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The Game w/ Alex Hormozi

Unlocking the Secrets of Ethical Sales Persuasion (GymCon Day 3) - Pt. 1 | Ep 565

Tue Jul 18 2023
salessuccessobstaclestrustclosing techniquesdecision-makingaffordability objectionsrapportbelief


This episode covers various aspects of successful sales, focusing on building a strong social media presence, overcoming obstacles and objections, building belief and trust, effective closing techniques, decision-making frameworks, handling financial objections, and investing in success. The chapters provide valuable insights on how to approach sales with the intention of helping the person, not just making a sale, and emphasize the importance of building rapport and trust with prospects. The episode also explores strategies for overcoming affordability objections and highlights the significance of belief in achieving goals.


Belief and trust are crucial in successful sales

Building belief in the product and establishing trust with prospects are key factors in achieving success in sales.

Handling objections is an important skill

Seeking to understand when someone objects rather than arguing or trying to be right can lead to more successful sales outcomes.

Closing is a dance, not a fight

Closing a sale should be approached as a seductive dance rather than an aggressive fight.

Overcoming obstacles leads to empowered individuals

Helping prospects overcome obstacles and realize their power can lead to empowered individuals who are more likely to make a purchase.

Decision-making frameworks aid in sales

Using decision-making frameworks can help both prospects and sales professionals make informed decisions and become more powerful.

Value is key in overcoming affordability objections

Emphasizing the value of a product or service can help overcome affordability objections, as people will find a way to afford something they perceive as valuable.

Building rapport and trust is crucial in discussing finances

Establishing rapport and trust with prospects is essential for having open conversations about finances and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Belief in achieving goals is more important than price

Believing in the ability to achieve goals is more important than the price of a product or service when making a purchasing decision.

Investing in success is a wise choice

Investing in programs or services that can help improve oneself and achieve desired results is a worthwhile use of money.

Addressing hesitations can lead to a change in perspective

Asking thought-provoking questions about the value of alternative purchases can help individuals reconsider their hesitations and make a more informed decision.


  1. Building a Strong Social Media Presence
  2. Overcoming Obstacles and Handling Objections
  3. Belief, Trust, and Successful Sales
  4. Effective Closing Techniques and Decision-Making Frameworks
  5. Handling Obstacles and Overcoming Objections
  6. Overcoming Obstacles in Decision-Making
  7. Value, Finances, and Making Decisions
  8. Overcoming Financial Objections and Investing in Success
  9. Addressing Hesitations and Overcoming Obstacles

Building a Strong Social Media Presence

00:00 - 06:14

  • Layla and the speaker are working on their social media presence, particularly on LinkedIn.

Overcoming Obstacles and Handling Objections

05:50 - 11:56

  • Selling happens before you ask, closing happens after.
  • It's easier to handle obstacles than objections.
  • Expect and plan for no, it's not failure, it's expected.
  • If you didn't get a gasp from the price tag, they didn't go high enough.
  • Selling properly is the first step to coach your first impression and set expectations.
  • One conversation dictates how months of service are taken in.
  • Keep the prospect as the priority, it's not about you.
  • The person who cares the most about the prospect ultimately wins.
  • Be kind, not nice. Ask hard questions.
  • Seek to understand when someone objects, don't argue or be right.
  • The ultimate objective is for the prospect to want to buy
  • Closing is a dance, not a fight. It is seduction, not rape.
  • Selling is a transferance of belief over a bridge of trust.

Belief, Trust, and Successful Sales

11:37 - 17:10

  • Belief in the product is crucial for successful sales
  • Building trust with prospects is important
  • Approach sales with the intention of helping the person, not just making a sale
  • Belief and trust are continuums, not binaries
  • Record all sales for future reference and learning
  • Having hard conversations with your team makes it easier to have them with prospects
  • The person who cares the most about the prospect wins the deal
  • Reward activities rather than outcomes in sales
  • Power is the ability to direct or influence people, an important skill in sales
  • Selling happens throughout the entire process, not just at closing

Effective Closing Techniques and Decision-Making Frameworks

16:44 - 23:22

  • Knowing how to close is crucial for success in the fitness world.
  • Top five offenses in the red zone make the playoffs 90% of the time.
  • 10% of people will never buy, so focus on getting them to decide.
  • 10% of people will buy regardless, so don't waste too much effort on them.
  • 80% of people need help deciding, which is why training is important.
  • Helping prospects realize their power leads to empowered individuals who are more likely to buy.
  • Use decision-making frameworks to help prospects and become more powerful yourself.
  • Obstacles are things that block progress, while objections are disagreements with what someone says.

Handling Obstacles and Overcoming Objections

23:04 - 28:55

  • Obstacles happen before you present the offer, objections happen after
  • Destroy as many obstacles as possible before getting to the close
  • Learn how to handle objections in the close
  • The person must really want the goal and believe in the product, support, and effectiveness
  • Provide proof that it is more reasonable for them to believe than not believe
  • Expect initial objections because they need your help to make a decision
  • Three sources of power: circumstances, other people, self
  • Circumstances: I must get what I want when I want it or can't stand not getting it
  • Other people: They must treat me fairly or they are no good and deserve punishment
  • Self: I must do well or else I am no good
  • These causes of emotional disturbance also prevent people from buying
  • Obstacles manifest as time, value, fit, authority

Overcoming Obstacles in Decision-Making

28:33 - 34:09

  • Obstacles people face when making decisions: time, value, fit, authority, and self
  • Overcoming the time obstacle by emphasizing that being busy is the best time to start and that learning how to do it when it's hard will make it easier in the future
  • Addressing the micro obstacle of not having enough time by highlighting priorities and suggesting cutting out unproductive activities
  • Emphasizing that everyone has the same amount of time and pointing out successful individuals who have achieved their goals despite having limited time
  • Highlighting the importance of having the right tools and support to achieve success

Value, Finances, and Making Decisions

33:39 - 39:14

  • Cut the 90% of the ineffective activities to gain more time.
  • Success in staying in shape is possible with the right tools and approach.
  • Avoid the 'when then fallacy' where you delay taking action until certain conditions are met.
  • Value is key in overcoming affordability objections; if something is valuable enough, people will find a way to afford it.
  • Building rapport and trust with prospects is crucial for having open conversations about finances and finding solutions together.

Overcoming Financial Objections and Investing in Success

38:51 - 44:11

  • When someone says it's a lot of money, it means they care about the results.
  • If it's a lot of money for you, you'll try harder to get the results.
  • The price doesn't matter, it's about your belief in achieving the goal.
  • You shouldn't let a bad past experience prevent you from making the right decision now.
  • Having testimonials can help attack and overcome beliefs.
  • Money will be spent either way, so why not invest in something that will make you better?
  • You're buying the lessons from this program one way or another.
  • Consider whether you value time or money more when making a decision.
  • Money is meant to get you what you want, so why not invest in this program?

Addressing Hesitations and Overcoming Obstacles

43:55 - 44:11

  • The person is hesitant to spend money on something.
  • They have something else in mind that they want to spend the money on.
  • The speaker asks why that thing is more valuable than the current item.
  • The person realizes it's a good question and feels normal about it.