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The Revenue Marketing Report

The Age of ChatGPT Isn’t Here Yet

Thu May 25 2023


The episode discusses the impact of technology on marketing, the limitations and opportunities of AI in marketing, the changing role of marketing in B2B, and the importance of aligning sales and marketing teams.


Technology has made marketing lazy and impersonal

Automated outreach tools without personalization or attention to domain deliverability have led to decreased engagement.

AI is seen as a cheap solution but lacks understanding and quality data

AI is used as a budget-cutting solution in marketing, but there is a lack of understanding about its limitations and the need for quality data.

Chat GPT has limitations and requires human input

Chat GPT, an AI tool, has specific limitations that need to be considered and requires human input to drive it forward.

B2B marketing needs a mindset shift

Changes in how people buy and interact with businesses require a mindset shift in B2B marketing.

Video can be a powerful tool for engaging customers

Video technology can be used to create personalized sales experiences and engage potential customers.

Account-based marketing campaigns generate revenue opportunities

Account-based marketing campaigns can generate revenue opportunities by targeting specific accounts.

Transparency and honesty build trust with customers

Being transparent and honest about product shortcomings builds trust with customers.


  1. The Impact of Technology on Marketing
  2. Limitations and Opportunities of AI in Marketing
  3. Changing Role of Marketing in B2B
  4. Aligning Sales and Marketing

The Impact of Technology on Marketing

00:03 - 08:03

  • Technology has made marketing lazy and focused on easy leads and pipeline.
  • Automated outreach tools are used without personalization or attention to domain deliverability.
  • Cold outreach has become impersonal and ineffective, leading to decreased engagement.
  • The pandemic has made it even harder to engage with people authentically.
  • AI is seen as a cheap solution to budget cuts in marketing, but there is a lack of understanding about its limitations and the need for quality data.
  • Chat GPT, an AI tool, has specific limitations that need to be considered.

Limitations and Opportunities of AI in Marketing

07:45 - 15:11

  • Chat GPT has limitations and requires human input to drive it forward.
  • Having a quality set of data is important for machine learning.
  • Defining metrics and data points that drive the business forward is a challenge.
  • Attribution and different interpretations of numbers by personas in an organization can be problematic.
  • AI cannot generate cutting-edge content without expert insights.
  • AI lacks the ability to create at a level that incorporates cutting-edge knowledge and experiences.
  • Technology has positive aspects in bringing people closer together during the pandemic.
  • One-to-one video technology can be used to create personalized sales experiences.
  • B2B marketing needs a mindset shift due to changes in how people buy and interact with businesses.

Changing Role of Marketing in B2B

14:45 - 22:15

  • The way people buy and research has changed marketing's role in B2B.
  • Business leaders need to shift their focus from quantity to quality.
  • Finding the helpers within an organization can drive innovation and change.
  • Video can be a powerful tool for engaging potential customers.
  • Account-based marketing campaigns can generate revenue opportunities.
  • Small successes are important before implementing grand-scale changes.
  • Telling a resonating story is crucial for marketing success.
  • Internal marketing and facilitating conversations within the organization are key.
  • Technology like chat GPT can provide catchy social snippets with specific audience targeting.
  • The human element is necessary to understand buyer personas, pain points, and compliance concerns.
  • Understanding the buying committee and defining qualified opportunities is essential.

Aligning Sales and Marketing

21:49 - 27:05

  • Aligning sales and marketing teams requires a shared understanding of what qualifies as a qualified opportunity.
  • Exaggerated arguments often arise around defining the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) due to biases and lack of data validation.
  • Trailing indicators are crucial for achieving revenue goals.
  • Chat GPT lacks ethical constraints and may provide misleading information.
  • Marketers have been skeptical of analytics due to past experiences with deception.
  • Progress over perfection is key when implementing technology stacks.
  • Nail the basics, listen to podcasts for best practices, and consider how you want to be treated in marketing efforts.
  • Transparency and honesty about product shortcomings build trust with customers.