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When to Jump into AI

Wed Jun 28 2023
Artificial IntelligenceAI StartupsEthics


The episode covers various aspects of AI, including its impact on jobs, the ease of entry into the field, and the challenges and applications in different industries. It also discusses the role of AI startups and the ethical concerns surrounding AI technologies.


AI has a low barrier to entry

Using AI currently requires minimal programming skills and can be done by asking questions in plain English.

The future impact of AI on jobs is uncertain

While some niches may be impacted early on, it's unlikely that jobs that haven't been outsourced will be stolen by AI immediately.

AI can automate corporate business speak

Injecting AI into business writing can remove the long and boring nature of it, but it may produce overly verbose language.

AI startups often rely on APIs

Many AI startups use existing APIs instead of developing their own technologies.

Confidential data in OpenAI may not be secure

There are concerns about the security and privacy of confidential data put into OpenAI.


  1. Introduction
  2. AI Applications and Challenges
  3. AI Startups and Ethics


00:00 - 06:31

  • AI is a fascinating and interesting field, but there's no need to worry about falling behind.
  • Chat GPT is an impressive tool that can be used without extensive knowledge or skills.
  • The rate of change in AI is high, but it also means that catching up is relatively easy.
  • Using AI well currently requires minimal programming skills and involves asking questions in plain English.
  • The low barrier to entry for using AI has led to hype and FOMO (fear of missing out).
  • The future impact of AI on the economy and jobs is uncertain.
  • Some niches, like stock photography, may be impacted early on by AI.
  • It's unlikely that jobs that haven't been outsourced will be stolen by AI immediately.
  • Current tools like Chat GPT feel more like code generators than fully understanding and adaptable systems.

AI Applications and Challenges

06:20 - 13:11

  • AI in legal is not the same as AI in stock photography.
  • Chat GTP produced false information in a legal brief.
  • The rapid disruption caused by AI is exciting and fun.
  • Companies are taking AI too seriously and not embracing the fun aspect.
  • Implementing AI to summarize or pre-write things is boring and not necessarily useful.
  • Experimentation with AI response writing is happening, but there's no rush to add it to products.
  • The final form factor of AI is uncertain, it could be spoken or integrated into products like AR goggles.
  • Business writing tends to be long and boring, injecting AI can remove that but may produce overly verbose language.
  • Stack Overflow banned chat GTP answers due to their verbose nature.
  • There's magic in automating corporate business speak, but it remains to be seen where the chips will fall.
  • Looking forward to seeing actual useful applications of AI after the FOMO phase ends.

AI Startups and Ethics

12:49 - 16:18

  • AI startups often just use APIs and don't actually do much themselves.
  • Confidential data put into OpenAI may not be secure or private.
  • OpenAI started as a non-profit but now has billions of investment dollars.
  • Most tech investment dollars have gone into AI in the last six months.
  • Ethics and morals can bend when companies feel financial pressure.