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The School of Greatness

Transforming Conflict into Effective Communication w/ Trial Lawyer Jefferson Fisher EP 1473

Mon Jul 24 2023
Summit of GreatnessDealing with Difficult SituationsManaging EmotionsBuilding CredibilityResolving ConflictsNegotiation StrategiesCoping with Panic AttacksSeeking SupportSetting Boundaries in CommunicationAssertivenessEffective Communication TechniquesCoping with StressTeaching Kids EmpathyBeing PresentEmbracing the Present MomentSpreading Joy


Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness. Expect inspiring speakers, participate in live music and group workouts, and connect with others. Learn about dealing with difficult situations and conversations, understanding others and managing emotions, building credibility and resolving conflicts, negotiation strategies and coping with panic attacks, managing emotions and setting boundaries in communication, assertiveness and effective communication techniques, negotiation strategies and coping with stress, teaching kids empathy and being present, and embracing the present moment and spreading joy.


Unleash your true greatness at the Summit of Greatness

Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio to unleash your true greatness. Expect inspiring speakers, live music, group workouts, and opportunities to connect with others.

Aligning thoughts before entering a situation can lead to better outcomes

Aligning your thoughts before entering a situation can lead to better outcomes. Writing phrases to help stay calm and aligned during conversations can be beneficial.

Allowing the other person to have their moment can make them look worse

Allowing the other person to have their moment can make them look worse and lose credibility.

Recognize that the issue someone presents is rarely the real issue

When questioning or examining someone, recognize that the issue they present is rarely the real issue. It may be a result of external factors or emotions they are carrying.

Take conversations outside of the immediate environment for perspective

To gain perspective and clarity, take conversations outside of the immediate environment.

Choose to respond rather than react

In difficult situations, choose to respond rather than react. Show accountability for your own feelings.

Remind yourself not to take things personally and let go of unnecessary baggage

To avoid getting triggered emotionally, remind yourself not to take things personally and let go of unnecessary baggage.

Arguments can be an opportunity for growth and understanding

Arguments should not always be about winning. They can be an opportunity for growth and understanding.

Healing the argument requires taking accountability for your behavior

To heal an argument, it is important to take accountability for your behavior. Sincere apologies and promises to do better can help in healing relationships.

Efficient arguments with quick apologies help resolve conflicts in marriage

In marriage, efficient arguments with quick apologies can help resolve conflicts.


  1. Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio
  2. Dealing with Difficult Situations and Conversations
  3. Understanding Others and Managing Emotions
  4. Building Credibility and Resolving Conflicts
  5. Negotiation Strategies and Coping with Panic Attacks
  6. Coping with Panic Attacks and Seeking Support
  7. Overcoming Panic Attacks and Dealing with Offensive Comments
  8. Managing Emotions and Setting Boundaries in Communication
  9. Assertiveness and Effective Communication Techniques
  10. Negotiation Strategies and Coping with Stress
  11. Teaching Kids Empathy and Being Present
  12. Embracing the Present Moment and Spreading Joy

Join the Summit of Greatness in Columbus, Ohio

00:01 - 07:28

  • Unleash your true greatness
  • Expect inspiring speakers like Inky Johnson, Jaspri Singh, Vanessa Van Edwards, Jen Sinzhero, and more
  • Participate in live music, group workouts, and connect with others

Dealing with Difficult Situations and Conversations

06:59 - 13:44

  • Interview with a board certified Texas trial lawyer
  • First trial experience alone was challenging but taught valuable lessons
  • Aligning thoughts before entering a situation can lead to better outcomes
  • Writing phrases to help stay calm and aligned during conversations
  • Allowing the other person to have their moment can make them look worse and lose credibility

Understanding Others and Managing Emotions

13:18 - 20:35

  • Consider the psychology behind the first question when questioning or examining someone
  • Recognize that the issue someone presents is rarely the real issue; it may be a result of external factors or emotions they are carrying
  • Use this understanding to connect with them rather than escalate the situation
  • Take conversations outside of the immediate environment to gain perspective and clarity
  • Choose to respond rather than react, showing accountability for your own feelings
  • To avoid getting triggered emotionally, remind yourself not to take things personally and let go of unnecessary baggage
  • Learning to let go and put things down is a lifelong process influenced by upbringing and experiences
  • Arguments should not always be about winning; they can be an opportunity for growth and understanding

Building Credibility and Resolving Conflicts

20:18 - 27:11

  • Conflict is okay as long as it doesn't turn negative
  • Don't focus on winning the argument, as it will breed contempt
  • Know the end goal and the true issue being argued about
  • Healing the argument requires taking accountability for your behavior
  • Apologizing sincerely and promising to do better helps in healing relationships
  • Managing emotions well is important in trial law but not always at home
  • Expressing emotions in a safe place like home is beneficial
  • Efficient arguments with quick apologies help resolve conflicts in marriage
  • Persuasion involves giving people a reason to want to give you what you want
  • Couch negotiations in a way that makes the other person feel like they've gained something

