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The Ezra Klein Show

What Tom Hanks Thinks of America

Fri Jul 14 2023
Tom Hankssinceritysuperhero moviesAmerica's divisionsgroundedness


The episode features Tom Hanks discussing his new book, the making of a superhero movie, America's divisions, sincerity in mass culture, and maintaining groundedness. Hanks explores the power of sincerity in American culture and his fascination with typewriters. The new book delves into the making of a superhero movie and the use of special effects. The guest reflects on personal experiences from their youth and the contrast between communism and life in America. The speaker discusses America's divisions, forgotten history, and the tension between appealing to politics and culture. Hanks also explores the boundaries of mass interest in sincerity through his roles as Mr. Rogers and other figures. The episode concludes with insights on moments of impact and gratitude, as well as Hanks' recommendations for books.


The Power of Sincerity

Tom Hanks is seen as an interpreter of America and understands the power of sincerity in American culture. There is a constant push and pull between elite intellectual culture, which is more cynical, and mass culture, which is more sincere.

The Making of Nightshade

The new book explores the making of a superhero movie based on a comic book character named Eve Knight who becomes Nightshade. It delves into the use of special effects in these films and the never-ending appetite for exploring the psychological drama of superheroes.

America's Divisions and Forgotten History

The speaker discusses the differences and divisions in America, particularly in education. Vietnam marked a turning point in American history, highlighting the tension between appealing to American politics and culture.

Sincerity and Groundedness

Tom Hanks has explored the boundaries of mass interest in sincerity through his roles as Mr. Rogers and other figures that inspire unity. Maintaining groundedness requires work and a sense of value.

Moments of Impact and Gratitude

Meeting people who have influenced you can be overwhelming, and helping someone who looks up to you involves understanding and empathy. Shared moments with strangers can have a lasting impact.


  1. Tom Hanks and the Power of Sincerity
  2. The Making of Nightshade, the Lad of Firefall
  3. The Fascination with Superheroes and Conspiracy Theories
  4. America's Divisions and Forgotten History
  5. Tom Hanks, Sincerity, and Groundedness
  6. Moments of Impact and Gratitude
  7. Tom Hanks' Recommendations

Tom Hanks and the Power of Sincerity

00:04 - 07:30

  • Tom Hanks has a new book out called The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece, which follows up his short story collection, Uncommon Type.
  • Hanks is seen as an interpreter of America and understands the power of sincerity in American culture.
  • There is a constant push and pull between elite intellectual culture, which is more cynical, and mass culture, which is more sincere.
  • Hanks has played the role of the movie star everybody can agree on for a long time without understanding something deep about the American psyche.
  • Hanks talks about his fascination with typewriters and how they represent permanence to him.
  • He owns many typewriters and types every single day, sending letters that are never thrown away.
  • Typewritten letters have a romantic and permanent quality that he finds appealing.
  • Despite being a Hunt and Peck typer himself, Hanks believes it's not about speed but rather the thoroughness with which one types.

The Making of Nightshade, the Lad of Firefall

07:04 - 13:34

  • The new book is about a movie called 'Nightshade, the Lad of Firefall' which is based on a comic book character named Eve Knight who becomes Nightshade.
  • The book explores the making of a superhero movie and the use of special effects in these films.
  • The original inspiring comic represents 1950s and 1960s Americana, but later comics critique this kind of Americana.
  • Advancements in computer graphics have allowed for the creation of realistic comic book movies.
  • There is a never-ending appetite for exploring the psychological drama of superheroes with superpowers.
  • Modern comics and movies often critique consensus and explore more complex storylines.
  • Cynicism has become a default position in cultural exchange, leading to a focus on questioning motives and hidden agendas.
  • Superhero movies often involve battles between conflicting emotions and motivations, rather than simply good versus evil.
  • There are two types of cynicism: righteous cynicism that questions motives, and knee-jerk cynicism that seeks out conspiracies.

The Fascination with Superheroes and Conspiracy Theories

13:29 - 20:22

  • The podcast discusses the fascination with conspiracy theories and the portrayal of conflicted superheroes in movies.
  • The host compliments the guest for his sentimentality and sincerity in his work.
  • The guest agrees that his work reflects a sense of faith, hope, and positivity.
  • The guest shares personal experiences from his youth, highlighting encounters with both malevolent and fair individuals.
  • Despite living in confusion, the guest found support from friends and semi-adoptive parents.
  • World War II and the space program were significant themes during the guest's childhood.
  • The winning of World War II and landing on the moon were shared experiences that brought people together.
  • The guest reflects on the contrast between communism in the Soviet Union and life in America.
  • Awareness of being lied to by authorities emerged at an early age for the guest.
  • Despite tumultuous times, the guest encountered honest and forgiving individuals who were willing to discuss differences.

America's Divisions and Forgotten History

27:00 - 34:18

  • The speaker discusses the differences and divisions in America, particularly in education.
  • America's idea of itself cohered during World War II, but began to fall apart during Vietnam.
  • The stories America tells about itself and the way Americans respond to them have changed over time.
  • The speaker believes that America has forgotten its history and no longer studies it.
  • Despite its imperfections, the United States is governed by the concept of creating a more perfect union.
  • A scene from John Steinbeck's 'Travels with Charley' highlights the divide between black and white America in the late 1950s/early 1960s.
  • Vietnam was not a great war for the United States, but it marked a turning point in American history.
  • There is a tension between appealing to American politics and appealing to American culture.
  • There is a tension between appealing to the story of the improving America and living in the story of America's fractures and shortcomings.
  • Both the left and the right have their versions of this tension.

Tom Hanks, Sincerity, and Groundedness

34:14 - 41:23

  • Tom Hanks has explored the boundaries of mass interest in sincerity through his roles as Mr. Rogers and other figures that inspire unity.
  • Fred Rogers was an ordained minister who wanted his church to be children's television.
  • He never used religious language in his broadcasts but focused on addressing children's fears and understanding.
  • Tom Hanks plays characters who face intense pressure but do not show it, highlighting their will-breaking experiences.
  • In portraying real people, Tom Hanks aims to capture their behavior, motivations, and procedures while maintaining an encompassing truth about why they do what they do.
  • Maintaining groundedness requires work and a sense of value, as seen in Fred Rogers' practices.
  • Maintaining groundedness requires work and a sense of value.
  • We all want to be compassionate, enlightened, and experience joy.
  • Enlightenment and compassion come from overcoming challenges.
  • Being authentic with others requires effort.

Moments of Impact and Gratitude

40:57 - 47:54

  • Meeting people who have influenced you can be overwhelming.
  • Helping someone who looks up to you involves understanding and empathy.
  • Shared moments with strangers can have a lasting impact.
  • When someone shares their experience with you, they are seeking understanding and validation.
  • When someone invests a moment in time with me, I acknowledge their impact and express gratitude.

Tom Hanks' Recommendations

47:26 - 50:54

  • Tom Hanks has a vast amount of time off where he does nothing.
  • His work as an actor is extremely focused and finite.
  • He always has ongoing ideas clouding his mind.
  • Three books he recommends are 'Baredtown' by Frederick Bachmann, 'The Swerve' by Stephen Greenblatt, and 'Trust' by Hernandez.