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30 Minutes to President's Club | No-Nonsense Sales

Playbook 15: Top 10 moments that change the way we sell

Wed Jun 21 2023
sales techniquesprospectingPPOmenu of paincustomer motivationsfive-minute drillsetting next stepsclosing dealsrefining the pitchbuying committeeyes momentumnegotiating strategiesadvancing the saleturning wants into problemshandling objectionscontinuous prospecting


The episode covers various topics related to sales techniques and strategies. It includes insights on prospecting tactics, using purpose, plan, outcome (PPO) as a flexible agenda for sales calls, uncovering customer motivations, the five-minute drill for determining interest, setting next steps based on interest and urgency, process-driven tactics for closing deals, refining the pitch and uncovering buying committee members, creating yes momentum in the sales cycle, negotiating strategies, advancing the sale and selling to the right customer, turning wants into problems, connecting goals to product/service problems, handling objections, and the importance of continuous prospecting.


Prospecting Tactics

Use the right prospecting channel for the job. Some people won't respond to cold calls or emails, so find the channel they are active on. Don't be afraid of out-of-cadence effort in prospecting. If you see a timely event, take immediate action instead of waiting for the next step in your cadence.

Purpose, Plan, Outcome (PPO)

Use PPO as a flexible agenda for sales calls. It can be used in any interaction where you have a goal.

Menu of Pain

The menu of pain helps structure sales calls by identifying common problems and creating a pain funnel. Using it puts the call in the right direction and focuses on relevant topics.

Understanding Customer Motivations

Uncover what is driving initiatives or changes in a prospect's business to understand their motivations.

The Five-Minute Drill

The five-minute drill helps determine if the prospect wants to continue exploring. The first question to ask is 'How are you feeling? Is this something that you want to continue exploring?' If the answer is yes, move on to asking about timing.

Setting Next Steps

Understanding the urgency and timeline allows for better advising on next steps. Setting next steps without confirming interest wastes time, so validating interest before setting next steps is important.

Process-Driven Tactics for Closing Deals

When building a champion, ensure that the problems you can solve are communicated effectively at higher levels of decision-making. Ask your champion how they plan to approach meetings with higher-level executives and offer coaching or assistance. Sense check if your champion understands what you can help with and refine their pitch accordingly. Help dispel misconceptions and bring discussions to a higher level.

Refining the Pitch and Uncovering Buying Committee Members

Asking the question 'How are you positioning this to your team?' helps refine the pitch and uncover other parties involved in the buying committee.

Creating Yes Momentum

Creating yes momentum in the sales cycle involves tying sales cycles to mini-yes points and consistently pulse checking for agreement throughout every conversation.

Negotiating Strategies

When negotiating, ask the buyer what they are willing to bring to the table, setting the expectation of a give-and-take negotiation.

Advancing the Sale

Breaking rapport with a prospect may be necessary to advance the sale and ensure alignment with their needs and goals. Holding your ground in negotiations and pushing for doing the right thing can earn respect from prospects.

Turning Wants into Problems

Turning a want into a problem helps clarify the issue and opens up more discovery questions. Connect goals to problems related to your product or service to facilitate conversations.

Handling Objections

When faced with tough objections, seek first to understand before trying to be understood.

Continuous Prospecting

Never stop prospecting until you're sure you have someone who will advocate for you within an account.


  1. Top 10 moments that changed the way of selling from episodes 101 to 150

Top 10 moments that changed the way of selling from episodes 101 to 150

00:00 - 32:00

  • Prospecting tactic: Use the right prospecting channel for the job
  • Some people won't answer cold calls or emails, so find the channel they are active on
  • Don't be afraid of out-of-cadence effort in prospecting
  • If you see a timely event, take immediate action instead of waiting for the next step in your cadence
  • Take immediate action when timely events impact your prospecting trigger events.
  • Break the pacing of standard sales emails to show responsiveness to current events.
  • Use purpose, plan, outcome (PPO) as a flexible agenda for sales calls.
  • PPO can be used in any interaction where you have a goal.
  • The menu of pain helps structure the front end of sales calls by identifying common problems and creating a pain funnel.
  • Using the menu of pain puts the call in the right direction and focuses on relevant topics.
  • Uncover what is driving initiatives or changes in a prospect's business to understand their motivations.
  • Peel the onion and go beyond surface-level situations to address underlying prompts.
  • Understanding the motivation behind a customer's request is crucial in sales
  • The five-minute drill helps determine if the prospect wants to continue exploring
  • The first question to ask in the five-minute drill is 'How are you feeling? Is this something that you want to continue exploring?'
  • If the answer is yes, move on to asking about timing
  • Understanding the urgency and timeline allows for better advising on next steps
  • Setting next steps without confirming interest wastes time
  • Validating interest before setting next steps is important
  • Four process-driven tactics for closing deals:
  • When building a champion, ensure that the problems you can solve are communicated effectively at higher levels of decision-making
  • Ask your champion how they plan to approach meetings with higher-level executives and offer coaching or assistance
  • Sense check if your champion understands what you can help with and refine their pitch accordingly
  • Help dispel misconceptions and bring discussions to a higher level
  • Asking the question 'How are you positioning this to your team?' helps refine the pitch and uncover other parties involved in the buying committee.
  • Creating yes momentum in the sales cycle involves tying sales cycles to mini-yes points and consistently pulse checking for agreement throughout every conversation.
  • When negotiating, ask the buyer what they are willing to bring to the table, setting the expectation of a give-and-take negotiation.
  • Breaking rapport with a prospect may be necessary to advance the sale and ensure alignment with their needs and goals.
  • Your job is to advance the sale and sell the right thing to the right customer.
  • Holding your ground in negotiations and pushing for doing the right thing can earn respect from prospects.
  • Turning a want into a problem helps clarify the issue and opens up more discovery questions.
  • Connect goals to problems related to your product or service to facilitate conversations.
  • When faced with tough objections, seek first to understand before trying to be understood.
  • Never stop prospecting until you're sure you have someone who will advocate for you within an account.
  • Recap of top tactics in prospecting, discovery, and process sections from previous episodes.
  • A demo discovery deck is available as a tool for effective sales facilitation during big team calls.