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Recruiting Trailblazers

Vanessa Raath: Leveraging AI to Become a Better Recruiter

Thu May 18 2023

Vanessa Raff's Online Training Academy and AI Course

00:05 - 06:18

  • Vanessa Raff has launched an online training academy and a course designed to teach AI to recruiters.
  • AI can help recruiters by taking away the mundane administrative part of their jobs.
  • Knowing how to use Chat GPT can increase a recruiter's chances of landing a job.
  • The person who embraces Chat GPT is more likely to get the role.

Embracing AI in Recruiting

05:54 - 12:01

  • Recruiting is all about speed, so embrace AI to be more efficient.
  • AI can't replace the relationship development piece of recruiting.
  • Leverage technology to take away tasks that keep you from building relationships.
  • Use AI-generated prompts as a starting point for outreach emails.
  • Put your own spin on AI-generated content and make it sound like a human wrote it.
  • Learning about AI is exciting and can be done by being curious and listening to podcasts.

Chat GPT and Other Tools for Recruiters

11:31 - 17:11

  • Chat GPT can be used for industry research, generating job descriptions, interview questions, screening questions, and more.
  • People GPT is a search engine for candidates produced by Juicebox.
  • Chat GPT is the mechanism behind OpenAI's machine where you can type in questions and get responses.
  • Different forms of GPT are popping up, but they're all based on predictive text generation.
  • Artistic tools like Donnie or Marjony generate unique images in any style.
  • OpenAI wants to keep the rights for the phrase 'GPT'.

Using Chat GPT-3 in Recruiting

16:42 - 22:27

  • Recruiters using AI and chat GPT may just spam more intelligently than before.
  • There will be a massive increase in outreach messages via emails or LinkedIn.
  • The recruiters who have built a trusted personal online brand will stand out from those who haven't.
  • Prompt engineering is becoming an important role as it determines the quality of responses generated by chat GPT.
  • Writing good prompts is crucial to getting good responses from chat GPT.
  • Recruiters should ask better quality questions during interviews to get the best out of candidates.
  • Specific and detailed scenarios lead to more detailed answers from chat GPT-3.
  • Chat GPT-3 can help recruiters with heavy lifting by breaking down role descriptions, generating better interview questions, and finding synonyms of keywords.
  • To understand a role description better, copy and paste it into chat GPT-3 and ask it to explain it like you're a 15-year-old.
  • Use chat GPT-3 to generate reasonable answers for interview questions based on the topic of who you are interviewing.
  • Find synonyms for job titles using chat GPT-3 to create an entire search string.

Recruiting Strategies and Tips

22:10 - 27:45

  • Understanding the principles of Boolean is necessary to see whether the Boolean is correct or not.
  • Different platforms have their own nuances, and it's important to learn which ones require X-ray searching and which ones are better for native search.
  • Sourcing training is becoming more important as recruiters need to know different nuances depending on where they report.
  • Doing your homework and getting to know your candidate well can help personalize outreach and get a better response from candidates.
  • Recruiters should think like marketers and feed people information in stages rather than sending one long email with too much information.
  • Sending a breakup email as the final email often gets a response from candidates who were previously unresponsive.
  • Chat GPT can be used to write personalized outreach messages one-to-one by copying someone's LinkedIn profile, but it cannot yet generate personal emails for multiple profiles at once.
  • Using CHET GPT to create a 150-word summary of a candidate is a great idea.
  • CHET GPT can also assess a candidate against a job spec and list the pros and cons.
  • New recruiters should cross-reference CHET GPT's output as it may not always be correct.
  • Synthizia puts together training videos for you by using an AR avatar.
  • Vvrdyo picks out important pieces from any video link and creates short snippets that can be shared on social media.
  • To get passive talent to respond, think like a marketer, personalize outreach, and put candidates into drip feed campaigns.
  • This year has been tough for recruiters due to layoffs and less business flying around. Recruiters should use this time to upskill themselves.

Vanessa Rafferty's Perspective on Recruiting

27:19 - 33:15

  • Vanessa Rafferty encourages people to use their time to upskill themselves.
  • Recruiters have reached out to Vanessa for training during this time.
  • Vanessa believes that recruitment is something that gets in your blood and will bring you back eventually.
  • Things are stabilizing a little bit more, and the US has been more affected than other parts of the world.
  • South Africa has also been affected by layoffs from global companies like Amazon and UK-based companies.
  • Vanessa is optimistic about things picking up in the future.
  • Vanessa's new AI course is available on her website or LinkedIn profile.


