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What You Will Learn

What To Do When It's Your Turn

Thu May 18 2023
self-improvementpersonal developmentsuccesstaking actionembracing freedomgenerating ideaspursuing dreamsovercoming feartaking risks


This podcast episode discusses the book 'What to Do When It's Your Turn' by Seth Godin. The book emphasizes the importance of taking action, embracing freedom, generating ideas, and pursuing dreams. It encourages listeners to be proactive, embrace tension and uncertainty, and take risks. The episode also highlights the need to overcome fear, claim responsibility for choices, and seize opportunities. It emphasizes that the right time to take action is always now.


Taking action is essential for growth and success

The book emphasizes that it is always your turn to take action and make a difference in your life. Waiting for someone else or waiting for change to happen will not lead to growth or progress.

Embracing failure and uncertainty leads to success

Successful people are willing to live with the possibility of failure and embrace tension and uncertainty. Failing more often can actually lead to success because it means actively participating and learning from failures.

Generating ideas requires embracing bad ideas

Successful and creative people generate a large volume of ideas, many of which are bad. However, having a lot of bad ideas is necessary in order to find good ideas.

Taking risks is necessary for success

Embracing freedom and taking risks is necessary for success, even though it can be frightening and uncomfortable. It's important to claim responsibility for choices and not make excuses.

The right time to take action is always now

There will never be a perfect moment to take a risk or pursue your dreams. The right time is always now, regardless of unfavorable circumstances.


  1. Taking Action and Embracing Freedom
  2. Generating Ideas and Taking Risks
  3. Overcoming Fear and Pursuing Dreams

Taking Action and Embracing Freedom

00:00 - 12:11

  • The book emphasizes that it is always your turn to take action, ship, speak up, stand out, build a following, market a product, solve problems, create, ask questions, launch products, organize protests, and more.
  • Instead of waiting for someone else to pick us or waiting for change to happen to us, the podcast encourages listeners to be proactive in making change for the better and connecting with others.
  • Moving forward with generosity and learning to let go can help us navigate tension and continue moving forward even when things are not always okay.
  • Not everything has to be okay all the time; embrace tension and uncertainty.
  • The fear of looking stupid should not hold you back; being stupid is necessary for learning and growth.
  • Safe dreams that have no hope of coming true are easy, but concrete dreams require courage and action.

Generating Ideas and Taking Risks

11:42 - 22:48

  • Seth Godin criticizes the common question of where successful people get their good ideas from, suggesting that the more important question is where they get their bad ideas from.
  • Successful and creative people generate a large volume of ideas, many of which are bad, but some of which turn out to be good.
  • In order to find good ideas, one must first have a lot of bad ones.
  • Once you have a good idea, you need to take action and put it into the real world to see what happens.
  • Failing more often can lead to success because it means you are actively participating and learning from your failures.
  • Embracing freedom and taking risks is necessary for success, even though it can be frightening and uncomfortable.
  • Claiming responsibility for your choices is important; making excuses and saying you had no choice is not productive.
  • The right time to take action and seize opportunities is always now.

Overcoming Fear and Pursuing Dreams

17:02 - 25:54

  • When's the right time? It's never the right time to take a risk and pursue your dreams.
  • People often wait for the perfect moment, but there will always be something else that comes up.
  • Examples of successful people who took risks despite unfavorable circumstances include Gutenberg and Carl Benz.
  • There is a difference between being ready and being prepared. You may not feel ready, but you can still be prepared.
  • It's easy to kill someone's thirst for success by focusing on their grades, correcting grammar, or discouraging inquiries.
  • Everyone has the capability to be thirsty for success and take their turn in life.
  • In today's digital age, everyone has a metaphorical microphone to speak up and make their voice heard.
  • If you've got a new product or you need a big retailer to pick your product and put it on their shelves, now everybody's got a microphone and can pick themselves.
  • The internet has given anyone with something to say the ability and freedom to say it, but many are unwilling to take responsibility, risk, or face failure.
  • We are like birds in search of a cage, choosing safety over opportunities.
  • Instead of seeking certainty by letting others pick us, we should try something new and give gifts while walking towards freedom.