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High-Performance Digital Marketing Podcast

Why Digital PR is the FUTURE of Search

Mon Jun 26 2023
AI in Search ResultsDigital PR StrategiesMaximizing Visibility and CredibilityIncreased Visibility and Credibility StrategiesEmbracing AI-Generated Search


The episode discusses the impact of AI in search results, digital PR strategies for increased visibility, maximizing opportunities for visibility and credibility, strategies for increased visibility and credibility (continued), and embracing AI-generated search for digital marketing success.


AI in Search Results Changes SEO Forever

The introduction of AI in search results is an evolution, not a revolution. Digital PR will see a resurgence and prioritization with the implementation of AI in search results.

Digital PR Strategies for Success

Publishing original studies and statistics, newsjacking, coining terms, link insertion, and brand blast are effective digital PR strategies. Infographics and tangentially relevant content can also attract traffic and generate brand awareness.

Maximizing Visibility and Credibility

Identifying opportunities to push your story to journalists or writers, posting about trending topics, and becoming an authority in the industry through coined terms can increase visibility and credibility.

Strategies for Increased Visibility and Credibility

Getting backlinks and mentions for coined terms, leveraging link insertion on high-ranking websites, and participating in 'best of' articles can reverse the buyer journey and generate consideration-phase customers.

Embracing AI-Generated Search

AI-generated search presents new opportunities for digital marketing success. Reverse engineering search rankings, leveraging positive press and comments, and focusing on getting more traffic and revenue through digital PR are key strategies.


  1. The Impact of AI in Search Results
  2. Digital PR Strategies for Increased Visibility
  3. Maximizing Opportunities for Visibility and Credibility
  4. Strategies for Increased Visibility and Credibility (Continued)
  5. Embracing AI-Generated Search for Digital Marketing Success

The Impact of AI in Search Results

00:00 - 07:32

  • Google and Microsoft bringing AI into the search results will change SEO forever.
  • The introduction of AI in search results is an evolution, not a revolution.
  • Digital PR will see a resurgence and prioritization with the implementation of AI in search results.
  • The Exposure Ninja Digital Marketing Podcast discusses digital PR strategies to prepare for Google's generative AI results.
  • Check out the Exposure Ninja YouTube channel for videos on AI-focused search results and Google Analytics 4.
  • Google's generative AI response takes up a significant amount of space at the top of search results, making it harder for websites to rank prominently.
  • Becoming one of the corroborating websites linked at the top of the page can help maintain visibility despite the changes in search results.
  • Different digital PR strategies include publishing original studies and statistics, newsjacking, coining a term, link insertion, and brand blast.
  • Original studies and statistics can be based on existing data or repackaged existing data to gain links from big publications and potentially be featured as corroborating articles in generative AI responses.
  • These strategies are useful even before SG is rolled out globally.

Digital PR Strategies for Increased Visibility

07:04 - 13:58

  • Having data published on your website can provide a broad surface area of possible use cases for search engine queries.
  • Infographics are still popular in 2023 and can be used to share new or existing information in a creative way.
  • Creating content that is tangentially relevant to your specific area can attract traffic and generate brand awareness.
  • Newsjacking is a digital PR strategy where brands jump on trending topics to gain exposure.
  • Brands can participate in newsjacking by offering expert opinions, sharing memes, or speaking about recent events.
  • Piggybacking on trending topics can get your brand featured in various publications and increase coverage.
  • Identifying connections between your business and news stories allows you to reach out to journalists with expert opinions or first-hand experiences.

Maximizing Opportunities for Visibility and Credibility

13:38 - 20:10

  • Identify opportunities to push your story to journalists or writers of publications
  • Drybar missed the opportunity to post on social media about their Taylor Swift haircuts
  • Posting about Taylor Swift hairstyles could help rank in search engine results
  • Producing a guide to Taylor Swift hair could generate website traffic and credibility
  • The SGE filter allows users to filter search results by first-hand perspectives
  • Drybar could have encouraged customers to post TikToks or videos about their Taylor Swift haircuts
  • Keeping up with Google's new features is important for businesses
  • Coining your own term can help establish your brand as an authority in the industry
  • Building content around the coined term and reaching out to relevant publications is key
  • Ranking for the coined term can lead to increased visibility and credibility
  • Squatting on a brand's term can generate traffic and revenue if it becomes popular
  • If your site is seen as an originator of content, it is more likely to be included in search results

Strategies for Increased Visibility and Credibility (Continued)

19:49 - 26:30

  • Coining terms and being credited for them can increase visibility and credibility
  • Getting backlinks and mentions for a coined term can be beneficial even without actual hyperlinks
  • Link insertion involves getting featured on websites that already rank well for relevant terms
  • Being featured in 'best of' articles can reverse the buyer journey and attract consideration-phase customers
  • Brand blast refers to a simultaneous digital PR campaign where all content is published on the same day
  • Brand blast can create widespread awareness and supply new information to Google's knowledge graph

Embracing AI-Generated Search for Digital Marketing Success

26:08 - 27:57

  • Positive press and comments can create excitement that Google can use in their search results.
  • AI-generated search is not something to be afraid of, but rather a new set of games to play in digital marketing.
  • Reverse engineering how to get featured and manipulate search rankings is key to taking advantage of AI-generated search.
  • Digital PR in an AI world is about getting more traffic and revenue.
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