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Sharp China with Bill Bishop

(Preview) Biden’s ‘Dictator’ Curveball; Putin’s Latest Mess Validates Xi’s PLA Purge; Huawei Questions Around the World; China and the Fentanyl Crisis

Wed Jun 28 2023
Joe BidenXi JinpingUS-China relationsChinese perspectiveBalloon incidentAttempted mutiny in Russia


The episode discusses Joe Biden's controversial comment about Xi Jinping, referring to him as a dictator. It explores the reactions and controversy surrounding the comment and its potential impact on US-China relations. The importance of not losing one's sense of humor in understanding China is highlighted. The Chinese perspective on Xi Jinping as a dictator is also discussed. Additionally, the episode touches on the attempted mutiny in Russia and China's strong reaction to it.


Biden's comment may signal a reset in US-China relations

By referring to Xi Jinping as a dictator, Biden may be attempting to move past the balloon incident and start a fresh approach to improve relations with China.

Perceived slights to Xi Jinping elicit strong reactions

Any perceived slight to Xi Jinping triggers strong reactions throughout the Chinese system, highlighting the sensitivity surrounding his image and reputation.

China views Xi Jinping as a dictator

The Chinese perspective sees Xi Jinping as a dictator, so Biden's comments were seen as plain-speaking and aligned with this view.

Importance of acknowledging fundamental truths

In order to solve problems in the US-China relationship, it is important to acknowledge fundamental truths, even if they go against official messaging.

China's reaction to attempted mutiny in Russia

China strongly reacted to the attempted mutiny in Russia, considering it a political provocation and irresponsible.


  1. Biden's Controversial Comment about Xi Jinping
  2. Impact of Biden's Comments on US-China Relations

Biden's Controversial Comment about Xi Jinping

00:05 - 07:30

  • Joe Biden made a controversial comment about Xi Jinping at a fundraiser, referring to him as a dictator
  • The timing of this story reminded the hosts of an earlier episode about advice for new China watchers and the importance of not losing one's sense of humor
  • President Biden's comment sparked reactions and controversy regarding the US-China relationship
  • Secretary Blinken stated that the president speaks for all of us when asked about the dictator comment
  • Biden's comment may have been intended to move past the balloon incident and start a reset in relations with China
  • Calling Xi Jinping a dictator is problematic in the Chinese system, which considers itself a whole process democracy
  • Any perceived slight to Xi Jinping elicits strong reactions throughout the Chinese system
  • It is unlikely that Xi was unaware of the global surveillance program involving balloons, although he may not know each individual flight's details

Impact of Biden's Comments on US-China Relations

07:02 - 11:24

  • Biden's comments about the Chinese balloon incident were not helpful to the attempts to improve relations.
  • Biden's comments may have been accurate, but they went against the messaging from the State Department.
  • The Chinese view Xi Jinping as a dictator, so Biden's comments were seen as plain-speaking.
  • It is important to acknowledge fundamental truths in order to solve problems in the US-China relationship.
  • China reacted strongly to the attempted mutiny in Russia, calling it a political provocation and irresponsible.