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Firefish Recruitment Podcast

S5 E6 - Firefish Crowdcast with Vanessa Raath - Using AI Video Tools to Market Candidates

Thu Jun 15 2023
AI in RecruitmentVideo InterviewsAR ToolsContent GenerationAI AdvancementsFuture of Work


The episode discusses the progress of AI tools in recruitment, focusing on video interviews and AR tools. It explores the benefits of using video interviews and tools like short-form videos with subtitles. The speakers highlight the importance of consent and discuss how AR tools can enhance the interview process. They also delve into utilizing AI tools in recruitment, including transcribing videos, extracting information from scripts, and staying up to date with AI advancements. The episode concludes by emphasizing the significant impact of AI on the world of work.


Video interviews and short-form videos with subtitles are beneficial for recruiters and hiring managers.

They improve engagement as many people watch videos without sound.

AR tools enhance the interview process and provide valuable insights.

They allow for interactive interviews, add subtitles in different languages, and provide speaking time, sentiment, and keyword analysis.

AI tools in recruitment save time and improve content generation.

They automate processes like transcribing videos, creating blog posts or summaries, extracting salient information, and recording phone calls.

Staying up to date with AI advancements is crucial for recruiters.

Websites like Future PDF and Future Tip provide daily updates on new developments.

AI has the potential to significantly impact various industries, including the world of work.

As AI progresses, the focus will shift from generating content to interpreting data and helping people understand it better.


  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits of Video Interviews and Tools
  3. Enhancing Expertise with AR Tools
  4. Utilizing AI Tools in Recruitment
  5. The Future of AI in the World of Work


00:00 - 06:47

  • Podcast episode discussing video AI software for recruitment agencies
  • Hosts are Wendy McDougall and Vanessa Rath
  • AI tools in recruitment have progressed significantly
  • People are using chat GPT but need more editing and personalization
  • AI is here to stay and the more people experiment with it, the better it will become
  • The hosts have been testing new tools for recruitment
  • They share a video interview they conducted using an AI tool
  • The tool transcribes the interview and generates a transcript
  • The hosts discuss the potential of using video interviews with clients or hiring managers

Benefits of Video Interviews and Tools

06:18 - 12:27

  • Using video interviews and tools like short-form video can be beneficial for recruiters and hiring managers
  • Short-form videos with subtitles are well-received as many people watch videos without sound
  • Consent is important when using someone's video for interviews or content creation
  • AR tools allow for interactive interviews and can enhance the interview process
  • The discussed tools, including Speak AR, offer free versions with useful features
  • Transcribing videos can automate the process of creating different types of content
  • AR tools like MASH can add subtitles in different languages to videos

Enhancing Expertise with AR Tools

11:58 - 18:08

  • The speaker used an AR tool called MASH to add French subtitles to their videos, allowing them to reach a wider audience.
  • The tool also provided insights on speaking time, sentiment, and keywords for SEO targeting.
  • The speaker discussed the potential use of keyword analysis in interviews for matching skill sets.
  • They found it fascinating to explore different tools and how they can be combined to enhance expertise.
  • A website called Futurepedia lists various AR tools that can be explored.
  • The speaker mentioned using an add-on called to create educational presentations from video transcripts.
  • They highlighted the importance of presentation skills for recruiters and suggested using such tools for pitches and information delivery.

Utilizing AI Tools in Recruitment

17:38 - 23:48

  • Recruiters should focus on improving their pitches and how they present information to their audience.
  • Using AI tools can help recruiters save time and generate content more efficiently.
  • Transcripts can be used to create blog posts or summaries of podcasts, making the process quicker.
  • AI tools can be used to extract salient information from a script and create a candidate profile.
  • There are AI tools available that can record phone calls and gather information from them.
  • Staying up to date with AI advancements can be challenging, but websites like Future PDF and Future Tip provide daily updates on new developments.
  • Different people approach AI from different angles, so listening to what others have to say is valuable in understanding its benefits.
  • Recruiters who effectively use AI to free up time for building relationships and connecting with candidates are more desirable than those who resist learning about it.
  • Tools like MetaView.AR allow for deeper analysis of interviews by asking questions based on recorded interviews.
  • As AI progresses, the focus will shift from generating content to interpreting data and helping people understand it better.
  • AI is here to stay and has the potential to significantly impact various industries, including the world of work.

The Future of AI in the World of Work

23:20 - 26:01

  • AI will have a big impact on the world of work
  • Humans still need to control technology while they can
  • Vanessa is running workshops over the next few weeks
  • The next podcast episode will feature Anne Swan from App School, discussing professional recruitment and app awards