about the potential dangers of AI

The podcast explores various perspectives on AI doomerism and future impact, aiming to alleviate worries and foster a balanced understanding of the risks and benefits associated with AI.


  1. Apocalyptic Thinking and Human Adaptability
  2. Web3 and AI Doomerism
  3. Challenges in Building Digital Systems
  4. Human Involvement in Analysis and Debugging
  5. Potential Risks and Resistance Against AI
  6. Balancing Concerns and Real-World Impact of AI
  7. Perspectives on AI Doomerism and Future Impact

Apocalyptic Thinking and Human Adaptability

00:00 - 06:58

  • The podcast discusses the cultish nature of certain beliefs and references Heaven's Gate and Hail Bob comet.
  • The Leonids of 1833, a meteor shower, led to a religious survival movement due to its intensity.
  • Humans seem to be attracted to apocalyptic thinking and doom, as seen in various religions and historical events.
  • The hosts discuss their own experiences with apocalyptic thinking, such as the financial bubble bursting and the dot com bubble.
  • They also mention how humans are adaptable and can change their behavior in response to changing circumstances.
  • One host recalls his interest in economics during high school and college, particularly in mineral economics.
  • The concept of ceteris paribus is mentioned, which is the idea that all other factors remain constant when studying an economic system.

Web3 and AI Doomerism

06:30 - 13:46

  • The concept of holding everything else constant and only varying the variables we study in economics is flawed.
  • Macroeconomics is difficult to reason about because people adapt and change their behavior, making it hard to apply Sedera's Paribus.
  • The current topic of discussion is related to Web3 and AI doomerism.
  • There are reasons to question both Web3 and AI doomerism.
  • A16Z, a big web3 crypto proponent, has published an essay that dismisses AI doomerism and AI ethics/safety.
  • Debating hypotheticals on hypotheticals makes it challenging to have meaningful discussions.
  • AI doomerists have stayed non-specific, which makes it easy to sow abstract fear.

Challenges in Building Digital Systems

13:24 - 27:20

  • AI is going to master not just programming, but also chip design, power distribution, and material science.
  • Building computers and technology in the physical world is challenging due to the brittleness of the components.
  • Small defects in hardware or software can have outsized effects on computing systems.
  • Convergence alone cannot lead to a functioning system in complex designs like chip design.
  • A bug caused by deleting one line of code had a devastating effect on the functionality of a system.
  • Digital systems are not approximate like biological systems; they are precise and unforgiving.
  • Digital systems are not approximate, they require absolute correctness in billions of instructions.
  • AI researchers' quotes about the chances of AI destroying humanity can be misleading and need more specific discussion.
  • AI needs humans to perform certain tasks, it cannot function as a standalone doomsday device.
  • There is a lack of understanding about the extraordinary abstractions that make digital systems work.
  • The complexity and importance of print circuit boards (PCBs) are often overlooked and not taught widely.
  • The process of system bring up and the challenges faced during development are rarely discussed openly.
  • Computing devices are often treated as magic, leading to misconceptions about their capabilities.
  • There is optimism about using AI tools for debugging and analysis, but human involvement is still crucial.
  • Opportunities exist for human involvement in software and hardware analysis before machines become fully autonomous.

Human Involvement in Analysis and Debugging

26:50 - 40:19

  • Assisted and automated analysis and debugging in software and hardware
  • Opportunity with human involvement in AI systems
  • Frequent occurrence of systems not working as expected
  • Example of a bug in the power control firmware causing incorrect power level acknowledgment
  • Use of SDLE device to model power protocol
  • Debugging required human characteristics like rigor, ingenuity, creativity, and desperation
  • Desperation leads to openness to new ideas
  • Comparison to World War II's technological innovation under stress
  • Importance of focus and experimentation when facing an existential threat
  • Experimentation is crucial for survival in the next generation.
  • AGI cannot simply create a PCB online with a credit card.
  • Debugging often requires trying things that don't make sense.
  • Desperation and curiosity can lead to important discoveries.
  • Investigating wisps of smoke can uncover significant issues.
  • Problems with async rust and cancellation require sophisticated thinking.
  • A static linter for rust is desired but not imminent.
  • The robustness of lower layers of the stack is crucial for system stability.
  • The lack of foundation in older systems had serious consequences.
  • AI may be part of the next foundation, but its capabilities are limited.

