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High-Performance Digital Marketing Podcast

You've 18 Days To Prepare for Google Analytics 4

Wed Jun 14 2023
Google Analytics 4GA4TwitterRedditAd platform diversityConsumer needsGoogle PerspectivesAuthoritative answers


The episode covers topics such as the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), updates on Twitter and Reddit, the importance of ad platform diversity and understanding consumer needs, and insights from Google Perspectives on authoritative answers.


GA4 Transition and Exposure Ninja's Support

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is being pushed by Google, but public sentiment has been negative. However, once users understand GA4, it offers powerful capabilities. Exposure Ninja is releasing resources to help marketers understand and use GA4 effectively.

Twitter's Declining Ad Revenue and Reddit's Turbulent Time

Twitter's ad revenue is declining, making it a good time for cheap Twitter ads. The new CEO is focused on advertisers and pushing into longer form video. Reddit is going through changes to its API and charging fees for third-party apps, impacting advertisers relying on Reddit campaigns.

Ad Platform Diversity and Consumer Needs

Businesses should diversify their ad platforms due to changes in Google, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter. Reddit is becoming a primary battleground for searches. Consumers are vocal about their needs, and businesses need to connect with their target audience.

Google Perspectives and Authoritative Answers

Google Perspectives provides different viewpoints and opinions on topics or products. It helps users identify authoritative answers based on upvotes or views. Perspectives includes videos from YouTube, threads from Reddit, and questions from Quora.

Insights from Google Perspectives

Perspectives allows users to identify authoritative answers quickly. It includes YouTube videos, TikToks, Quora answers, and Reddit threads. Unexpectedly, publisher sites and company websites are also showing up. Businesses should focus on video marketing and being featured in influencer content.


  1. Google Analytics 4 and GA4
  2. Twitter and Reddit Updates
  3. Ad Platform Diversity and Consumer Needs
  4. Google Perspectives and Authoritative Answers
  5. Insights from Google Perspectives

Google Analytics 4 and GA4

00:00 - 06:47

  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is being pushed by Google and the changeover will happen on July 1st.
  • Public sentiment towards GA4 has been negative due to its design and learning curve.
  • However, once users understand how GA4 works, it offers powerful capabilities and a lot of data.
  • Exposure Ninja is releasing a video and webinar to help marketers understand and use GA4 effectively.
  • The focus will be on answering top marketing questions like traffic sources, conversion rates, and website performance.
  • Exposure Ninja is also developing Onelitix, a software that will analyze GA4 data and provide prioritized fixes for website performance issues.
  • Onelitix will compare a website's performance against others in the industry to provide benchmarks.
  • The pre-release list for Onelitix can be signed up at

Twitter and Reddit Updates

06:24 - 13:03

  • Twitter's ad revenue is continuing to decline under Elon Musk
  • This may be a good time to start getting cheap Twitter ads due to less competition
  • Twitter's new CEO, Linda, has a track record in building ad platforms and is focused on advertisers
  • Twitter is pushing into longer form video and improving its ad products
  • Reddit is going through a turbulent time with changes to its API and charging fees for third-party apps
  • Many subreddits have gone private in protest, potentially impacting advertisers relying on Reddit campaigns

Ad Platform Diversity and Consumer Needs

12:40 - 19:59

  • The importance of ad platform diversity and organic visibility diversity
  • Google, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter have all seen big changes this year
  • Businesses may shift marketing energy to Reddit, Quora, TikTok, and YouTube
  • Reddit is becoming a primary battleground for searches and search marketers
  • Consumers are becoming more vocal about what they want from businesses
  • Twitch had to backtrack on sponsorship changes due to consumer backlash
  • Businesses need to connect with their target audience and understand their needs
  • There is a sense of ownership among Reddit users and moderators
  • Companies need to be aware of the anger and willingness to protest in society
  • Marketers should consider perspectives of other user groups to avoid falling foul of cancellations

Google Perspectives and Authoritative Answers

19:36 - 26:42

  • Google Perspectives is a new feature that hasn't received much attention yet.
  • Perspectives aims to provide different viewpoints and opinions on specific topics or products.
  • It allows users to see individual perspectives and the authority of those perspectives based on upvotes or views.
  • Perspectives is available as a filter in Google search results, alongside web, images, video, etc.
  • The initial rollout of Perspectives placed it at the end of the tab list, but it has since become the primary tab for some users.
  • Perspectives suggests changes to search queries to help narrow down results and find more relevant answers.
  • Results from Perspectives include videos from YouTube, threads from Reddit, and questions and answers from Quora.
  • The number of comments or views displayed with each result helps users identify authoritative answers quickly.

Insights from Google Perspectives

26:13 - 32:20

  • Perspectives allows users to quickly identify authoritative answers based on view count or comment count
  • Perspectives includes YouTube videos, TikToks, Quora answers, and Reddit threads
  • Unexpectedly, publisher sites and company websites with informational guides are also showing up in Perspectives
  • Implications for businesses include the importance of video marketing and being featured in influencer content
  • Businesses may target Reddit threads ranking for relevant terms with ads and product placements
  • Google's AI component in Perspectives is a significant development that deserves more attention
  • The hosts express excitement about the potential for marketers in Perspectives