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The Artificial Intelligence Show

Prompt Engineering Best Practices from OpenAI, How GPT-4 Could Reshape Healthcare, and The Hidden Costs of AI Adoption

Tue Jun 06 2023
OpenAIGPT Best PracticesAI Adoption in HealthcarePricing Models for AI FeaturesSmall Business and AIRisks of Advanced AIOpen-Source Language ModelsApple AR/VR HeadsetFuture Episodes


OpenAI has released GPT best practices for improving results from large language models like GPT4. The guide covers clear instruction, reference text, task simplification, thinking time, external tools, and systematic testing. Marketers can benefit by being clear with prompts and using reference text effectively. Healthcare stands to benefit from AI adoption but faces challenges such as privacy concerns and resistance to change. Pricing models for AI features in SaaS companies are expected to be experimental. Small businesses can use AI tools but should avoid tech creep. Top AI leaders have raised concerns about the risks of advanced AI. Abu Dhabi released Falcon 40B, an open-source language model. Apple's upcoming AR/VR headset could change the landscape. Future episodes will feature a Q&A session and a mid-year review of AI news.


GPT Best Practices

OpenAI has released GPT best practices for improving results from large language models like GPT4. The guide covers clear instruction, reference text, task simplification, thinking time, external tools, and systematic testing.

AI Adoption in Healthcare

Healthcare stands to benefit from AI adoption but faces challenges such as privacy concerns and resistance to change.

Pricing Models for AI Features

Pricing models for AI features in SaaS companies are expected to be experimental.

Small Business and AI

Small businesses can use AI tools but should avoid tech creep.

Risks of Advanced AI

Top AI leaders have raised concerns about the risks of advanced AI.

Open-Source Language Models

Abu Dhabi released Falcon 40B, an open-source language model.

Apple's AR/VR Headset

Apple's upcoming AR/VR headset could change the landscape.

Future Episodes

Future episodes will feature a Q&A session and a mid-year review of AI news.


  1. GPT Best Practices
  2. Improving Accuracy and Performance
  3. Challenges and Opportunities in AI Adoption
  4. AI Risks and Future Developments
  5. Open Source Language Models and AR/VR Headsets
  6. Upcoming Episodes

GPT Best Practices

00:00 - 07:06

  • OpenAI has released a resource called GPT best practices, which provides strategies and tactics for getting better results from GPTs.
  • The best practices are specifically for GPT4 but can be applied to other large language models as well.
  • The guide covers six broad categories, including clear instruction, providing reference text, splitting complex tasks into simpler subtasks, giving GPTs time to think, using external tools to augment prompting, and testing changes systematically.
  • Marketers and business people can benefit from these instructions by being clear with their prompts, asking for brief or expert-level replies when necessary, demonstrating the desired format of the output, and using reference text effectively.
  • The guide also emphasizes the importance of testing and iterating on prompt changes systematically.

Improving Accuracy and Performance

06:41 - 21:02

  • Providing reference texts to GPTs can help reduce fabrications and improve accuracy.
  • Splitting complex tasks into simpler steps can reduce errors in the output.
  • Asking for a chain of reasoning before an answer can help GPTs reason their way toward correct answers.
  • Using external tools like text retrieval systems or code execution engines can compensate for limitations in GPTs.
  • Testing changes systematically is important to measure performance and avoid negative impacts on overall performance.
  • Learning about tokens, embeddings, and prompts is crucial for effectively using large language models like GPTs.
  • Having a conversation with GPTs and asking what information they need can lead to better outputs.
  • Generative AI systems like GPT-4 have the potential to reshape healthcare by improving clinical reasoning abilities and reducing inefficiencies.
  • Wider deployment of AI in healthcare could lead to better patient outcomes and reduced costs, but there are barriers such as resistance to change, privacy concerns, and the need for training healthcare professionals and administrators.

