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The Reboot | Uncommon Core 2.0 with Hasu and Jon Charbonneau

Mon Jul 17 2023


The episode explores various aspects of crypto, including the role of writing as a learning tool, understanding the workflow in crypto, deep diving into research, MEV and roll-ups, challenges in roll-up governance, decentralization and governance in roll-ups, centralized and decentralized sequences in roll-ups, proof of stake and governance in roll-ups, liquid staking and roll-up governance, governance of the super chain in roll-ups, and roll-up governance considerations.


Writing is essential for learning and understanding

Writing about complex topics helps in learning and understanding them thoroughly. It allows for feedback loops, building a brand, and networking with experts.

Understanding the workflow in crypto is crucial

Having a comprehensive understanding of the workflow and process in crypto is more important than pre-existing technical knowledge. Researching articles involves using primary sources, secondary sources, and talking to people.

MEV/transaction supply chain and roll-ups are closely connected

MEV/transaction supply chain and roll-ups are closely connected. Roll-ups need their sequencing needs met, and decentralizing the leader election mechanism in roll-ups is a challenge.

Governance plays a crucial role in roll-ups

The governance and control side of roll-ups is a thorny question that requires attention. The person or entity who controls the roll-up is more important than the exact sequencer mechanism. Governance should have the power to remove malicious actors and select trustworthy sequencers.

Decentralization and centralization have trade-offs in roll-ups

Roll-ups can choose a more centralized approach if it provides benefits like improved user experience or reduced custody risk. However, having an opt-out option is crucial for user control in roll-up systems. There will be a place for both decentralized and centralized approaches in the endgame of roll-ups.

Proof of stake and governance are important considerations

The need for proof of stake in roll-ups is questioned, and governance mechanisms may be sufficient. Implementing proof of stake leads to liquid-staking tokens becoming dominant. Dual governance can mitigate the principal-agent problem. Roll-up governance should have the power to pick sequencers and veto delegates.

Governance of the super chain is crucial

The governance of the super chain in the roll-up ecosystem will be crucial. Different chains may outsource their governance, and figuring out roll-up governance is a difficult problem. Opinionated governance will likely play a significant role in roll-ups' long-term success.

Roll-up governance considerations

Governance will become an important topic for roll-ups to figure out. Stewardship of smart contracts, control over updates, and sequencer decentralization are key considerations. Roll-up governance will have a lot of power and influence over decisions.


  1. Introduction
  2. Writing as a Learning Tool
  3. Understanding Crypto Workflow
  4. Deep Dive into Research
  5. MEV and Roll-ups
  6. Challenges in Roll-up Governance
  7. Decentralization and Governance in Roll-ups
  8. Governance and Security in Roll-ups
  9. Centralized and Decentralized Sequences in Roll-ups
  10. Proof of Stake and Governance in Roll-ups
  11. Liquid Staking and Roll-up Governance
  12. Governance of the Super Chain in Roll-ups
  13. Roll-up Governance Considerations


00:00 - 07:11

  • The podcast 'Uncommon Core' is back after a long hiatus with new co-host Jon Charbonneau.
  • The focus of the podcast will be on exploring the technology and incentives that make public blockchains work, with special attention paid to MEV, blockchain security, and roll-ups.
  • The values of the podcast, including deep curiosity and intellectual honesty, will remain the same.
  • The new co-host John Chabuno is deeply passionate about understanding and improving crypto infrastructure.
  • They spend a lot of time on Twitter to find information and do research.
  • Writing is an important part of processing information for them, as it helps them understand concepts better.

Writing as a Learning Tool

06:49 - 14:23

  • The last 5% of my reports, when I send them out to others, significantly improves the quality.
  • John is a prolific technical writer in crypto and his reports reflect his thought process while exploring various topics.
  • Writing about complex topics becomes easier when you are learning it from scratch and explaining it simply.
  • Writing helps in learning and understanding the topic thoroughly.
  • AI may make writing less important, but John would still write every report the same way even if they were not read by many.
  • Reading what AI writes won't help you learn as effectively as going through the process yourself.
  • Writing is essential for thinking and structuring thoughts on any topic.
  • Building a second brain through writing notes and connecting ideas enhances brain plasticity.
  • John joined crypto in March 2022 after being an obsessive hobbyist throughout 2021.
  • Learning through writing allows for feedback loops, building a brand, and networking with experts.