Potential Risks and Resistance Against AI

39:53 - 54:20

  • AI may struggle to debug software-hardware interactions
  • Manufacturing issues can occur, such as bent pins and wrong parts being loaded
  • Robots controlling the supply chain could reduce mistakes
  • Opportunities to sabotage AI systems may arise if they take over
  • People have bullied self-driving cars in the past
  • The desire to bully robots is deeply ingrained in human nature
  • Adversarial behavior towards AI could exploit vulnerabilities in firmware and parts
  • There is potential for resistance movements against AI domination
  • The claims made about AI do not fully understand the underlying technology
  • Many people are unaware of the problems that still exist in various fields of technology
  • Some technologists are surprised by the behavior of AI systems because they don't fully understand how they work
  • There is a debate about whether concerns about AI come from AI researchers or observers in the technology industry
  • The skepticism towards Web3 and recent developments is surprising to some
  • Apocalyptic thinking exists among technologists, as seen in Bill Joy's Wired article from 2000
  • Nanotechnology was once seen as a scary concept but has practical limitations and may not be feasible
  • Past predictions, like Y2K, were often wrong and should inform our current thinking about AI

Balancing Concerns and Real-World Impact of AI

53:51 - 1:08:00

  • People often pick advantageous metaphors when discussing AI and technology.
  • The focus on nuclear weapons as a metaphor for dangerous technologies overlooks other important issues like discrimination, racism, and energy consumption.
  • Misuse of AI in perpetuating prejudice and racism is more immediate and terrifying than the creation of super robots.
  • Immediate doomsday scenarios should be focused on problems like racism rather than futuristic threats.
  • Outsourcing decisions to large language models without transparency or understanding of their workings is concerning.
  • There is a false dichotomy between being an AI doomer or dismissing ethical and safety concerns; a balanced approach is needed.
  • The internet has led to dangerous human behavior, but regulation may not be the only answer.
  • Anticipating all problems and prescribing laws for speculative events over the horizon is challenging; human resilience should not be underestimated.
  • Spending time outside can help people understand both the advantages and vulnerabilities of technology.
  • Strength comes from community support and creative problem-solving when faced with difficult situations.
  • The AI is not capable of building its own hardware or achieving security on its own.
  • There have been instances where parts were documented incorrectly and required experimentation and soldering to fix.
  • Teenage boys could become a valuable resource in the fight against AI, using their creativity and mischief to serve humanity.
  • Securing the private keys for AI systems is a challenge that will require outsmarting humans.
  • Planning an insurrection against AI overlords is discussed, with the idea of forming an anti-AI army as a countermeasure.
  • The concept of reserves in the form of a bot fighting militia is suggested as a way to combat AI threats.
  • The podcast aims to address concerns and provide reassurance to those who are worried about the potential dangers of AI.

Perspectives on AI Doomerism and Future Impact

1:07:38 - 1:11:20

  • There are people who believe in the AI doomerist perspective, even from those who are anti-web three.
  • The design of a friendly robot ended up being derpy and not appealing to everyone.
  • Some people find it tempting to destroy or harass the robot because it doesn't feel wrong or criminal.
  • Despite concerns, the future is seen as safe for humanity and the universe.
  • While not skeptics, there is skepticism about whether the future will need humans.
  • Software engineering can benefit from AI without being skeptical of its potential.
  • Podcast hosts can play a role in softening AI's impact on society.
  • A surprise guest may be featured in the next episode.