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What You Will Learn

The End Of An Era: Thanks For Listening

Tue Jul 18 2023


The episode covers the hosts' reflections on their podcast journey, including achievements, memorable interviews, book writing, the impact of books, the future of the podcast, and their decision to end it. They express gratitude to their listeners and reflect on the transformative power of books.



The hosts achieved over 7 million downloads, sold over 10,000 books, and were shortlisted for the Australian podcast awards twice.

Memorable Interviews

Notable interviews included Seth Godin, Dan Ariely, C.L. Dini, Robert Greene, Kevin Rudd, and Malcolm Turnbull. Memorable moments included meeting Steve Kane in a urinal and Kevin Rudd's surprise at the podcast setup.

Book Writing and Publishing

'The Shit They Never Taught You' book was written during season four and sold 12,000 copies. Penguin India picked up the book for the Indian subcontinent.

Impact of Books

Books have had a transformative and life-changing impact on the hosts' personal development. Specific influential books were mentioned, and one host credited a book for helping him quit smoking.

Future of the Podcast

The podcast's future was uncertain, with an upcoming announcement mentioned but no details provided. The host plans to start a new podcast called 'More to Learn' focused on books and authors.

End of the Podcast

The decision to end the podcast after season seven was made due to the host's inability to commit fully. The host plans to start a new podcast and continue writing books.


The hosts express gratitude to their listeners, supporters, and partners for their validation and support throughout the podcast journey.


  1. Podcast Beginnings
  2. Unreleased Episodes and Memorable Interviews
  3. Book Writing and Interviews
  4. Impact of Books and Podcast's Future
  5. End of the Podcast
  6. Reflections and Gratitude

Podcast Beginnings

00:00 - 06:09

  • The hosts reflect on the final episode of their podcast and express mixed emotions.
  • They mention achieving over 7 million downloads and selling over 10,000 books.
  • They highlight the impressive list of people they have interviewed.
  • The hosts mention being shortlisted for the Australian podcast awards twice.
  • They reminisce about how their podcast journey started at a pub called the Tudor Inn.
  • The hosts recall meeting each other at Monash University and bonding over books.
  • They discuss their initial idea to start a podcast after listening to other successful podcasts.
  • The first episode was titled 'Anything You Want' and lacked structure but was uploaded anyway.
  • The hosts cringe at their early attempts at YouTube videos but acknowledge improvement over time.
  • They wonder if any listeners have been with them since the beginning and mention one loyal listener named Karen.
  • The hosts recall funny moments from the first season, including voice breaking and mispronouncing words.

Unreleased Episodes and Memorable Interviews

05:56 - 11:41

  • Several podcast episodes were never released, including interviews with John Cotta and Peter Fitzsimmons.
  • The interview with Peter Fitzsimmons was particularly awkward, with him making the hosts sit on the floor and only lasting 15 minutes.
  • The hosts often ended episodes by singing songs, which were mostly impromptu and sometimes incoherent.
  • Season two focused on interviews with notable figures like Seth Godin and Dan Ariely.
  • There were some memorable moments during these interviews, such as meeting Steve Kane in a urinal and Kevin Rudd's surprise at the hosts' podcast setup.
  • Season three featured interviews with authors C.L. Dini and Robert Greene, with a cringe-worthy moment involving a weak story from one of the hosts.
  • In season four, the hosts interviewed former Australian Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull.

Book Writing and Interviews

11:17 - 17:31

  • Interviewed Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, former Australian Prime Ministers
  • Had three funny Doctor Call of Stories
  • Started writing a book in season four
  • Took a long time to write the book, COVID helped
  • Published 'The Shit They Never Taught You' book and sold 12,000 copies
  • Season six had Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman as a guest with tech issues
  • Favorite interviews were Ryan Holiday, Robert Graham, Seth Gordon, Dan Ariely, and Robert Green
  • Season seven had niche books and Penguin India picked up the podcast

Impact of Books and Podcast's Future

17:10 - 23:15

  • Penguin India has picked up the book for the Indian subcontinent with a print run of 25,000 copies.
  • The podcast has a listenership of around 12 to 15% of the total audience.
  • The hosts reflect on how books have changed their lives and helped them grow as individuals.
  • They discuss the impact of reading books and how it has shaped their personal development.
  • The hosts mention specific books that have been influential in their journey.
  • One host credits a book for helping him quit smoking and start his personal growth journey.
  • Books are seen as transformative and life-changing by both hosts.
  • The hosts continue to read books regularly, valuing quality over quantity.
  • They briefly mention an upcoming announcement about the podcast's future without providing details.

End of the Podcast

22:54 - 29:11

  • I couldn't commit 50/50 to the podcast, so I decided to end it after season seven.
  • We both knew nothing lasts forever.
  • Our friendship will continue outside of the podcast.
  • I considered stopping all podcasts and books, but I enjoy them too much.
  • I spoke to other author/podcasters who advised against disappearing for a year and then launching a book.
  • I will start a new podcast called 'More to Learn' focused on books and authors.
  • The value is in the process of doing the podcast and being accountable for reading and writing.
  • There will be solo episodes, interviews, and experimental content on 'More to Learn'.
  • The website will be up soon.
  • It was an emotional rollercoaster deciding to end the podcast.
  • We didn't want it to slowly die over two years, so we chose to end it quickly.
  • We had an amazing journey for seven years with many positive memories.

Reflections and Gratitude

28:41 - 30:12

  • The podcast hosts reflect on their journey over the past three years.
  • They express gratitude to their listeners, supporters, and partners.
  • External validation and support played a significant role in keeping the podcast going.
  • The hosts appreciate those who took the time to reach out and thank them for their work.