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Talent & Growth presented by The Animo Group

Putting Together An Onboarding Scheme That Works

Thu Jun 29 2023
OnboardingEmployee SuccessRetentionPre-Onboarding StrategiesRemote OnboardingSetting GoalsContinuous ImprovementMeasuring SuccessFeedback


This episode focuses on the importance of onboarding for employee success and retention. It covers various aspects of the onboarding process, including pre-onboarding strategies, setting goals, engaging with cross-functional teams, and measuring success. The episode emphasizes the need for continuous improvement and feedback in order to create a positive onboarding experience. Key insights include the value of human interaction, the use of technology in remote onboarding, and the role of managers in providing guidance and support.


Investing in Onboarding

A well-designed onboarding process creates value and commercial return for organizations by reducing turnover rates and recruitment costs.

Remote Onboarding Strategies

Engaging with managers and team members before the start date through video chats and personal interactions helps create excitement and foster connectivity among remote employees.

Setting Goals and Clarity

Defining first-month goals during day one of onboarding improves clarity and communication, setting new employees up for success.

Continuous Improvement

The onboarding process should be constantly reviewed and adapted based on feedback received to ensure ongoing learning and adaptation.

Measuring Success

Engagement tools can be used to track new joiners' participation and identify retention issues, while regular feedback helps identify areas for improvement.

Creating a Culture of Feedback

Encouraging honesty and openness through regular feedback creates a culture that fosters continuous improvement and allows new employees to provide valuable insights and suggestions.

Improving the Onboarding Process

Asking employees for suggestions on how to improve the onboarding process can reveal important issues and contribute to creating a strong foundation for employee development.


  1. Onboarding Schemes
  2. Pre-Onboarding Strategies
  3. First Month Onboarding
  4. Length and Structure of Onboarding
  5. Measuring Success and Feedback
  6. Ownership and Continuous Improvement
  7. Improving Onboarding Process

Onboarding Schemes

00:03 - 07:13

  • Onboarding is crucial for employee success and retention
  • A well-designed onboarding process ensures a positive experience for new employees
  • The onboarding process helps develop relationships and understanding of the business
  • Investing in onboarding creates value and commercial return for organizations
  • Human touch and interaction are critical in the onboarding process
  • Belonging to something larger than just a job is important for employee retention
  • Consistent and organization-wide onboarding is essential for creating a unified culture
  • Effective onboarding can significantly reduce turnover rates and recruitment costs

Pre-Onboarding Strategies

06:48 - 13:32

  • It's only a half-day type event, right? It doesn't have to be an exhaustive process.
  • The company has reduced turnover from 40% to around 23-25%, resulting in significant cost savings.
  • Effective pre-onboarding strategies for remote employees involve technology and human interaction.
  • Engaging with managers and team members before the start date helps create excitement.
  • Adapting onboarding processes based on notice periods and regional differences is important.
  • Maintaining human interaction through video chats and getting to know people personally is crucial for remote onboarding.
  • Incorporating personal questions in pre-onboarding materials helps foster connectivity among team members.
  • A structured onboarding program with HR systems, individual engagement, and clear expectations from managers is essential.
  • Setting up success by defining first-month goals during day one of onboarding improves clarity and communication.

First Month Onboarding

13:06 - 19:49

  • On day one of onboarding, it is important for managers to provide clarity and communication about what the new employee will be delivering in their first month.
  • Joining an organization is about showing value and getting involved in meaningful objectives from the start.
  • Setting achievable goals for the first three months of onboarding is crucial.
  • Regular catch-ups and check-ins with managers help ensure progress towards these goals.
  • Engaging with cross-functional teams can be done remotely through online meetings, fostering relationships while using technology.
  • The onboarding process should involve the manager, HR, CEO or founder, head of learning and development, and introductions to all relevant departments.
  • The probationary period typically lasts three months, but onboarding should continue throughout the first year to support ongoing learning and adaptation.
  • The onboarding process is constantly reviewed and adapted based on feedback received.

Length and Structure of Onboarding

19:21 - 26:39

  • The length and structure of the onboarding program vary depending on the organization type, whether it's remote or office-based, and the number of offices.
  • There is no distinct difference in onboarding length based on role type; probation periods are typically three to six months.
  • Onboarding starts before the official start date and can last up to four and a half months.
  • Onboarding should not be seen as a one-time event but rather an ongoing management process.
  • Technology such as LM-S365, Microsoft Suite, SharePoint, and Teams are used to facilitate human interaction during onboarding.
  • HR information systems are utilized for administrative tasks and to provide a centralized platform for new joiners.
  • Engagement tools can be used to track new joiners' participation and engagement with the company.

Measuring Success and Feedback

26:12 - 33:14

  • Consider using engagement tools to gather feedback from new joiners
  • Send surveys directly to new joiners about their onboarding experience
  • Avoid using PowerPoint and focus on keeping the onboarding process real and interactive
  • Track the engagement of new joiners over time to identify retention issues
  • A big drop-off in engagement often occurs around month three of onboarding
  • Ensure that support systems, such as providing laptops, are well-run and efficient
  • Set up new joiners well in advance and provide them with access to company resources before they officially start
  • Combine learning objectives with practical tasks to engage new joiners in active learning
  • Have a manager or team member present during the first day to provide guidance and support

Ownership and Continuous Improvement

32:56 - 38:57

  • Onboarding should include a partner or buddy for new employees
  • Lack of communication can lead to awkward experiences for new hires
  • One department should take ownership of the onboarding process
  • Success rates can be measured through direct conversations, feedback surveys, and retention rates
  • Regular feedback is important to identify areas for improvement
  • Creating a culture of feedback encourages honesty and openness
  • New employees are in a unique position to provide valuable insights and suggestions
  • Asking about one thing that could improve the onboarding process can reveal important issues
  • Measuring the success of the onboarding program involves various factors

Improving Onboarding Process

38:31 - 40:51

  • One suggestion for improving the onboarding process is to ask employees what they would change if they had a magic wand.
  • The success of the onboarding program can be measured by how well the recruitment process selects the right people and how effectively they meet their probationary targets.
  • It's important to have honest conversations about whether a new hire is the right fit during the probationary period.
  • Retention and ongoing growth are key factors in creating a strong foundation for employee development.
  • Good onboarding involves asking questions and being open to feedback, while bad onboarding lacks these elements.