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Renegade Marketers Unite

So You Want to Lead a Brand Refresh

Fri Jun 30 2023
RebrandingBrand RefreshBrand StoryPipeline BuildingCEO SupportConsistency in MessagingSales AlignmentStrategic AlignmentGathering InformationCollaboration


This episode covers various aspects of rebranding and brand refresh. It includes discussions on the importance of brand story and narrative for building pipeline, evaluation of brand positioning, strategy discussions, board involvement, client needs in a brand refresh, community support for branding topics, strategic alignment, evaluation of brand refresh, collaboration between teams, internal buy-in, external metrics for measuring success, and challenges in evaluating the impact of a brand refresh. The episode emphasizes the need for consensus among stakeholders, consistency in messaging, and the CEO's support for successful rebranding.


Rebranding is seen as a process and journey for CMOs

CMOs view rebranding as an ongoing process and journey rather than a one-time event.

Building pipeline requires a strong brand story and narrative

A strong brand story and narrative are essential for building pipeline and driving awareness.

The CEO's support is crucial for successful rebranding

The CEO's support from the beginning is important for the success of a rebranding initiative.

Consistency in messaging across all channels is key to driving growth and success

Maintaining consistency in messaging across all channels is crucial for driving growth and achieving success.

Different salespeople using different language leads to disconnect with customers

Using inconsistent language to describe the company among salespeople can lead to disconnect and loss of potential customers.

A brand refresh should bring a new promise to the marketplace

A brand refresh should go beyond changing the logo and colors; it should bring a new promise to the marketplace.

Engaging with the CEO ensures their support and alignment

Engaging with the CEO throughout the rebranding process ensures their support and strategic alignment.

Gathering information from internal employees, clients, partners helps develop strategies

Collecting information from internal employees, clients, partners, etc., helps in developing effective branding strategies by identifying patterns and themes.

Finding a partner or agency that aligns culturally is important for successful collaboration

Finding a partner or agency that aligns culturally with the company is crucial for successful collaboration in a brand refresh.

The adoption rate metric is important for measuring success

The adoption rate metric is an important indicator of success in evaluating the impact of a brand refresh.


  1. Renegade Marketing's audio book ranked number one by B2B Authority
  2. Importance of Brand Story and Narrative for Building Pipeline
  3. GS1 US Brand Positioning and Evaluation
  4. Strategy Discussion and Board Involvement in Brand Positioning
  5. US Legal Support Brand Refresh and Client Needs
  6. CMO Huddles Community and Importance of Consistency in Messaging
  7. Strategic Alignment and Evaluation of Brand Refresh
  8. Collaboration and Evaluation of Brand Refresh

Renegade Marketing's audio book ranked number one by B2B Authority

00:00 - 06:58

  • CMO Huddles Studio features a conversation on rebranding
  • Many CMOs avoid using the term 'brand' with non-marketing executives
  • Rebranding is seen as a process and journey for CMOs
  • Rashmi Vittala, CMO of Productive, shares her rebranding experience
  • She refreshed the brand and launched a new website in September
  • The CEO was supportive of the rebranding initiative from the beginning
  • Building pipeline requires a strong brand story and narrative

Importance of Brand Story and Narrative for Building Pipeline

06:33 - 13:46

  • It's important to have a good brand story and narrative to build pipeline and drive awareness.
  • Capturing demand is the focus, but there are things that need to be done before that.
  • In the first six months on the job, quick wins like buying leads can help fill the pipeline.
  • The refresh process was done in-house with the help of an independent consultant.
  • The consultant guided the evaluation of brand persona, mission statement, brand narrative, and archetype.
  • The CEO and CIO were deeply involved in determining what needed to be done for the brand refresh.
  • Having an outside person and customer involvement was helpful in shaping the brand strategy.
  • The company identified as a 'Sagegiver' archetype based on providing trusted data insights and being a caregiver.
  • A t-shirt campaign was launched internally to embody the Sagegiver mentality among employees.

GS1 US Brand Positioning and Evaluation

13:28 - 20:14

  • The CEO of the company is described as someone who wants to deliver insights in a thoughtful and caring manner.
  • There is a brand archetype quiz mentioned that the CEO often takes.
  • Bill Straderman, CMO of GS1 US, is introduced as a guest on the show.
  • Bill used to write marketing poetry and blended it with his handle on Twitter.
  • GS1 is a federation of member organizations that focus on shared value and common data standards for commerce and supply chains.
  • They recently evaluated their brand positioning and found an opportunity to redefine their meaning.
  • They aim to elevate the importance of data standards and why they matter to different stakeholders.
  • Research was conducted to understand their positioning with different audiences.
  • They are currently in the process of distilling and testing their ideal brand position.