Challenges and Opportunities in AI Adoption

13:49 - 27:26

  • Privacy and data concerns could slow down AI innovation in healthcare.
  • Training of healthcare professionals and administrators needs to evolve to work with and oversee AI systems.
  • The article provides a balanced perspective on the opportunities and obstacles of AI in healthcare.
  • AI errors in sensitive industries can have significant human and financial costs.
  • Many stakeholders in the current healthcare system benefit from the status quo, which may hinder AI adoption.
  • Resistance to change is common in industries where traditional models may be disrupted by AI.
  • The cost of accessing advanced AI capabilities may affect the adoption of AI tools.
  • Microsoft is experimenting with pricing models for incorporating AI features into its existing products.
  • Other companies are considering raising prices to cover the costs of running new AI capabilities.
  • The pricing for AI features in SaaS companies is expected to be highly experimental and iterative.
  • Software companies often explore and iterate their pricing models, including fundamental shifts in charging methods.
  • The challenge with AI tools is that they offer significant productivity gains, which may make the proposed pricing seem cheap.
  • The entry of big players like Microsoft and Google offering AI capabilities at low prices could create pricing pressure on the market.
  • It remains uncertain how smaller companies like Box will compete against larger players in the AI market.
  • Many SaaS companies currently offer AI capabilities for free or at a freemium model, but this is likely to change as the costs of enabling these features are significant.
  • The cost for SaaS companies to use AI tools may decrease over time as providers reduce access costs.
  • Pricing will play a crucial role in building a roadmap for adopting AI tools, and organizations can justify the costs by calculating potential savings from increased productivity.
  • Small businesses are unlikely to be priced out of using AI tools as both application companies and major players like Microsoft and Google have shown an interest in catering to small business needs.
  • However, small businesses should be cautious about tech creep and avoid stacking multiple AI tools that they don't fully utilize. It's important to stay disciplined with pilot programs, test tools thoroughly, receive proper training, and make informed decisions after a trial period.

AI Risks and Future Developments

26:56 - 34:16

  • Be careful not to stack a bunch of AI tools that you don't really use
  • Stay disciplined with pilot programs and test tools for 90 days
  • Fully use the features and capabilities of AI tools
  • Ensure proper training on how to prompt AI tools
  • Assess if the benefits outweigh the costs by looking at use cases, team usage, workflows, productivity, and value exchange
  • Top AI leaders released a statement about the risk of extinction from AI
  • The statement calls for mitigating the risk of extinction from AI as a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks
  • The statement was signed by top people in AI including Jeff Hinton, Dennis Hasabes, Sam Altman, Imad Mustak, and Bill Gates
  • The statement aims to start a conversation about severe risks posed by advanced AI
  • Opinions on the statement vary with some supporting it while others find it overblown or ridiculous
  • There is uncertainty regarding how exactly advanced AI poses an existential risk comparable to pandemics and nuclear war
  • Focus should also be on near-term issues such as workplace and economic development, workforce disruption, bias in algorithms, and education system
  • 'Falcon 40B' is an open-source model with 40 billion parameters trained on one trillion tokens
  • The model can be used for research and commercial purposes and fine-tuned for specific applications
  • 'Falcon 40B' was released by Abu Dhabi's government through its Advanced Technology Research Council

Open Source Language Models and AR/VR Headsets

33:52 - 42:27

  • Abu Dhabi released Falcon 40B, a major open source language model
  • Falcon is part of the government's Advanced Technology Research Council and Technology Innovation Institute
  • Open source language models like Falcon allow users to access and adjust the model themselves
  • The release of Falcon highlights the ongoing innovation in large language models
  • Apple's annual worldwide developers conference is expected to feature the launch of an AR/VR headset
  • AR/VR headsets have struggled to gain traction due to limitations, but Apple's entry could change that
  • AI plays a critical role in creating AR/VR experiences
  • The rumored price point for Apple's AR/VR headset is around $3,000
  • Apple's entry into the AR/VR space could legitimize it and bring it mainstream

Upcoming Episodes

40:18 - 42:27

  • Episode 51 will feature a Q&A session based on frequently asked questions from the intraday AI class for marketers.
  • Episode 52 will be a mid-year review of the top moments and news in AI so far.
  • The mid-year review episode will air around June 20th.
  • The Q&A session episode will provide tactical insights based on common questions.
  • The hosts will catch up on any major news that happens during their absence in the next couple of weeks.