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The Body of Knowledge

The Snapshot

Tue Sep 03 2019
resource allocationbalancerelationshipsperformancecontextual trainingfitness industrypersonal growthenergy resourcestime managementself-assessment


The episode explores the importance of allocating attention and resources in various aspects of life. It emphasizes the need for balance and conscious decision-making to avoid negative consequences. The role of curiosity, ego, and communication in relationships is discussed, along with the impact of resource allocation on athletic performance. The concept of context is introduced as a guiding principle in training and coaching. The episode also highlights the pitfalls of misguidance in the fitness industry and the significance of personal growth. Balancing energy resources and making choices consistent with personal values are explored. The power of self-assessment and holding oneself accountable is emphasized for sustainable growth.


Allocate attention and resources consciously

Poor allocation can lead to negative consequences in various aspects of life, including relationships and performance.

Use the snapshot tool for self-assessment

Taking a snapshot of one's current state helps identify imbalances and areas for improvement.

Consider the impact of curiosity and ego on relationships

Unconscious behaviors driven by curiosity and ego can strain relationships.

Communication is key in managing sacrifices for training

Openly discussing sacrifices made during intense training can prevent frustration and build stronger relationships.

Contextual training allows for balanced growth

Focusing on different aspects of life while still being able to perform when needed leads to overall improvement.

Avoid misguidance in the fitness industry

Understanding the true motivations behind weight loss and seeking clarity can prevent dissatisfaction and blame games.

Balance energy resources for optimal performance

Acknowledging limited energy resources and making conscious choices can lead to sustainable growth.

Conscious allocation of time prevents burnout

Being aware of how time is allocated and recognizing resource constraints helps maintain focus and prevent exhaustion.

Self-assessment and accountability drive personal growth

Taking a snapshot, holding oneself accountable, and making conscious changes contribute to sustainable growth.

Videos provide visual representation of the snapshot tool

The podcast offers videos demonstrating how the snapshot looks visually, enhancing understanding and application.


  1. The Importance of Allocation of Attention and Resources
  2. Identifying Imbalances and Making Informed Decisions
  3. The Impact of Curiosity and Ego on Relationships
  4. Allocating Resources for Optimal Performance
  5. Managing Resource Allocation for Athletes
  6. The Role of Context in Training and Coaching
  7. Avoiding Misguidance and Prioritizing Personal Growth
  8. Balancing Energy Resources for Optimal Performance
  9. Conscious Allocation of Time and Resources
  10. The Power of Self-Assessment and Growth

The Importance of Allocation of Attention and Resources

00:00 - 07:47

  • The story I had told myself about what I was doing was inconsistent with reality
  • The snapshot helped me see the reality and not be blindsided
  • We are built to change and should strive for general health practices
  • Allocation of attention and resources is a common human struggle
  • Poor allocation of attention or resources supports people growing
  • Overachieving can lead to poor allocation of attention or resources
  • Realistically, most attention and resources go into work/professional life
  • Family, friends, and physical training receive less attention and resources
  • Rest, recovery, reflection receive minimal attention and resources

Identifying Imbalances and Making Informed Decisions

07:20 - 15:17

  • Taking a practical snapshot of our existence as is can help us identify areas for growth and improvement.
  • Allocating attention and energy to different aspects of life is crucial, as humans are limited by their attention.
  • The more time and energy we give to work, the less likely we are to have time for family, friends, and personal activities.
  • Neglecting rest and recovery can lead to burnout and underperformance.
  • A practical exercise called the snapshot can reveal imbalances in our lives.
  • By honestly assessing where we allocate our time and energy, we can make informed decisions about growth and change.
  • The snapshot exercise helped one individual realize that most of their relationships were work-related, leading to a divorce.
  • Focusing solely on work and neglecting other areas of life can have negative consequences in the long run.

The Impact of Curiosity and Ego on Relationships

14:47 - 22:27

  • The speaker realized that his curiosity and ego were driving his behavior in his marriage, which ultimately led to its end.
  • The speaker got married at a young age and grew apart from his partner as they both changed.
  • The speaker used a tool called the snapshot to allocate resources and check if he was consistent with who he wanted to be.
  • There are natural tugs on people's lives that can affect their physical practice, work, and general recovery.
  • Inconsistencies in the speaker's training were noticed as things started unraveling in his life.
  • The emotional and personal aspects of life can bleed into the physical experience during workouts.
  • The snapshot is similar to how coaches design training programs for athletes, but it focuses on all four quadrants of life.
  • A legendary UFC fighter actively checks out mentally for eight weeks during training camp to focus on work and recovery.
  • Communication about sacrifices made during intense training can help avoid frustration in relationships.