Strategy Discussion and Board Involvement in Brand Positioning

19:50 - 26:36

  • The company is in a period of testing and distillation to find the ideal brand position that reaches different stakeholders.
  • SWOT analysis is used to frame the challenges, but biases need to be avoided.
  • Iterations of the SWOT analysis were done to narrow down important issues.
  • The executive team and board process evolved through a strategy discussion about growth and brand fit.
  • Getting everyone on a common starting place was achieved by focusing on growth ambition and understanding of GS1's value.
  • Board members are familiar with GS1's operations and standards, ensuring effective discussions about brand positioning.
  • The key takeaway is that branding is a means to achieve business objectives.

US Legal Support Brand Refresh and Client Needs

26:22 - 33:07

  • US legal support has been providing litigation support services for 25 years.
  • They recently rolled out a brand refresh to modernize their visual identity while staying in tune with their industry and client needs.
  • The goal was to ensure that the brand resonated with the audience and aligned with their values.
  • Voice of the customer surveys and interviews helped understand what clients need and value from the company.
  • The distinction between what clients need versus what they value was important in shaping the brand refresh.
  • The company opted for a refresh rather than a rebrand, focusing on enhancing existing capabilities and filling gaps through partnerships.
  • Internal workshops were conducted to define purpose, mission, values, brand voice, and messaging.
  • A visual identity was developed based on these findings and opportunities identified during the process.
  • There were moments of excitement when certain elements of the brand story started to resonate and check all the boxes.
  • The brand refresh has been rolled out internally, but it is unclear if it has been fully implemented externally.

CMO Huddles Community and Importance of Consistency in Messaging

32:42 - 39:13

  • The brand refresh is still ongoing with more improvements planned for the client experience in the new year.
  • Elements of the brand refresh can be seen on the website's about us page, including the updated brand story, values, and visual strategies.
  • CMO Huddles is an exclusive community of B2B CMOs that provides support and insights to its members.
  • CMO Huddles has helped with decision-making around moving part of the business development team under marketing.
  • The community discussions in CMO Huddles have been insightful for branding topics and problem-solving.
  • When refreshing a brand, it is important to start with understanding the why behind it and ensuring consensus among stakeholders.
  • Listening and learning about how people talk about the company internally and externally is crucial for aligning messaging.
  • Consistency in messaging across all channels is key to driving growth and success.

Strategic Alignment and Evaluation of Brand Refresh

38:53 - 45:23

  • Having an integrated message and everyone singing from the same songbook is important for high growth success.
  • Different salespeople using different language to describe the company is a problem that leads to disconnect and loss of potential customers.
  • The connection between brand and business needs to be clear for investment opportunities.
  • A brand refresh should involve more than just changing the logo and colors; it should bring a new promise to the marketplace.
  • Working closely with the CEO is crucial for strategic alignment and buy-in.
  • Creating a brand strategy plan helps keep everyone aware and bought into the process.
  • Engaging with the CEO ensures their support as they are the leader of the company.
  • The CEO's full commitment is necessary for a rebrand to stick.
  • Building a coalition within the organization helps galvanize support for change management.
  • Gathering information from internal employees, clients, partners, etc., helps develop strategies and identify patterns and themes.
  • Finding a partner or agency that aligns culturally with your company is important for successful collaboration.

Collaboration and Evaluation of Brand Refresh

44:57 - 51:55

  • The project required intensive effort and collaboration between the CMO's team and the agency partner team.
  • They had to challenge themselves to look outside and bring in different members of their teams when needed.
  • Cutting through is hard, but finding the right balance between what feels right and what has an edge is important.
  • They had a clear moment of realization when they came up with the motto 'When teams align, great things happen.'
  • Internal buy-in is crucial for success, as it drives employee engagement and retention.
  • External metrics such as NPS scores, client feedback, pipeline revenue can indicate if the brand refresh is working.
  • The adoption rate metric is important for measuring success.
  • Attribution and determining which steps really mattered will be a challenge in evaluating the impact of the brand refresh.
  • The brand has been effective in driving awareness and consideration, but it takes time to maintain momentum throughout the buyer's journey.