Understanding Crypto Workflow

13:56 - 20:49

  • Understanding the workflow and process in crypto is more important than pre-existing technical knowledge.
  • Having a comprehensive understanding of Ethereum in one place is difficult due to its vastness.
  • Finding interesting new ideas in crypto is easier if you are already focused on a specific area.
  • Outsiders can often see obvious things in crypto that insiders may overlook.
  • The social layer and community composition play a significant role in Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  • Researching articles involves using primary sources, secondary sources, and talking to people.

Deep Dive into Research

20:23 - 27:09

  • The speaker spends a month diving deep into a topic, ignoring other responsibilities and immersing themselves in research.
  • They start from the ground up, even looking up basic concepts like polynomials on Khan Academy.
  • Their computer is filled with open tabs related to their research.
  • After checking all the boxes and synthesizing information, they find it interesting to talk to people who have knowledge that isn't written down yet.
  • Their workflow has become shorter, usually taking a week or two for a report.
  • They split their time between focusing solely on the report and then catching up on other responsibilities.
  • The speaker's proudest moment was when Vitalik retweeted their Ethereum report after being in crypto for only a month.
  • Crypto infrastructure can be divided into several key areas including MEV/supply chain, protocol level thinking, rollups, scaling, consensus and security.
  • The boundaries between these areas are loose and overlapping.
  • The speaker spends most of their time working on MEV/transaction supply chain and roll-ups because they are closely connected.

MEV and Roll-ups

26:43 - 34:19

  • MEV/transaction supply chain and roll-ups are closely connected
  • Roll-ups need their sequencing needs met
  • Decentralizing leader election mechanism in roll-ups is a challenge
  • Flashbots is thinking about the best mechanism for roll-ups
  • Liquid-staking protocols are dominant in the staking area
  • Market dynamics of liquid staking have network effects
  • Best staking protocol should be decentralized and trustless
  • Infrastructure is important due to personal interest and innovation focus
  • Interest in technical aspects of infrastructure over NFTs or applications on crypto
  • Significant innovation has been happening on the infrastructure side, especially with roll-ups and scaling solutions

Challenges in Roll-up Governance

33:55 - 41:04

  • The podcast discusses the need for a new consensus algorithm to make blockchain more scalable.
  • The limitations of current blockchain applications are highlighted, including lack of privacy, efficient routing, and competitive decentralized exchanges.
  • Solving problems related to MEV (Miner Extractable Value), scalability, and security is crucial for building high-quality applications in crypto.
  • Roll-ups are discussed as a topic of interest, particularly their decentralization roadmap.
  • The speaker mentions that roll-ups are still in early stages of decentralization and progress has been slower than expected.
  • Sequencer decentralization is considered less important compared to controlling contract upgrades through multi-sigs or governance mechanisms.
  • Questions regarding the right approach to contract upgradability and governance in roll-ups are raised, including considerations of token holder control and instant upgrades for bug fixes.

Decentralization and Governance in Roll-ups

40:42 - 47:26

  • The governance and control side of Rollups is a thorny question that requires attention.
  • The person or entity who controls the roll-up is more important than the exact sequencer mechanism.
  • Decentralizing the sequencer does not necessarily solve issues like monopolistic pricing or censorship resistance.
  • Constraining the powers of sequencers is crucial, even if it means having one person in control.
  • Roll-ups need to make different trade-offs on thinking about MEV compared to Ethereum.
  • Decentralizing the sequencer in a completely permissionless way is difficult and may not be necessary for most roll-ups.
  • Governance should have the power to remove malicious sequencers.
  • Trustworthy sequencers can be selected by governance, with private mempools and no front-running.

