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Growth Colony: Australia's B2B Growth Podcast

Rebroadcast | EP #133 Karina Guerra: Conversations You Need to Have With Your CFO

Mon Jul 03 2023
Marketing ContributionMetrics AlignmentROI MeasurementBudgetingReportingDigital ChannelsIndustry TrendsPodcast Production


The episode discusses the importance of marketing contribution, metrics alignment, ROI measurement, budgeting, reporting, digital channels, industry trends, and podcast production. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between marketing and finance, focusing on customer needs, and using metrics that reflect customer importance. The conversation about ROI requires education and data collection, with lead generation campaigns showing measurable ROI. Clear goals and communication help secure budgets for activities without measurable ROI. Building relationships between marketing, sales, and finance is crucial for reporting. Digital channels became primary during the lockdown, requiring marketers to educate CFOs about industry trends. Prioritizing marketing efforts based on value and producing amazing content are essential in B2B marketing. The episode concludes with podcast production details.


Collaboration between Marketing and Finance

Marketing and finance need to work together to show the value of marketing contribution. Agreeing on metrics beforehand helps marketers and finance speak the same language.

Importance of Customer Focus

The foundation for showing marketing contribution is focusing on the needs of customers. Metrics that are important to customers should be reflected to the wider team.

ROI Measurement and Budgeting

Lead generation campaigns can show measurable ROI, but other activities may not. Clear goals and communication make it easier to secure a budget for activities without measurable ROI.

Metrics Alignment and Reporting

Building a relationship between marketing, sales, and finance is important for reporting. Agreeing on metrics early and constantly checking reports is crucial.

Digital Channels and Industry Trends

During the lockdown, digital channels became the primary way to generate leads and have conversations. Marketers need to educate CFOs about industry trends and challenges.


  1. Marketing Contribution and Metrics
  2. ROI in Marketing and Budgeting
  3. Reporting and Metrics Alignment
  4. Digital Channels and Industry Trends
  5. Podcast Production and Conclusion

Marketing Contribution and Metrics

00:03 - 07:33

  • Marketing and finance need to work together to show the value of marketing contribution
  • The foundation for showing marketing contribution is focusing on the needs of customers
  • Metrics that are important to customers should be reflected to the wider team
  • Marketers should avoid using marketing jargon when communicating with CFOs
  • Agreeing on metrics beforehand helps marketers and finance speak the same language
  • Not all marketing activities can be measured in terms of ROI, but they still need to be included in conversations
  • A buy-in from the CEO can help support branding efforts that may not have immediate measurable ROI

ROI in Marketing and Budgeting

07:16 - 15:08

  • The conversation about ROI in marketing requires an education process and data collection.
  • Lead generation campaigns can show measurable ROI, but other activities may not.
  • Branding and campaign budgets can be categorized to clarify their purpose within the organization.
  • Clear goals and communication make it easier to secure a budget for activities without measurable ROI.
  • CFOs are interested in ROI and big metrics, such as campaign investments and returns.
  • In B2B marketing, long customer life cycles require careful consideration of ROI measurement.
  • Starting with lead measurement is a good concept for organizations new to measuring marketing metrics.
  • Defining different ways to measure difficult concepts like attribution models is important.
  • Setting expectations at different stages of a marketing campaign is crucial, including short-term, medium-term, and long-term metrics.
  • For Xref, satisfaction of multiple stakeholders is an important metric alongside revenue and pipeline.
  • Listening to what customers are saying about the platform is essential for overall success.
  • Marketers should start gathering data based on their organization's specific needs and digital maturity.

Reporting and Metrics Alignment

14:39 - 23:12

  • Start with the data you have and then build the gaps
  • Key questions to answer: What is working and what isn't?
  • Tools for reporting: Salesforce and Marketo
  • Visible provides granular information in multi-touch attribution
  • Building a relationship between marketing, sales, and finance is important for reporting
  • Agree on metrics early and constantly check reports
  • Finance's questions can reveal insights that may be missed otherwise
  • Sales and marketing alignment improved reporting at X-ref during COVID-19 lockdown

Digital Channels and Industry Trends

22:43 - 30:54

  • During the lockdown, digital channels became the primary way to generate leads and have conversations.
  • Sales feedback on lead quality is crucial for securing more budget from finance.
  • Marketers need to educate CFOs about industry trends and challenges.
  • Changes in the industry, such as cookie changes, will present reporting challenges.
  • Prioritize marketing efforts based on highest value and back it up with data.
  • Influencers in the space include Abhinash and Veronica Holmes.
  • B2B marketers need to produce amazing content to compete globally.
  • Data privacy is becoming increasingly important, requiring trust-building with users.

Podcast Production and Conclusion

30:35 - 31:25

  • Today's episode of Growth Colony was produced by Alexander Hippewell and Liza Maywell.
  • It was edited by Dave Cimido with additional editing by Liza Maywell and Music arrangement by Alexander and Liza.
  • Special thanks to Tina Wabe, we couldn't make the show without you.
  • Growth Colony is hosted by Shaheen Hoda, Director of Growth at X Growth.
  • If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe and give us a rating on Spotify or Apple Podcast.
  • Do you think you'd be a great guest or just keen for a chat? Send her an email at That's
  • That's all for now. We'll catch you next week right here on Growth.