Allocating Resources for Optimal Performance

22:06 - 28:03

  • Communicating with partners about the sacrifices required in training is important to avoid frustration and build-up of issues.
  • To reach the highest level in fighting, full focus and preparation are necessary.
  • Breaking down physical goals into categories helps fighters prioritize their training.
  • Allocating points to each category helps fighters stay focused and make decisions on how to allocate their time and energy.
  • Conscious growth requires identifying best-case and worst-case scenarios for fights and training accordingly.
  • Avoid over-allocating resources by focusing on a few key areas rather than trying to do too much at once.

Managing Resource Allocation for Athletes

27:34 - 34:37

  • Overloading athletes with too many tasks and expectations can lead to resource allocation issues.
  • It is important for athletes to actively decide what they will not spend time on in order to focus on their priorities.
  • Choosing recovery over training can have positive effects on performance.
  • The snapshot tool helps athletes zoom out and consider other aspects of their life that may impact their performance.
  • Finding ways to expand the ten points allocated to different areas of life can improve overall performance.
  • Athletes often struggle with the idea of doing less in order to focus more on what is important.
  • Managing an athlete's whole life, including stressors outside of training, is a crucial part of being a human performance consultant.
  • Focusing solely on one thing all the time can be exhausting and hinder long-term growth.
  • Contextual training allows for undulating focus between different areas while still being able to perform when needed.

The Role of Context in Training and Coaching

34:08 - 41:29

  • Context is a key concept discussed in Volume 1/Season 1.
  • Context overlays the snapshot and quadrants in this volume.
  • Context refers to how physical activities can be seen as practice, competition, character development, or mental toughness.
  • Learning something compels growth over time.
  • Repeating something without progression leads to running out of bandwidth.
  • Testing or competition provides black and white feedback on progress.
  • Mental toughness involves challenging oneself in uncomfortable ways.
  • The same workout can provide different experiences based on the framing of learning, testing, or challenge perspectives.
  • Consideration of these perspectives is important for training and coaching.
  • Humans need accountability, growth through learning and failing, and routine challenges to develop.
  • Quadrants help determine how one wants to grow, while the snapshot identifies current status and planned changes for future growth.
  • Context determines day-to-day decisions and protects against irrationality.
  • Coaches need to create a space for high performers to slow down and learn something new.

Avoiding Misguidance and Prioritizing Personal Growth

41:02 - 48:05

  • Covert agreements in the fitness industry can lead to unmet expectations and misguidance.
  • Understanding whether weight loss is about physical competence or emotional confidence is crucial.
  • Prescribing a weight loss plan without considering internal growth can lead to dissatisfaction.
  • Offering clarity through the quadrants helps prevent misguidance and blame games.
  • The snapshot tool allows individuals to assess their current state and set goals for improvement.
  • Constantly seeking new trends on social media may distract from focusing on personal growth.
  • Thought leaders often promote new things but fail to mention what they have stopped doing.
  • The snapshot tool helps CEOs identify energy drains and prioritize recovery for better performance.
  • Balancing work, relationships, and personal well-being requires acknowledging our limited energy resources.

Balancing Energy Resources for Optimal Performance

47:40 - 55:05

  • We are limited in the energy we have and need to reckon with that
  • There are many distractions these days that can consume our attention, like social media
  • People spend an average of 2 hours a day on Facebook or Instagram, which is concerning
  • We need to find a practical solution for balancing our physical practice with other commitments
  • Work-life balance is often just a way for people to feel good about not being ambitious
  • Ultimately, we have to engage with the practice of something and make decisions based on resource constraints
  • A master mechanic prioritized his family over job opportunities that would take him away from them
  • Reflecting on past choices, the speaker chose ambition over being a good husband
  • The speaker recognizes the need for personal growth and avoiding similar mistakes in the future
  • It's important to choose actions consistent with who you want to be

Conscious Allocation of Time and Resources

54:41 - 1:01:45

  • Resource allocation is important for balancing work and personal life.
  • Using tools like a visual calendar can help prioritize tasks and manage workload.
  • Being conscious of how time is allocated can prevent burnout and maintain focus.
  • Recognizing resource constraints is crucial for sustaining ambition and intensity.
  • Running oneself ragged without rest and recovery has long-term costs.
  • Some people may appear to be solely focused on rest, recovery, and reflection, but it's important to consider their contributions as well.

The Power of Self-Assessment and Growth

1:01:15 - 1:08:16

  • Taking a snapshot and going through it yourself can be a useful exercise for personal growth.
  • Holding someone accountable for their own quality of life can have a positive impact.
  • Being overworked and underpaid should be a conscious choice, not a default position.
  • Making changes to improve an unsustainable situation may not guarantee immediate results, but it gives you a chance.
  • Human existence has natural seasonality, and accounting for that can guide growth more effectively.
  • The podcast will provide videos showing how the snapshot looks visually.