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The Liz Wheeler Show

“Whatever Podcast” Debates CONTROVERSIAL Topic, Should Women Be Charged With Murder for Abortion?

Sun Jul 16 2023
abortioncriminal penaltieshuman lifeearly church fathersmorality


The episode discusses the debate on whether women should face criminal penalties for abortion and explores the perspective that abortion is equivalent to ending the life of a human being at any stage of development. The arguments presented include the belief that abortionists should be tried with a crime, but not the woman, and the historical view of early church fathers on abortion as murder. The episode also raises questions about women's duty to protect human life and the potential societal impact of imprisoning women for aborting their child.


Abortionists should be held responsible

One viewpoint presented in the episode is that abortionists and those assisting in abortions should be tried with a crime, but not the woman.

Women as victims of narrative

The episode highlights the argument that women have been told for years that abortion is not murder, yet they are still considered victims of the abortion industry's narrative.

Moral responsibility of women

A participant argues that if abortion is considered murder, then women who get abortions should be held morally responsible for killing another human being.

Historical perspective on abortion

The episode references the views of early church fathers who considered women inducing abortions as murderers and believed that the fetus was a living being.

Questioning women's duty to protect human life

The host raises the question of whether women should be discharged from their duty to protect human life when they actively kill another human being through abortion.

Societal impact of imprisoning women for abortion

The host argues that imprisoning women for aborting their child would increase societal order and potentially prevent other women from doing it.

Abortion as ending a human life

The episode explores the perspective that abortion should be considered the same as ending the life of a toddler, ten-year-old, teenager, or husband, emphasizing that a human life is a human life regardless of stage of development or location.

Challenges to holding this view on abortion

The episode acknowledges that the left may try to come after those who hold the view that abortion is equivalent to ending a human life.

Defining morality based on early church fathers

It is emphasized in the episode that it is important to stand by principles and define morality based on the teachings of the early church fathers when discussing abortion.

Controversial opinion and feminist response

The episode notes that the opinion presented regarding abortion as ending a human life may be controversial and suggests it would be interesting to hear a feminist's response.


  1. Debate on Criminal Penalties for Abortion
  2. Abortion as Ending a Human Life

Debate on Criminal Penalties for Abortion

00:00 - 06:38

  • Students for Life Action believes abortionists and those assisting in abortions should be tried with a crime, but not the woman
  • The argument is that women have been told for years that abortion is not murder, but they are still victims of the abortion industry's narrative
  • One participant argues that if abortion is murder, then women who get abortions should be held morally responsible
  • Early church fathers viewed women who induced abortions as murderers and believed the fetus was a living being
  • The host questions whether women should be discharged from their duty to protect human life when they actively kill another human being
  • The host argues that imprisoning women for aborting their child would increase societal order and prevent other women from doing it

Abortion as Ending a Human Life

06:12 - 07:40

  • Abortion should be considered the same as ending the life of a toddler, ten-year-old, teenager, or husband
  • A human life is a human life regardless of stage of development or location
  • Mitigating factors may change the circumstances, but if a woman knowingly murders her child, she is responsible for killing another human being
  • The left will try to come after those who hold this view on abortion
  • It is important to stand by our principles and define morality based on the teachings of the early church fathers
  • This opinion may be controversial and it would be interesting to hear a feminist's response