00:05 - 35:13

  • Vanessa Raff has launched an online training academy and a course designed to teach AI to recruiters.
  • AI can help recruiters by taking away the mundane administrative part of their jobs.
  • Knowing how to use Chat GPT can increase a recruiter's chances of landing a job.
  • The person who embraces Chat GPT is more likely to get the role.
  • Recruiting is all about speed, so embrace AI to be more efficient.
  • AI can't replace the relationship development piece of recruiting.
  • Leverage technology to take away tasks that keep you from building relationships.
  • Use AI-generated prompts as a starting point for outreach emails.
  • Put your own spin on AI-generated content and make it sound like a human wrote it.
  • Learning about AI is exciting and can be done by being curious and listening to podcasts.
  • Chat GPT can be used for industry research, generating job descriptions, interview questions, screening questions, and more.
  • People GPT is a search engine for candidates produced by Juicebox.
  • Chat GPT is the mechanism behind OpenAI's machine where you can type in questions and get responses.
  • Different forms of GPT are popping up, but they're all based on predictive text generation.
  • Artistic tools like Donnie or Marjony generate unique images in any style.
  • OpenAI wants to keep the rights for the phrase 'GPT'.
  • Recruiters using AI and chat GPT may just spam more intelligently than before.
  • There will be a massive increase in outreach messages via emails or LinkedIn.
  • The recruiters who have built a trusted personal online brand will stand out from those who haven't.
  • Prompt engineering is becoming an important role as it determines the quality of responses generated by chat GPT.
  • Writing good prompts is crucial to getting good responses from chat GPT.
  • Recruiters should ask better quality questions during interviews to get the best out of candidates.
  • Specific and detailed scenarios lead to more detailed answers from chat GPT-3.
  • Chat GPT-3 can help recruiters with heavy lifting by breaking down role descriptions, generating better interview questions, and finding synonyms of keywords.
  • To understand a role description better, copy and paste it into chat GPT-3 and ask it to explain it like you're a 15-year-old.
  • Use chat GPT-3 to generate reasonable answers for interview questions based on the topic of who you are interviewing.
  • Find synonyms for job titles using chat GPT-3 to create an entire search string.
  • Understanding the principles of Boolean is necessary to see whether the Boolean is correct or not.
  • Different platforms have their own nuances, and it's important to learn which ones require X-ray searching and which ones are better for native search.
  • Sourcing training is becoming more important as recruiters need to know different nuances depending on where they report.
  • Doing your homework and getting to know your candidate well can help personalize outreach and get a better response from candidates.
  • Recruiters should think like marketers and feed people information in stages rather than sending one long email with too much information.
  • Sending a breakup email as the final email often gets a response from candidates who were previously unresponsive.
  • Chat GPT can be used to write personalized outreach messages one-to-one by copying someone's LinkedIn profile, but it cannot yet generate personal emails for multiple profiles at once.
  • Using CHET GPT to create a 150-word summary of a candidate is a great idea.
  • CHET GPT can also assess a candidate against a job spec and list the pros and cons.
  • New recruiters should cross-reference CHET GPT's output as it may not always be correct.
  • Synthizia puts together training videos for you by using an AR avatar.
  • Vvrdyo picks out important pieces from any video link and creates short snippets that can be shared on social media.
  • To get passive talent to respond, think like a marketer, personalize outreach, and put candidates into drip feed campaigns.
  • This year has been tough for recruiters due to layoffs and less business flying around. Recruiters should use this time to upskill themselves.
  • Vanessa Rafferty encourages people to use their time to upskill themselves.
  • Recruiters have reached out to Vanessa for training during this time.
  • Vanessa believes that recruitment is something that gets in your blood and will bring you back eventually.
  • Things are stabilizing a little bit more, and the US has been more affected than other parts of the world.
  • South Africa has also been affected by layoffs from global companies like Amazon and UK-based companies.
  • Vanessa is optimistic about things picking up in the future.
  • Vanessa's new AI course is available on her website or LinkedIn profile.