Negotiation Strategies and Coping with Panic Attacks

26:54 - 34:06

  • Negotiations should be approached as a way to make the other person feel like they've gained something, rather than lost something
  • Using friendliness and empathy in negotiations can help create a collaborative atmosphere
  • Addressing the other person's concerns and expectations upfront can lead to better outcomes
  • Building confidence in conversations with difficult or smarter individuals involves avoiding defensiveness and taking a breath before responding
  • Confidence can also be projected through body language, pacing of conversation, and using fewer words
  • The experience of gaining a large following on social media has helped the speaker's law firm and brought opportunities but also increased pressure and isolation
  • The pressure comes from not wanting to give bad advice and feeling the weight of being watched by many people

Coping with Panic Attacks and Seeking Support

33:37 - 40:13

  • The pressure of not wanting to give bad advice and battling imposter syndrome
  • Experiencing panic attacks in February due to viral videos and feeling overwhelmed
  • Thinking the panic attack was a heart attack and going to the ER
  • Being diagnosed with a panic attack and feeling normal but messed up
  • Having rapid thoughts and triggers related to death during panic attacks

Overcoming Panic Attacks and Dealing with Offensive Comments

39:46 - 45:56

  • A footer reason death was a trigger
  • The thought of dying or the topic of it would send my whole body into a fridge
  • I had panic attacks for eight days straight
  • I researched everything I could about this topic and ordered a book called 'The Body Keeps the Score'
  • I felt isolated and like there was nobody to help me
  • There are only a few people I can share everything with without judgment
  • We all need someone we can have those messy, unfiltered conversations with

Managing Emotions and Setting Boundaries in Communication

45:37 - 52:48

  • Realized the importance of not letting down the people who watch and follow
  • Received incredibly kind messages that made him feel humble
  • Recognized the bad habit of holding his breath and not fully utilizing his body
  • Learned to fix the habit of holding his breath, which improved his well-being
  • Discussed psychological strategies for dealing with offensive or hurtful comments
  • Shared a strategy of imagining an energetic field that bounces off negative words and intentions
  • Described separating the ego from oneself as a way to detach from hurtful comments
  • Talked about using a trash can visualization to sift through offensive words and focus on the real issue
  • Explored how to communicate worth while setting boundaries with offensive communicators

Assertiveness and Effective Communication Techniques

52:31 - 58:55

  • Create a boundary consciously with people who communicate in a way that doesn't work for you
  • Assertively say that you're not interested in returning offensive or negative comments
  • Call out offensive behavior and refuse to engage in it
  • Use the phrase 'I have no interest' to assertively reject discussing certain topics or opinions
  • Silence can be a powerful move in conversations, as it often makes the other person reconsider their words
  • Acknowledge that someone may be right without fully admitting it, using humility
  • Choose the timing of difficult conversations wisely, avoiding immediate reactions when emotions are high
  • Schedule discussions for a later time to allow for better preparation and control over the conversation

Negotiation Strategies and Coping with Stress

58:36 - 1:05:45

  • Using the phrase 'What's the chance?' can be a powerful way to get discounts, upgrades, and collaborations
  • Asking for something playfully and enrolling someone in it often leads to unexpected positive outcomes
  • Acknowledging the struggles of others and creating a personal connection can help in negotiations or interactions
  • Managing panic attacks involves recognizing physical symptoms and checking in with oneself
  • Therapy has been helpful in coping with stress and anxiety
  • Having children has made the speaker more empathetic and understanding towards emotions

Teaching Kids Empathy and Being Present

1:05:15 - 1:12:31

  • Jefferson's son is extremely empathetic and can tell when his father is not having a good day
  • Jefferson's wife supports him in taking care of himself and pursuing his career
  • Three lessons Jefferson would teach his kids are to be authentic, embrace mistakes, and be kind to everyone
  • Jefferson is active on social media but it doesn't affect his family life
  • Acknowledgement of Jefferson's vulnerability and consistency in creating content
  • The importance of expressing emotions and seeking support
  • Three truths or lessons Jefferson would leave behind are to live in the present, treat others as you want to be treated, and not to dwell on the past

Embracing the Present Moment and Spreading Joy

1:12:03 - 1:14:31

  • Encouraging people to be in the present moment rather than constantly worrying about the future
  • Treat others how you want to be treated, following the golden rule
  • Showing kindness to others is always a good choice and it never loses its value
  • Greatness is being true to yourself and spreading joy to others