Governance and Security in Roll-ups

47:05 - 54:14

  • Governance should have the power to remove malicious actors in roll-ups.
  • Roll-ups inherit censorship resistance from Ethereum.
  • Trusted operators can be used in roll-ups during the interim period.
  • Different chains have different requirements and goals.
  • Privacy and front-running protection are difficult on Ethereum due to high block time and geographic diversity.
  • Cosmos chains have their own validators and governance with the ability to slash misbehaving validators.
  • Roll-ups are decentralized because they post data and proofs to Ethereum.
  • Roll-ups can choose a more centralized approach if it provides benefits like improved user experience or reduced custody risk.
  • Having an opt-out option is crucial for user control in roll-up systems.
  • There will be a place for both decentralized and centralized approaches in the endgame of roll-ups.

Centralized and Decentralized Sequences in Roll-ups

53:53 - 1:00:16

  • There is a place for both centralized and decentralized sequences in the roll-up ecosystem.
  • Centralized sequences are being used early on to provide good user experience and build network effects.
  • Users can leave a roll-up if they have the option to opt out easily and retain control over their assets and data.
  • Decentralized social media platforms are harder to bootstrap because users cannot carry over their networks.
  • A clear opt-out option keeps operators in check and prevents monopolistic behavior.
  • Having a PBS auction, whether for centralized or decentralized sequences, is important to express preferences and avoid problems with private first in first out (FIFO) ordering.
  • Trusted mempools can be used by sequencers to keep user orders private while allowing bidding for block positions.
  • Governance should have more power in selecting trusted operators for sequencing, ensuring geographic distribution and accountability.

Proof of Stake and Governance in Roll-ups

59:50 - 1:05:58

  • Sonny tweeted that proof of stake was a mistake and suggested using governance pick instead
  • For Ethereum, relying on governance to select validators goes against the goal of being permissionless
  • For roll-ups, if they have robust governance mechanisms, there may be no need for proof of stake
  • Implementing proof of stake leads to liquid-staking tokens becoming dominant
  • The principal-agent problem arises when a third party like LIDO picks delegates for stakers
  • Dual governance, where stakers have veto rights, can mitigate the principal-agent problem
  • If most capital is delegated and slashing doesn't affect personal funds, its value is questioned
  • In the best case scenario, rollup governance picks sequencers and has veto rights over delegates
  • Questioning the need for a middle process if rollup governance can decide without staking tokens

Liquid Staking and Roll-up Governance

1:05:51 - 1:13:07

  • Liquid staking could be interesting for roll-ups as a way to delegate the selection of validators.
  • Governance in roll-ups can be challenging, and liquid staking offers a potential solution.
  • The argument that liquid staking would be the end game for roll-ups is not convincing.
  • Roll-ups already inherit decentralization from Ethereum, making them relatively trustless.
  • For chains with ambitions to become settlement layers, governance becomes more important than sequence selection.
  • Different layer two solutions have different plans and may not coordinate on implementing pre-compiles for verifying proofs.

Governance of the Super Chain in Roll-ups

1:12:47 - 1:19:05

  • The governance of the super chain in the roll-up ecosystem will be crucial.
  • Different chains may outsource their governance to optimism.
  • Figuring out roll-up governance is a difficult problem.
  • The vision behind the super chain is to have enhanced interoperability and shared standards across different roll-ups.
  • Shared sequencing and shared validity conditions are part of this vision.
  • There is a spectrum of trade-offs between having one monolithic chain and multiple chains with different standards.
  • Different applications will have different needs for interoperation and governance in the roll-up ecosystem.
  • Designing roll-ups differently from Ethereum makes sense due to their different use cases.
  • Opinionated governance will likely play a significant role in roll-ups' long-term success.

Roll-up Governance Considerations

1:18:47 - 1:22:00

  • Governance will become an important topic for roll-ups to figure out.
  • Stewardship of smart contracts and control over updates are key governance considerations.
  • Sequencer decentralization is another aspect of governance in roll-ups.
  • Roll-up governance will have a lot of power and influence over decisions.
  • Liquid-seeking protocols face challenges in marrying immutability, security, and decentralized governance.
  • There is a significant overlap between the roadmaps of Lido and roll-ups.
  • The podcast will be released every two to three weeks.