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What You Will Learn

The 50th Law

Thu May 04 2023
FearlessnessConfronting FearsTaking Back PowerOvercoming SetbacksInjecting Necessity


The episode explores the power of fearlessness, the importance of confronting fears, the benefits of taking back power and being self-reliant, overcoming setbacks and embracing opportunities, and injecting necessity and embracing urgency in our lives.


Fearlessness leads to power

Power comes from a unique quality that separates individuals from others. Fear can be a prison that limits our actions, but the less we fear, the more power we have in our lives.

Confronting fears makes us stronger

Throughout history, people lived in much tougher circumstances and had to confront their fears in the active mode. Confronting fears can be therapeutic and make us tougher and hardened.

Taking back power brings freedom

Working for others means being at their mercy and having your creative spirit squashed. By taking back power and creating your own enterprise, you have the freedom to be independent and pursue your own goals.

Overcoming setbacks leads to triumphs

Repeated exposure to surviving the worst in life reduces fear of future challenges. Great triumphs often arise from moments of crisis or being on the brink of defeat.

Injecting necessity leads to inventive thinking

Injecting moments of necessity in our lives can lead to inventive thinking. Confronting our own mortality can bring a sense of urgency and change everything.


  1. The Power of Fearlessness
  2. Confronting Fears in History
  3. Taking Back Power and Self-Reliance
  4. Overcoming Setbacks and Embracing Opportunities
  5. Injecting Necessity and Embracing Urgency

The Power of Fearlessness

00:00 - 06:19

  • Power comes from a unique quality that separates individuals from others
  • Napoleon's power came from his ability to absorb massive amounts of detail and organize his mind
  • 50 Cent's power comes from his fearlessness, which has taken him from being a drug dealer to a superstar
  • Fear can be a prison that limits our actions, but the less we fear, the more power we have in our lives
  • There are two ways to deal with fear: passive avoidance or active confrontation

Confronting Fears in History

05:51 - 12:02

  • Throughout history, people lived in much tougher and tighter circumstances than we're living in today
  • Confronting fears in the active mode makes us tougher and hardened
  • Fearless individuals like Fitti find chaos and embrace advances of technology
  • Those who follow the 50th law are not afraid of change or chaos, but embrace it and convert negatives into positives
  • Confronting fears can be therapeutic and was more common in history when dangers were pressing on a daily basis

Taking Back Power and Self-Reliance

11:35 - 17:36

  • Working for others means being at their mercy and having your creative spirit squashed
  • Music executives wanted to own and control artists, but 50 Cent wanted self-reliance
  • By taking back power, he had the freedom to expand his empire
  • True ownership is not just about possessions or money, but about independence and autonomy
  • Creating your own enterprise allows for individuality and complete freedom

Overcoming Setbacks and Embracing Opportunities

17:20 - 23:33

  • Repeated exposure to surviving the worst in life reduces fear of future challenges
  • 50 Cent's journey into the music industry was halted when he was shot nine times just before his album release
  • Despite feeling powerless, 50 Cent found newfound optimism and saw the opportunity to recreate himself as an artist
  • Great triumphs often arise from moments of crisis or being on the brink of defeat
  • Opportunities should not solely rely on external forces but can be influenced by one's own actions

Injecting Necessity and Embracing Urgency

23:06 - 29:20

  • Repeated exposure to surviving the worst in life reduces fear of future challenges
  • Injecting moments of necessity in our lives can lead to inventive thinking
  • Confronting our own mortality can bring a sense of urgency and change everything
  • Living our days well and fully is important when we realize the shortness of life
  • "When I nearly died it made me think this can happen again at any second, so I better hurry up and do what I want. I started to live like I never lived before. When the fear of death is gone, then nothing can bother you and nobody can stop." - 50 Cent