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Sales Coach

Turning insights into action w/ Julie Newhouse

Thu Jun 08 2023
sales coachingsales managementcoaching culturerole definitionsmeasuring coaching impact


The episode discusses the importance of coaching for sales success, the challenges faced by sales managers and leaders in coaching, and the need for clear role definitions in training and enablement. It emphasizes the value of building a coaching culture and provides insights on measuring the impact of coaching.


Coaching is crucial for sales success

Coaching is identified as the most mission critical piece for sales success. It helps transform one-on-one meetings into effective coaching sessions.

Challenges in coaching

Managers often struggle with coaching due to time constraints, difficulty having tough conversations, and lack of visibility and data on coaching calls.

Sales Coach Operating System

The Sales Coach Operating System (Sales Coach OS) is a system designed to help sales managers become effective coaches. It includes interventions such as regular coaching sessions, role-playing, and practice sessions in a safe environment.

Measuring the impact of coaching

The impact of coaching can be measured through tracking pipeline metrics, behavioral changes, manager behavior scorecards, and cultural impact on employee satisfaction and learning culture.

Coaching gap and role definitions

There is a coaching gap in larger conversations and lack of coaching for frontline managers and sales leaders. Clear role definitions are needed to differentiate coaching from training in organizations.


  1. Coaching for Sales Success
  2. Sales Coach Operating System
  3. Coaching Gap and Role Definitions

Coaching for Sales Success

00:03 - 07:34

  • Coaching is the most mission critical piece for sales success.
  • Managers often struggle with coaching due to time constraints and difficulty having tough conversations.
  • Frontline managers can transform one-on-one meetings into effective coaching sessions.
  • Lack of visibility and data on coaching calls hinders enablement professionals' ability to track program effectiveness.
  • To address time concerns, managers can ask reps to send two calls each week for review, focusing on one call that went well and one that could have been better.
  • In early to mid-stage startups, coaching may be lacking as frontline managers are often promoted without proper training in coaching skills.
  • Company size and leadership buy-in play a role in the strength of coaching culture.
  • Building a coaching culture requires commitment from sales managers and leaders.

Sales Coach Operating System

07:11 - 15:20

  • Sales managers and leaders often struggle with coaching in their organizations.
  • The Sales Coach Operating System (Sales Coach OS) is a system designed to help sales managers become effective coaches.
  • Coaching interventions can include regular coaching sessions, role-playing, and practice sessions in a safe environment.
  • Measuring the impact of coaching can be done by tracking pipeline metrics and behavioral changes.
  • Manager behavior can be tracked through scorecards and ensuring consistency in scoring calls.
  • Cultural impact of coaching can be measured through employee satisfaction and creating a culture of learning and growth.
  • Senior leadership often lacks coaching skills, which is a common gap in organizations.

Coaching Gap and Role Definitions

14:54 - 21:36

  • Coaching gap in larger conversations and lack of coaching for frontline managers and sales leaders.
  • Perfect organization with coaching at home includes executive coaches working with frontline managers and directors to develop leadership skills.
  • Value of having a dedicated sales coach on the enablement team to provide call coaching, support managers, and improve conversion rates.
  • Confusion between coaching and training in organizations.
  • Clear swim lanes needed to define roles and responsibilities in training and enablement.
  • Swell Enablement focuses on getting everyone on the same wavelength like ocean swell.
  • Surfing as a hobby that brings clarity and disconnects from work.