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The School of Greatness

Olympic Gold Medalist Mikaela Shiffrin on Blocking Out Toxic Mental Noise To Achieve Greatness EP 1470

Mon Jul 17 2023
Summit of GreatnessBelief and CourageAthlete's Career PhasesPressure and ExpectationsRole of CoachingManaging Stress and AnxietyMikaela Shiffrin's MindsetDealing with Pressure and Visualizing SuccessSnow ConditionsLife Lessons


Join the Summit of Greatness to unleash your true greatness. Learn about the importance of belief and courage in achieving success. Explore the speaker's career phases, dealing with pressure and expectations, and the role of coaching in maintaining mental stability. Discover strategies for managing stress and anxiety in ski racing. Gain insights from Mikaela Shiffrin's mindset and goals. Hear about dealing with pressure, visualizing success, and current snow conditions. Reflect on life lessons about compromise and personal growth.


Belief and Courage Over Confidence

Confidence is not necessary for success; belief and courage to try are more important

Different Athletes, Different Experiences

Different athletes are inspired by different things and have different experiences with pressure, failure, and success

The Importance of Clicking with Equipment and Coaches

Clicking with equipment and coaches is important for success

Reframing Perspective and Focusing on the Positive

The speaker learned to reframe their perspective and focus on the positive aspects of their performance

Managing Stress and Anxiety in Ski Racing

Working with psychologists has helped the athlete find balance between what's important to her and what others think is important

Acknowledging Fear and Going for It

Mikaela Shiffrin believes it's important to acknowledge fear and still go for it

Dealing with Pressure and Visualizing Success

The speaker reflects on their past World Championships win and the drama surrounding it

Life Lessons from Snow Conditions

Compromise is part of life and relationships. Your roots and upbringing have hidden lessons that you'll be learning for the rest of time


  1. Join the Summit of Greatness
  2. The Importance of Belief and Courage
  3. The Speaker's Career Phases
  4. Dealing with Pressure and Expectations
  5. The Role of Coaching and Mental Stability
  6. Managing Stress and Anxiety in Ski Racing
  7. Mikaela Shiffrin's Mindset and Goals
  8. Dealing with Pressure and Visualizing Success
  9. Snow Conditions and Life Lessons

Join the Summit of Greatness

00:01 - 07:04

  • Unleash your true greatness at the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio
  • Experience inspiring speakers like Inky Johnson, Jaspri Singh, Vanessa Van Edwards, Jen Sinzhero, and more
  • Enjoy live music, group workouts, and connect with others at the summit

The Importance of Belief and Courage

00:01 - 07:04

  • Confidence is not necessary for success; belief and courage to try are more important
  • Focus on the process of making turns in skiing rather than solely on goals or achievements
  • Different athletes are inspired by different things and have different experiences with pressure, failure, and success

The Speaker's Career Phases

06:42 - 13:51

  • Some athletes can win races just by thinking about winning, but the speaker needs to focus on the intensity of their skiing or racing the course
  • The speaker has gone through different phases in their career, from early success to struggling with ski equipment and coaching
  • Clicking with equipment and coaches is important for success

Dealing with Pressure and Expectations

13:27 - 20:38

  • The speaker reflects on the pressure to constantly exceed expectations in their career and the anxiety it brings
  • Racing is mentally and emotionally draining, requiring hours of preparation before each race
  • The speaker learned to reframe their perspective and focus on the positive aspects of their performance

The Role of Coaching and Mental Stability

20:09 - 26:56

  • The speaker acknowledges the different motivations of coaches and spectators
  • The speaker's mom played an important role as their first coach and in maintaining their mental stability while traveling
  • The speaker praises their mom's teaching abilities and her willingness to help others learn

Managing Stress and Anxiety in Ski Racing

26:35 - 34:15

  • The athlete's mother encouraged her to see a sports psychologist when she started feeling nervous
  • To manage stress and anxiety, the athlete's mom helped her focus on things within her control, like technical aspects of skiing
  • Working with psychologists has helped the athlete find balance between what's important to her and what others think is important

Mikaela Shiffrin's Mindset and Goals

33:49 - 40:59

  • Mikaela Shiffrin discusses her comfort with being uncomfortable and not knowing the outcome of things
  • She wants Ingomar Stenmark, the current record holder, to remain a legend in the sport
  • She believes it's important to acknowledge fear and still go for it

Dealing with Pressure and Visualizing Success

40:39 - 47:53

  • The speaker is afraid of not winning any medals in the upcoming Olympics and how people will react
  • The speaker reflects on their past World Championships win and the drama surrounding it
  • The speaker visualizes winning races and standing on the podium during downtime, but also focuses on technical imagery of skiing for training purposes

Snow Conditions and Life Lessons

47:23 - 54:59

  • There is snow in Mammoth now and the West Coast got a lot of snow this winter
  • Compromise is part of life and relationships
  • Your roots and upbringing have hidden lessons that you'll be learning for the rest of time