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Recruiting Trailblazers

Robin Choy: Sourcing Strategy and ChatGPT Use Cases for Recruiters.

Wed Feb 15 2023

Preparation for Productivity in Sourcing

00:03 - 06:01

  • The intake or kickoff meeting with the client or manager is important to dig deep into the discovery phase and understand what the role is, what are the expectations, and what kind of organization you're dealing with.
  • Defining the position by going deep into tasks for first month, three months, first year is important.
  • Understanding company's value proposition, product/service and culture during intake call helps build unique selling proposition early on during process.

What's in it for Candidates

05:38 - 11:51

  • Recruiters need to spend more time figuring out what's in it for candidates rather than just presenting a laundry list of experience and skills that are required.
  • Hiring managers should consider what's in it for the candidate when looking for lateral moves.
  • Consider candidates with a great attitude even if they have a slight shortfall in skills.

Effective Outreach Strategies

11:25 - 18:01

  • When reaching out to potential candidates, keep the message as short as possible while still providing important information.
  • Use calls to action that are more likely to trigger a conversation rather than an immediate commitment.
  • Avoid pasting the entire job description into the first email or message.
  • Salary transparency is useful and should be shared early on in the conversation.
  • Use multiple channels for outreach, including email and LinkedIn connection requests.
  • Follow up at least once or twice after initial outreach to increase response rates.

Personalization and Connection Building

17:32 - 24:03

  • Personalization has little impact on reply rates.
  • Personalization should be done thoroughly to have a significant impact on reply rates.
  • Segmentation can be used for personalization based on shared characteristics of small subsets of people.
  • Flattering messages can be cringy, so it's best to find a middle ground and avoid over-flattery.
  • Automated messages that are obviously not genuine or personalized can be off-putting.
  • Connection requests without an introduction message may have higher conversion rates than those with one.
  • Personalized invites should clearly show that they are solely for the recipient and cannot be automated.
  • Many recruiters do not invest in personalizing their outreach, but it is highly effective in getting responses.
  • Invitations to connect are powerful because they keep recipients exposed to your content over time and can lead to free conversations instead of paid emails.
  • Soft connecting with future prospects through LinkedIn posts is a powerful way to build relationships and create a talent pool that stays with you even if you change companies.

Content Creation and Messaging

23:37 - 29:50

  • Posting consistently on LinkedIn can help build relationships with potential clients or partners.
  • Creating and sharing valuable content is important for modern SDR teams to support cold outreach messages.
  • Testimonials from current employees can be a powerful tool for recruiters to attract candidates.
  • People join companies because of the people they will work with, not just the company itself.
  • Subject lines are crucial for getting recipients to open and engage with outreach messages.

Optimizing Outreach and Job Descriptions

29:30 - 36:14

  • Outreach is a funnel with three steps: find a person, find their contact and ensure they receive the message, and make sure they open, read, and reply to the message.
  • Subject lines are crucial for open rates; using job name at company name or first name coma job name at company name has high reply rates.
  • Emojis in subject lines decrease reply rates on average.
  • Too many superlatives in subject lines can be off-putting.
  • Personalized messages that describe what's happening in the message work well for call-to-action.
  • Split testing subject lines is a good idea to measure and improve results.
  • Chat GPT can help recruiters write better job descriptions by identifying useless or fluffy parts that are not different from competitors. It can also identify gender-specific wording or biased language towards underrepresented groups.
  • Chat GPT can write job descriptions for recruiters by asking questions about the role.

Using Chat GPT for Recruiting

35:57 - 41:54

  • Chat GPT can behave as a recruiter and ask 10 questions to draft job descriptions.
  • It is better at improving messaging than writing from scratch.
  • Use it as an idea generator for content creation.
  • Can create interview guides and question banks by sharing a role or job description.
  • Assess candidates against a spec by sharing their resume with Chat GPT.
  • Can help with recruiting for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Higher Suite is a recruiting CRM that makes recruiters more efficient by turning contacts into candidates.
  • It complements the ATS and helps develop relationships with candidates through nurturing them over time.
  • Recruiters who specialize are better off because they can build referral networks inside the skills and verticals they're always recruiting in.

Building Relationships and Referral Networks

41:24 - 43:30

  • Adding candidates to a newsletter list and communicating regularly can keep them aware of you and more likely to respond when you reach out with a suitable role.
  • Nurturing connections on LinkedIn is also helpful, but only a small percentage of your audience will see your content.
  • Newsletters or nurturing software can reach 100% of your connections.
  • Asking candidates if they would like to be added to your newsletter list during the first call is an effective way to build a referral network.
  • Talking to three candidates a day can lead to six or seven hundred referrals per year.